MINUTES - Council - 19460520.·
Sth .. SPECI!.L llilJllETil'fG
K4.Y _ _?2-~ 1946 •
Tb,e EIGH.TK(S:pecial )meeting of the Council was held in the CounciJ. Chambers
on 1\'i:onday Evening, l~oiay 2.0th. at 9 o'clock, with Mayor Linton in the Chair,
and the following l1rembera present;-Reeve C .JTI.t'Sps.rks, Dep-Reeve A.A .C.bbk,
CouncilJ.ora Dr.Roae, R.V.Smith, W.West, Elwood Davia, and A.l'f.Fisher.
The rea<J.ing of the agreement betv1een the Corpor:;>.tion of Aurora and the
H:art Manufacturing Co. ws.s proceeded with and the following motion passed.
ROSE.COOK. That the agreement now before Council to provide a building site
in Aurora for the Hart Manufacturing CompawJ be e.ccepted by CounciJ., signed
on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora by the Mayor. and Clerk,
and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried.
The agreement between the Corlloration of Aurora, and A.L.Cousins was read
and motlitdtn passed as follows;-
Sitti'Pfs ~T.EJST. That the agreement between ]{J.r .Lorne Cousins and j;he Corporation
of the Town of Aurora now before the Council be accepted as read e.nd that
the seal of the. Corpore. tion be e. tte.ched thereto. Carried.
ROs:E,DAVIS. Ths.t leave be given to introduce a By-ll;aw to a.uthorise purchase
of land for streets, and to provide building site for the Hart Ivfu.nufactm.·ing
Co. and that the same be now read a first time. Carried.
WJJ:ST,SliiiiTK. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and
that the Council dissolve i'tself into a committee of the whole for that
purpose. Carried.
'!."he Committee arose and·reported :rrogres.s with blanks fillecJ. in.
FISHER,DAVIS. That the By-l&.w now before the Council be read a third time this
day and that Rule 22 of By-law l'fo.862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried.
ROSE, SMITK. That the third reading be accepted. as ree,d. Carried.
The By-l&.w ws,s p&.sseo. and signed by the Mayor and Clerk.
SPARKS,FISHER. That the Solicitor be instructed to procure
Charles Cook's and W.L.Stephens' properties to allow water
ections to be made within the Corporatton.
an Easement over
and sewer conn-
Carried ...
SPJ\JlKS,COOK. That an agreement be obtainecJ. from W .L .stephens under which he
agrees to convey to the Corporat~on free of ~harge;-
Ao 1Ul his interests in that strip of land lying between 'the East and
West boundaries of Wells Street extended Southerly to the Proposed
Cousins Drive.
B. All his interests: in the proposed Cousins Drive as shown on the·
blue print made by W .S .Gibe em & Sons. Carried.
ROSE,SPARKS .. That the Lions CJ.ub be granted permission to hold e. Bingo on
1JCay 24th. in the Town Park. Carried.
Meeting adjou:med at 10 .20