MINUTES - Council - 19460506\ SEVElil''.lf-L TIITE);iTH!G . :tt1tt; tJ th.-J.9 46 The SEV.B:N'TI-L meeting of the Council was. held in the Council Chambers on Ivlongay Evening, IIJJ,t.V 6jfu. at 8 o'clock, with BTiayor Linton in the Chair, .and the :following Iviembers present;-Reeve C .E .S]?arks, De :p-Re eve A.A. Cook, Councillors .1\...N.Fisher, S.J?e.trick, R.V.Smith, vr.A.West, Dr.Rose anct Elwood Davis. The raimltes of the sL"'<:th and emergent meetings were adopted e.s read. Fire Chief .Jones was present and colllJllained of :fire he,z.ard back of Stores, auggesting the.t we pass a By-law to enforce the burning of rubbish in proper incinerators, ·11referably brick wit..l'l wire screen. Dr.Boulding presented two resolutions from the Aurora. Branch of the Can- adian Legion //385, ori.e of J\:Iay 1st, one of May 2nd~ asking for proper con- sideration of their reques.t t..l'lat Veterans be appointed to :fill positions which may be open :from time to time. Correspondence :from the Bell Telephone Co.waa read, in whioh permission was asked :for them to instal an out-door public telephone on their property close to sidewa.lk on lTorth-Wes.t Corner. On nlp(otion of A.A.Cook, seconded by R.ilT.Smith, pern]ission was granted. . .. SMIT1J:;VIEST. Tha~ Lot #36, T>Jler Street be sold to Veteran Clifford Chapm:anlf!?f<.} :for the sum of ::$1.00. That Lot #30 Harrison Ave. be sold to Veteran .John· Blathewaon :for the sum of $1.00. Further that these lots are sold with the provismon that that a home conforming to Aurora building By-laws be built on each lot \"fithin a period of two years from this date or the lot or lots are to be returned to the Town o:f Aurora at the expiration of the two years period if these conditions are not fulfilled.. Carried. SPARKS,FISH11IR. The reques.t of Ed.Levitt for the purahase of Lot 16, situated on the ·Harth Side of Tyler st. immediately West of the property owned by Geo.Beach, be not granted as same is reserved for Veterans. Carried. Correcrpondence from Warren R.Grosskurth with prices on snow fence and posts be filed for later reference. A letter of appreciation from .John Bawn the Aurora Fire Brigade was read, and a Chief .Jones. ' fo:V efficient servia~ rendered by copy ordered to be made for Fire Letters. of appreciation :from Arthur T.S:ayer and Keith Davis were re~.d to Council for their aplendid banquet and remembrancea tendered to the Aurora. District Veterans of World Wa.r #2. Also from Wyatt C .Ba,ldwin <t. letter of apprec.iation for Banquet and reception given to Lions Midget Hockey Team on their winning of the O.M.R.A. Midget 11B 11 ti tleo Fisher,3parka, That the following accounts be paid~ that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORJ?OBATION. Bell Telephone Co. Aurora Hydro. Phone #65 135 305 361 314 326 5.00 $ 15.89, 3.89, 2 .5o, 3.14..._ 2.05, 1 .o8..._ 5.20..._ Arena April lat. 13.50, 2·64, 8.64, 6.16" Cl.erk's Office It Town Hall u Mechanics Hall 11 Disposal :!Plant . It Cl.erkts Office May 1st. Town Hall " Disposal :!Plant n ":·":,-- 38.83, lo92'- 8.50\, 36.57, SEVENTH: MEETING t{l-~1 6th.-l946 · 1?AGE: -2. Ji'yr -Fyter Co. A~plicator &a. 14.0 .80, Ivan .Daniela 0:~,.1 · 18.06 T.Spence Ga.a.& Oil 13<87:::: J .w .Bowaer & San Paint &c. 37 .2.3, A:ur.ora Buil.ding Ca.. Gravel. Coals Roof &c. 978.50..._ Dinty 1\loore Gas..· 8.96, .w .L .Milgate Reps .• to Truck 4.6 • 35...__ Stiver Bros. Coal· 49.60, W .c. .Baldwin Supp .for Banq_uet 4 •20, C .N.R. J\l[aintaining Flasher 14.02...__ lfewma.rket Era. Advertisem:ent 2 .oo, Aurora. Greenhous:es Wreath a.oo, Factory.Equipment Repairs 8.21, Armco ]il:etal Products Steel Pipe for drain 1652.~55..._ c .Osborne Rubber Boots 15 .75, Wilson Hs.rdware Paint 2 .70, O.D.H:ess Toilet Paper &c. 2 .05...__ Ough & Son ]'l.ashlight &c. 8.25, Taylor & Son Battery &c. . 