MINUTES - Council - 19460401\
! )
!!!Fli!E 1'l:EETING
APRIL .. :L-194.6
The FIFTH meeting of the Council. was hel.d in the Council Chambers on
Monday Evening, April. lst, at 8 o'clock, with Mayor Lintim in the Chair,
and the-following Members present;-Reeve C.E.Sparka, Dep-Reeve A.A.Cook,
Councillors A.N.Fiaher, Dr.Rose, Elwood Dav;i.s, W.A.W:est, R.V.Smitl)., .and
s .G .l'a.trick. . .
The Minutes. of the third, fourth, and fifth meetings weee adopted as. read.
FISHER,CQOK. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
order a em . the . Treas.urer for the same, and tha.t the aea.l of the Corpora. tion
be a.t.tached hereto.
Bell Telephone Co. Phone #65 $ 14.44\
1.35 2 .90"
305 2o50\
. 314 2 .05"
. 326 2.50\
361 3o03'-
50Q a.2o,
Aurora Hydro. Arena March lat. 41.87\
C1erks Office It 3 .96,
Town Hall 1! 9 .36,
Mec.hanic.s Hall u 5.34'\
Standby l'UlllJ? 0 60.&9,(60.99)
Dispnsa.l. JP.lant 0 60 .95'--.
Gospel Ohuec.h FUel l•oo,
E. V .s tewa.rt Gas • 13.82 '-
Ou,gh & Son Sho.vel &a. · 25.18'--
Fyr-Fyter Co. Ex:tinguishers &a. 86.00"'.
Aurora BuiJLding Co. FUel &a. 94.47'--
B .F .Davis FUel 19 .95'\
Stiver Bros. 11 31.90"'-.
Sign Shop Shie1ds & Signs 40.00'\
F .w .ca.ul.field Reps.to truck 59 .05'--
Fa.c.tory Equipment Welding 1.62\
van.Neal Bal.on Heater 35.00'\
Stoutt t s Garage Gas .&a. 30 .~)8'\
Can.Industries Calc.ium Chloride 20.81\
NeWl!lRrket Era. Advertising 5 013
.T .A.Germmil l Ins.talling Vents 12.00~
Canada. Crus.hed Stone Stone 54.14'\
C .N.R. Freight on stone 52:.i60"
A.Cl.oss Ticket aelling 46.00"'-.
Evening Telegram Advertiaing 30.5:9"'-.
Banquet Ex:penses 21•92\
Sundry Freight &a. 12.28,
Sundry Freight &c. 18 •. 29"'-.
MUnic.ipa.l Wor1d Certificates . 3o33'-
Postna.ater Postage 26.00'\
Dr.Williama Board of Health 24.oo,
.T .Goulding Use of c:ar 4e00'\
F.Dnnham Outaide trips; 6e00'\
Teaada.l.ea Market Food 9 .86'\
Street Lights for March 317.12.\
Banner Office Printing &c. 60.22"'-Carried.
FISHER,COOK. Th.e;.t the action Of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasueer
for the payment of the following s.ums be, and the same is hereby confirmed,
and that the aea.l of the Corporation be attached thereto.
.ran. 1.9 T.MaAl.eese Corp.
26 0 ·McBride It
' j
\ " .. •
~ ...
.Al'.RIL. ~. ~946
:PAG:!i: -2.
. It
W .sur.amera
·~ It
" !I
!I ..
M.Robinson ll
7.50'\ .
7o00 '\
. a.oo \..
2.6 ;.40\
5 •40 24.75~
COOK,FISHER. That the following aacounts be paid, that
on the Treaau~ter for the same,and that the seal of the
88~6 19.80
the Mayor issue order
Corporation be
attached hereto.
WATERWORKS. Be~l Telephone ao.
