MINUTES - Council - 19460603,~--~M~,~..-~~~"'''"'""'~"'=>-.;.;~·~,,:.;,~~-"'-~--~.: •:\•> ': -~---~'.. .. .-.-•• ,...,.,.;,~~~~~""'=~-""'""~--'_,_:~~·2 . .::.___~~:-~ _,..:__.:_,___· --'----·--•·--·•~: ... ~~---,:; _______ .. ____ _; ___ ~--' ~-'-------., I I . ',"-_ ~th.. )[eeti:ng JtJN:lil 3rd· 1946 The NINT£i meaui:ng of the ·Counc:i~ was he~d in the Counc:ll Gha.llibers on Monday Evening, June 3rd •. at 8 Qtc:~ook, with Mayor R.Linton in the Ohair and the i'o~lowing Members present;-.Reeve C .E.~:pa.rks, Dep-Reeve A..A.aook,. Counc:i~lors S.G .Patrick, Dr eRose, Vl oA.West, A..N.Fisher, and · nwood Da:vr.ls. -.. ·--· · · The minutes of the seventh and eigll.th meetings were a.pproved as rea.d. SP.ARKS,.PATRICK. Tha.t the following a.ocounts be paid, that the Mayor issue .. orders .on the Treasurer for the same and that the seal of the Oorporation be a:tta.ohed here-to • · G:ORPORAriON. Bell Te~ephone Oo • Phone #5o $ 4.50, l3fi 3;.02 305 2.50~ 314 2.05, 361. 7el2( 500 50.20, J.W .Bo~er & Son Hack saw blades &c. 2..60, SJ?raYY & Son Reps. 4;.00"' Fry~Fyter H()ae &a. 465.20, Duatbane Products Ltd. Wipers l~.so, Factory Equipment Reps. 2.7o, A.Bell Gaa.&o •.. · . 18;44, J..Bak . Toola aMrpened 4.oo, Hamilton Uniform Cap Co. Cap &a. 15.;10, Stiver .Bros. ~el(T.Hall) 24.;a5, Ivan Danieb Oil . U •sa, Q;.W.Mac:k Stamp e46 Dinty Moore Gas .&c. ll.73~ sundr,t Frt.~.stampa 11.79, O.N;.R. Fl.aaher Maintenance 26.78'- Vlor:kmena. Compensation lst•:pay,ment 46.56, Poa"tnlaster · Stamps . 14~00" P.M.T.h.ompson .1\mbul.ance &c. 6.oo, J •Goul.di:ng uae of car 5 aoo, :B.G.Vl.!tUelaw-·· SuppJ.ies 3.26, Dept.af Hee:lth Insulin , ~33, F.Dn:nham Trips &a. 4•oo\ Street. Lighting .&l;lril 3:1.7 .~, • May 317.12, Higlll~imds Gol.f Club Cutting gral;is 20.00 · Banner Press Printing &':• 20.o2~Carried. FISHER~SPARKS. · That the a.ction of the Mayor in issuJ.:ng orders on tlie i'reasurer for the payment of the following sums: be• and the same is. hereby confirmed,, and that the seal. of the Corporation be aittaohed thereto. May 4 J oBak Corp. 3th2o, w.summers It 35~20, J •. Peters '' 30 .;so, M.Robinson '' JLBoOO, J .:Bak . It 26 .40' w.summers • 26~40, J .Peters • 22~oo, M.Robinson • ls•oo, J .:Bak • 31.20, w.summers '' · 31~20, J .Patera : 25•oo, M.Robinson lB.oo, u 18 /"-- ! 25 31. 9th MEETING JUNE -~<1:.-~ .~946 .. l'AG:E. -2: J..Baok . w.summers J~Petera llil,Ro'binson .J..Ba.k W!SUlllllJlera Corp. II ~ • It It J.Peters u 23•00" :a:s.;oo, 22.;oo" ~a.oo, ato.so, 2.'1.;60...., 22•50, M~bi:nson ! WES.T,PAT.RICK. Thai. the fo~~ow1ng a:c:counts be paid, ordera. oo . the 'l'reaallller for the same, Md that the ation be attached herete ~a.oo, Carried. that the Mayor ~ssue seal of the Corpor- RELIEF. Medica~ Assn. 4• x .a6 2 .:a4 Mrs.Traviss Estate Rent 7.50, Tee&Ql.es Market Food ~2.80..._ General Store .. "' ~3.40..._Carried. aooK,SPARKS. That the fol~owing acaounts be paid, that J11).e Mayor issue orders on-the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corpor- ation be attached hereto • WATERWORKS,. Bell Telephone Co. Phone #l2 4.05, .. -Dinty :Difoore Battery lti,.75, J.G.Em:eler & ao. Paeking lo.;oo, H:.A•Eveleigb. Rent of Pump 2eao, C:::]Jl~rass Co. TUbing &c. ~08e65, B .;F .na_vis & Son Fuel ~ 7 t.as, Grand & Toy Cash. ;Bo-ok 7 .;oo'- . . C~N~R.-Rent, 8 11 lll?oin _ l.O~Carried. Mr.A.K~se appeare<l before Counci~ to request permisaion to· use Pa:rk for Dedic;:ation of Uol.ours~ Woul:.d like Boys Banlt for Dance & Ladies Night for September l.st. Al.so: aoft ball, horseshoe pitching, Md circus. Dr,Williams 'and. J .H:.Knowl.es were present to outline the H:igh Sohool Area. COOK,SP.A.RKS. _T.l'!at the request to diasol.ve ··and disc:ou:Mnue a !Ugh Sahoo~ Diatrict.in the Town of-Aurora. be granted• And whereaa the Townlibip of King, the Town of Aurora, and part of the Townahip of Whitohurah and s.S.