19.55...._ Stra th Craft, Book ends (extras l 20 ~00..._ Dawson Grill, P.Lloyd Hockey Banquet 28.60..._ Pres •. Ladies .lid Veterand Bs;nquet 208.00, Ontario Hospital Hospitalization 45.50..._ Sundry Freight & Express 7 .98, . M:unicipa,l World: Assessment supplies &c. 31.71, Postmaster Stamps 43~oo, F.Dunham Outside trips · 3.55' J.Goulding Use of Car 4..00, ·Banner Press Printing & Supplies 48.50, Carried. FISHEll.,SPARKS,. That the action of the Mayoe in issuing orders on the Treas- urer for the payment of the follovring auras be, ·and the same is hereby con- fiT.liTed,. ancl that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. April 6th. J .Bak Corp. _ 24.20, W .summers " 24.20, J .Peters " 19 •. 80 ][.Robinson 11 1.8.00~ J .Bak 11 24 ~2o, Vi .Sunnners 11 24.20, J.Peters 11 19.8~ ¥.Robinson " 18.00..._ J .Ba.k II 24~ 20, W .sunnners 11 24~20-.,. J.Peters 11 1.9 ~8Cl,._ M:.Robinson 11 J.B.OO"' J .:Bak " 24.20 W .sunnners 11 24. .20~ J.Peters " 1.9.80, l\il.Robinson 11 1.8.00....: 13th. 2oth. 2.7th. R.Foote 11 • . 1.2.00\ Carried. COOK~FISHER. That the following accounts be paid, that the I\!fayor issue orders on the Treas.urer for the same, ancl that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATE.H.WORKS:. . -";:· ~·.· Bell Telephone Can.Braaa Co. Mueller Lj;d. Spragg & Son Town of Aurora. ca. Aurora Hy<tro Apl.lat. It II May lat. It II Thone #12 Repairs Pipe Repairs Taxes Wa ten7or~ #·1.· II #2 Standby PumJ?. Vla.terworks. ffl '' ~ Standby Pump 3.80" 5 .99'\ 20.63 '\ 12.50' 1.3.72\ 29.48'\ 39.39, 59 .53' 2.8.74\ 42.87, 5s.65, Carried. • ( ( -\ SEVJill.ifTR :MJ:iJETIJ.ilG • ~ 6th ... l946 .PA6E -3 ....... -.·. ______ __:.~~-----'a -~ WEST,SlVJITR. That the following accounta be :paid, that the Nla.yor isau~ orders on .. the Treaaurer for the same, and that the aeal of the Cor:pora.tion be at ta . .ched heret.o. REL.DllF.. Medical Assn. 3 X .. 56 ~~ 1 .• 68 Mrs.Tra:vias Estate Rent 7 .!:io, General Store Food 19.20' Teasdale's llia.rket .u la.oo, Aurora. Building Co. Fuel(2 mos.) 22.00..._Carriedo ROSE,Dl\.VIS. That the Soliaitor be instructed to :prepare a By-l?.w covering the :petition for early closing, as :presented by the three Drug Stores operating inbthe Town of Aurora.. Carried. RF.JEQRT OF STREETS COMMITTEE. The Committee respectfully submit the following;- We beg to report. tl1a.t we have obtained pr!ld:es: re oiling of the several dust;~r s:treets in the Town of Aurora, and we recommend that the .Jupp Construction il1e:~t1 Tender be accepted, and. the seal of the Corporation be at tache do Carried. COOKltFISHER. That the reo~uests of Miss May Bolton and rlir.Horace Kenda.l.l on Wellington St .West in the Townshllip of King for a Domestic Water Service be granted and the cost of inatallation be charged to applicam.ts. beyond the Town limits and the seal of the Corporation be at.tached hereto. Carriedo ROSiE~ PATRICK. That the Clerk be instructed to insert an ad.in the Aurora BaM< Banner notifying all Dog Owners that by By-law #871 of the Town of Aurora. it is prohibited to allow dogs to run at large from May lst.to ·Sept .• lst. Failw:-e to comiJlY with the terms of t..l-J.is By-law ma;~r result in such dogs being imp- ounded a.nd destroyed. (Tarried. REPORT OF SPORTS COMllliiTTEE. The Comittee respectfully submit the following;- Due to man(iT applications for the use of the Twon .Pa:rk for :playing Baseball thil ()Tear, it is hereby recommended that the pres:ent catcher's screen be moved to the North-Mest Corner of the 1'8rko Further that catcher screens be built at the South-East and South-West corners of the Park to be used as soft ball diamonds. The totm.l cost to be approximately :JilBO.oO. The grass in the JPark to be cut regularly during the Smmner months. Signed s.G.Patrick, R.V.Smith, C.Rose. JPATRICK,SMITH. That the report .of the Sports Committee be accepted and tblif:t the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carriedo REPORT OF POST WAR PLA}rniNG. The Committee respectfully submit the follwwing;- To :provide roa.ds for new Industries and Homes locating in the Town it os rec- ommended that a description of the property neceasar(iT to create the following street extensionsfl be obtained and that our Solicitor be instructed to fina.l-. ize agreements with the plt'esent Owners to transfer the ownership of the prop- erty required to the Town of Aurora. I.. From the Southerl()T limit of Edward St.to Cousin's Drive. 