Aurora Hydro
Phone #12 .. $ 3.80'\
Waterworks: #l(MI.l<ro) 28.72,
n 1!2 11 39•65,
. B .F.Davis Fue~ 33•00'\
Dresser M:i'g.Coo (J'tiplings &co 77o9&,_Carriedo
SMITlr,PATRiaiC. That the fo~lowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders: on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation
be attached hereto.
Rm.IEFo Medical Assno 3 x o56 $ ~.68
Mrs. Traviss Estate Rent 7o50'\
FoDoLa-cey · Food ~4•40'\
Teas:da~es Market It ~2 .ao "-
Genera.~ Store tt l9.;80~aui.e~.
Aurora Building Coo Fuel lloOO\..aarriede
A De~egation frOllll the Aurora. Branch of the aanadian Legion attendeCt the
meeting :r;equestingbthe use of . the Aurora Arena to be used as a meeting
place for Legion Members, and to carry on certain proposed activities.
A grant from 'l;he aorporation of $500.00 was a~so requeated to assist the
Legion in their proposed programae.
A De~agation ao~os:ed of Mrs • .ras.Brooks, Dr.G:lA.a.Gttnton, and Mr.J.E.
Bualla.nan, representing the Aurora Rome & Sahoo~ Glub, requesting that the
Counai~ support the prinaiple of Viatorian Order Nurse for Aurora.
Sl'ABKS, SMITH:. That the Town of Aurora revert to Day~ight Saving Time at
lZ.O~ R..M.~ Sunday, Apri~ 28th •• I.946, the same as City of Toronto. crarried.
T.h:e request of llf.~J:>.Per,....r Ll· d t . · . -, oy o J.nstal.l a benah in front of his Place of
Al'RIL ~--~946
.PAGE. ..; 3c
business far the use of Bus l?assengera waa granted an motion of Roae & West.
A ~etter of appreciation for. the Banq_uet and Entertainment made .to the
Aurora Veterans of Wor~d War 12 waa read and accepted by Counci~, and
ardered .. ta be incorport?.ted in. the Co.unci~ Minutea. .
AURORA BRANCH. 38li CANADIAN LEGION B .E.S.L. Ma.roh 30th.~945
The Mayor &-Counei~ -
TOwn of Aurora.
Gent~emea;-On begal.f of the Mambera of our Branch, rulld for the other Ex•
Service Men & Women of Aurar~ •. we deaire to express to you our appreci•
e...tion of the Banq_uet, Entertainment, and Presentation made to the Veterans
of Wor~d War Ita by the MilnieipaHty~ ·
. . Arrangements were well carried out, the presentations will aerve
aa a ~ife-~ong remembranee of the oceaaion, and there waa muoh favarab.~e eeo•
comment on the general high standard of the gathering from atart to finiSh
by those present. Many who have since received their book-ends ha.ve expre-
ssed pleas:ure at receiving them.
Otm MemberShip pledgea itself to do al.l it can to make Aurora.
a better Town in. which to live. C.ouncil has started out in the first year
of peace with a splendid ges~e to Ex-service Personnel, and it is our hope
tnat our relationa in the future will be of the. highest, we are prepared to
'cQ-operate irt any wdirthwhile project.
Again expressing our thanks and best wishes to Gouncil for a
sucaes.sful. year.
A letter of thanks
~urora Branah 38li Gan.Legion·
T .A.M.H:ul.se, .. Searetary.
from Gol.R.S.Timmis in connection with the Soldiers
Ba.nq_uetwaa read and accepted, and ordered filed an motion of Rase & Smith.
ROSE,COOIC. That the charge of $10.00 to Frank Griffith for rental of booth
be cancelled in view of the repairs made to same by Mr.Griffith. Carried.
COOK,FISHER. Tha.t the ~urara Gospel Church be allowed to hmJld Sunday Serviri'
in . the . Ea.s:t Room of the · Town Irall. Carried.
ROSE,SMITH:. That this Council go on record as fa.varing the principle of an
Aurora Branoh or the v.o.N. and prepare aurs:e~ves to make a grant towards
the coat of same. Carried.