#lO King Township, be re'"()rganized as a Sahoo~ Area aa proposedby the Aurora lligh School. Board• the Minister of Education, and the seal of the Corporation be atta.ched.hereto. Carried. Mr.L.~ presented a p~an from the Oo~lis Leather Co. for changing the bed of the creek., and moving part ·of the preaent sewer to enabl.e them to extend· their buil,ding to the East. Correspondence waa read and discussed from several saurc:es, and the Clerk waa given instructions to dispose of same. A l.etter of resi~tien from A.E.Hawking in regard to coJ.l.ect1on and dia- po~ Of garbage was reaa:I, and. handed to the Streets Colllllli.ttee. SP.A.RKS,FISHER. That the reaignaticm of the Garbage Collector, A.E.Ha;wkins, be accepted, and· Tenders be asked for at once, for the c:ollection and dis- posal .of garbage. Carried• T:lite Board o:r· Trade asked permission to hold a dance and carnival on Yonge Street b&tween Wellingto))'lj aJlld Taylor'a Service Station on June 27th. to raise funds for the Board of Trade Memorial Site Fund. Om lllQtion of Sparks and Patrick permisaion waa granted but Bingo aa asked for to be held at their own risk. The Clerk waa aaked to find rul.ing from Attorney General as to where we .~~ stand in regard to Bingo. l<. A ~ett.er !rom R.J.M&ddl.e offering to purchaae Lots #~7 and ~8 on North Side 1 '\ p,(-f"-v. I --ww~ q~u rVucut b ( ",o-o'-'"• s~·~·~·.,.,.-~....;_.;,;.;g.~~,:.:_. __ ..,..:.~~·M_,,.~-,--~·~-~~_,__:;~-~....__.,~~,;,.~;,_~~, -l..~~~-·~~~_,._.:_._.~:,.;.:;~_:_:___:~;.L ----'--~-·----~---'------'~;__-·~ ----~·~-~·~·~_;_;_._,:~~ ,--:: i 1. c I •, .--.-/ I L. \,.._,'----_.- 9th.e:II1EE.TING JUNI!:. 3rd. '-.. l.946 · PAGEt -3 . of Tyl.er S;t. I.t·waa decided to offer hiiill one J.ot onlye on motion of FiSher and Rose. Carried. ROSE,SPMKS. That a new bond to the am0unt of $5ooo.oo be taken out for H..N.Cl.ark:~c ~and the pres.ent bo,nd on W •Large be renewed. · Carried. :aEPO:aT OF STREETS COMMI.TmE-: The Goi!!Illittee respea"!;fully aullr:!lit the fol.lowing;.,.. (l.) ·~at the· Stpp s:igns: and U turn aigns. have been erected as per inst~ations. of Counail under By-Jaw No .938 approved by the Dept. of Ilighways. We beg to report that we have made some progress along the Gurnett st.extenit~ aion in respect to the p&acing of the I.arge tile. We woul.d recommend that the til.e be extended another length of 20 feet. We beg further to report that we have made a survey of the various streets regarding :llial'llie pates and recommend that the name platea, appro.xi.mately 33 pairs be procured and placed on the street cornera where they can be easily discerned• and the seal of the Corporation be attau:hed. Carried• A. verbal. report from Mr.A.A.Cook was given on neWvf8i.ter connection for Wellington st.will report.on.order for pipe. Mr.A.Fis,her .. brought up the question of the incenarator at back of atores. Mr.Vfeat ga.ve a verbal. report re Geerge St.Ex:tenaion whiah is not proceed- ing .as expected, and under the ciraumatances we will hold this matter in abe~ce. COOK,ROSE. That Harold liT .Clark be and ia hereby empowered to sign all aheques and· other negotiable papers as Ir113:Y be required of a CJ.erk under the provis .. ion of the said MUnicipal. Act• Carried. On motion of Patrick And West the Veterana. were granted the use of the Park for Labetr Day• September l.st. The request of the Tennis Club was: handed to the Sprrrts Committee. The prppoaition of the Co~lls Leather C.o. waa hel.d over until. next meeting. On motion o:f Rose ~;md Sparks,. perli!is:sion was granted to J .c .Thomson to erect 6 cabiru;;.on property of Mrs.F.Boynton. 'Value of $5oo.oa. SJ?ARKS,FESHER. That the rules pf proceedure be suspended and altered for the month of· July-to al.low of the hol.ding the meeting o:f Council on June 28th. instead o:f the regular meeting whiah would be held on July 2nd •. Carried. ~e By-J.aws(2) were held over until next meeting• Meeting adjourned at lJ..SG ~q Mayor;,