2. From the Southerly limit of Wells St. to Cousin's Drive. 3. Cousin's Drive from the· C .N.R.tracks: to the Gurnett St.extenslii.on. 4. Adjoining link between the Edvmrd & Wells St .extensicms ap:proxime<tely 150 ft.South of the present Southerly limits of Wells & Edvmrd Sts. All extensions to be 66ft. in width. Signed W.A.West~ E.Davis, C.E.Sparks. WEST,DAVIS.Tl:iat the report of the Post-War Planning Committee be adopted and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. REPORT OF PROPERTY COM:MITT.l:!."E. The Committee respectfully submit the following;- An inspection of the 1'own Disposal Plant was made on Saturds.y :May 4t..l-J.. Vfe axe pleased to report t.hat the Power House has been painted throughout., the new Electric Motor is operating efficiently. The old Electric Motor is being ret&i-! ained in case of emergency. The outside airation chamber and other chambers h<'<Ve ·been vlhi tewashed from top to bott=• also special underwater paint has been applied to all metal parts of the operating machinery to :prevenjl: corr- osion. The working machinery has been repaired and welded where needed. The Dis.posal Plant as a whole is operacting in a most satisfactory and efficient manner a.nd is being -n;-•-o--· /' ~-- ...• / ""\ ; ~/ \. SE.)(.illli!TH. IviEETING jf:jit'lj 6th.,.l9 4.6 :PAG:BL__, -4 maintained. in this way by the . Town ForE>.man. The wood.en window frQJlles. remain to be painted. la.ter ~'lis. summer. Signed R.V.Smith, c.Rose. RO::>E,I?!ee:&.f:llvU.TH:. That the .. above r?port he adopted. . Carried. REPORT. OJ!' BY~LA.WS & Il\f.DUSTR.If\.L• The Conuni ttE1e respectfully submi.t the foll- owing;--Tha.t. ii;. .is neces.s.ary __ to continue the Southerly limits of Edward Sto in a. Southerly direction to connect with Cous.in's. l!a:pe. Drive. Your Committee therefore recollU!lends th2,t it be empowered· to purchase from A.L.Cousins. the Owner of this. property the required street for the s.um of not.In.ore than $l'Z50 .oo a..nd tlw..t the Clerk and Mayor be empov<ered to s.ign an agreement t.o thia effect. It is further understood that Mr.A.L.Cousins will in return for the a.bove purchase pri.ce of this. atreet allowance, deed to such person or persons tr..a.t the Town of Aurora may direc.t, a parcel of land lying South of the A .• A.Cook property, Eaat of the Southerly extens.ion of Edviard West of the c .• N .. R. and extending .to Cousin's .Drive on the South and said to .c.ontain 6.9 acres. Signed C.Roae,A.lif.Fisher,A.A.Cook. . . ' ROSE,COOK. That the report.of the By-laws and.Industrial CollU!littee repurchase· of .. a. Southerly extension of Edward st.be accepted and the. seal of the Corpor- ation .. be attached thereto. Carried. 0 l'l.OSE,C.OOK .. That the Solicitor be instructed to prepare a By-law respecting the e:QJ.ployment. of Vlm.Langma.n as a Police Constable in the Town of Aurora .• Carried. REPORT OF POLICE COivlliiTT'.EE. The Couunittee respectfully submit the following;- That .the name of Wm.La.ngl}lan be recounnended to fill the poaition of Constable for the Town of Au.rora.. Your Collllllittee further recollU!lend that a working agree- ment re hours, duties &q.be left until such time as the new Constable has actually reported that he will accept the position and then a full Collllllittee meeting be called ;;md our Chief and the new Constable called. in for a full ~isoussion on the subject. ~igned R.Linton,.A.A.Cook, A.N.Fisher. Sl'ARiill,COOK. That the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora go on record q.nd that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Secretary of the Local Branch of the Canadian Legion for their files. Be it resolved ths,t for '& the life of this Council whenmen are required to fill permanent poaitions on the Town,. due notice will be given to the Secretary of the Local Legion of such positions to be filled and also the time when appU.cations for the pos- it:L.on will close.Further that Aurors, Veterans will be given priority for such positions, also due consideration for Veterans living outside the Municipality.· <lfarr ied. lfr.E.R.S:carlett appeared at the special request of the Council to explain why no notice had been taken of our. several written and oral rec1uests for an ex- planation why he had not fulfilled his agreement to build on lot sold hiin by the Tovm within a certain specified time. It was didtinctljl; pointed out to hliun tlw.t he must comply with our request, and on motion of S.G.Patrick, sec- onded by Vf.A.West and endorsed by all the Council, he would be given until September flflrst of this year to build something suj.table to the Council or the propert3r would have to be taken over by the Council. FISIIER,S:PARKS. That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to strike the Rates in the Town of Aurora for the Year 1946. SPP.RKS,FISHER.. That the By-law now before the Council be given first reading. ~~~Ffi3I'tER. That By-law· now before the Council be r'OOd a second time and tha.t Council dissolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that plilrpose. Rose, DAVIS. The Committee reported the blanks filled in, the By-law was read a third. time and pass.ed. . • l'ATil.ICK,S];!I'rH. T'.as.t leave be given to introduce a By-law ·to appoint a Clerk and Trea::;urer for the Town of Aurora, ano. that it be read a first time. SPAHKS,PATRICK. Th2.t By-'law now before the Councilbe g:Lven its second reading <J,nd t..'i1.at co· '1 d' . unc~ ~ssolve itself into a ColUlllittee of the whol f e or that PUrpose. ··~ .. :-; i"'"i,--, •. -,-·:;-;·;-,---·-.-,-.:--;-- ---~•-·--~·---··~-~~:--· · ~;~~'~---~---~:,;."-:;~;;_c :.c;;;:;.;~-~~•--d•:-..~'''"""''"'""'"~"-""'''··-~-c.:._· C:c.L:-~·'" ''-'·~--~-----··-~~~--:~-.. '"'-~~'-------~~---l /...-~·.,.,. -\___) I '\ __ .1 SEVElq'fH ]!illETING ;ff)£b." 6th.-1945 · l'1GE. -5. Carried. I ROSJil,LLlifTON, Tha.t .. an extension of time lbe taken to finish business on hand.· WEST;,D.A:vrs;. The Committee reported the By-law wi.th whe blc.nks filled in 7' with the-Na;me of~ Harold lif .C.la.rk, wa.s then given thi.rt{, re2.ding and. IJassed. ROSE,CDOK. That lea.ve be given to introduce a~ By-law to a,uthorize the sa.le of Lots..~_4,'i'5,'l6,a~nd part of 7'Z on Lepper St .• to J.W.Bowser, a.nd that the same be gi.ven its first re~;~ .. ding. ROSE, Lil'fTOU. ~fuat leave be given to introduce a. By-J.aw to authori.z.e the sale of.Lot l3.,~and Lots 14 and~l5 on the Ee.st side of Edwa.rd St., a.nd that the seJne be given its first rea.ding. SPP..RKS ,LINTON. That. the By-le,w now before the Council be given its. second rea.o.ing-~;~,nd_ tha.t the Council dissolve j~tself into a. Commi_ttee of the whole for the.t purpose. 'dEST,SiVIITK. The Committee reported the By-law with the blanks filled in, it w:as. tl'l.en ·given its third~ reading e.nd pas sed. SPA.c-qrcs;a:ms~e. The.t the Streets Employees, V/.Swnmers, J.Bak, J.I'eters, be granted .. an llicrease of .5p: per hour, payment to be ma.de :betro11.ctive i7& from Aprj~ ls.t+. 1946. Ca.rried. Sli?ARK,S,COOK. That the sa.la.ry of 'iim.Le.rge be increased to ~~40.00 per week, and tha.t it be made retroactive from April 5th.l946.· Carriecl. Meeting a-djourned a.t 12..30 1\ .• m .• ~~ WJ.ayor. ' !