Sl'ABKS, COOK. That an amount of $500.00<be granted to the Legion for the·
purpose of getting estab~iahed in the Town of Aurora, and the seal o:f the
Corporation be attached to this resolution. Carried.
SMITH:,Sl'ARKS. That the Aurora Bays Band be asked to play five concerts or
paradea as required by the Aurora Town Council during ~945 at $50.00 per
concert or parade. This arrangement ca;lls: for a ful.l band attandamce.
That the seal or the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried.
FINANCE COM:MITTEE. BUDGET. The Committee respectfully submit the
following;-That the ~till-rate be 40 mills for the year 1946, as outlined
by attached ~ist of estimates. Signed A.N.FiSher, C .E.Sparks, A..Gl..Caak.
Adopted on motion of Fisher & Sparks.
REPORT OF STREETS COM11UT-TEE. The .Streets Committee was summoned to meet on
Wednesday, :Mii;roh 2!1th. Members present were C .E.Sparka, El.woad Davis, & S.G.;
Patrick~ also the Mayor and Councillor West.
We inspected th&Gurnett St.extension at the Westerly
limits or Canna.ught Ave., we agreed that the creek bed should be straight•
ened and the 4:t't.ti~e ~15ft.long should be placed in the bed and covered
with fill excavated from the new extension of Gurnett st. which waa donated ;
to ·the Town by Chas .cook. Al.so :from the Kennedy st. extension a new tile ·
1 ft.diameter should be procured to carry the drainage water rrom the South
end of the Kennedy st. extension and the Westerly Etide of the Burnett st.
APRIL. 1 .. ~l94E'i
~ l'.A.GE -4
extension und.er tlie Gurnett st.road bed. and empty into the larger culvert
in the Gurnet St.e:x:tenaion. The sur:f'a.ee aoil in the Gurnett st.e:x:tenaion
ahould be flUshed back the width of the road to allow MroCoak .. to remove.
The e:x:tenion.to be graded. and levelled ready.for gravellLng• To do this war~
we asked a. couple of Contra.ctors to submip prices, one of which offers a
tender for $1100.00 or agrees to contract on a atraight tune basis• for
men and machinery. The contracts we present herewith No .• l lump sum, No.2
time basis. We would recommend Noel contract.
We also examined the the street at the bend on Harrison A.ve. and agreed that
a catch baalhn shocimld be plaaed at the South terminus, and the sidewalk
should be raised and rounded at the North to eliminate the sharp turn.
We usa examined the road bed on Kennedy st. and agreed that the street
was in a bad state of repair and would recommend that a Contractor be
procured to scarify and roll the road bed into proper shape before grav-
elling and applying oil.
We also discussed the cutting and removal of tfa:ees and agreed that this
should be done as far as labor will permit, following up what was left
undone last year.
We beg further to submit that our streets viz:. Berczy, Larmont, Spruce,
Centr,,and Kennedy are in a deplor6>;ble condition and as long as we tolerate
the practice of removing the snow from the centre of the travelled streets,
thereby allowing the frost to solidify the road bed to such excessive
depths, we may expect the aame condition of our atreets every Spring.
We beg to report on sidewalks at sidewalk building time. All of ·which is
respectfully submitted• Signed c.E.Sparka, E.Davis, S.G.Pa.trick.
SPARKS,DAVIS. That ti•e rrport of the Streets Committee be adopted and the
aea.l of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried.
SPARKS,PATRICK.. 1hat a car of cruahed stone, same size as was purchased last
year, be.purchased for the repair of the streets, and the seal of the
Corporation be attached thereto. Carried•
COOK, SPARKS. That the Clerk be instructed to purchase auitable signs for
the streeta as per liat attached totalling 39 street signa, ,and the seal
of the Corporation; be attached thereto. Carried.
Offer to purchas:e Lots: 13;14.15, P.lan 12.0 by A..A.Cook waa accepted on
motion of Sparks: and West. .
SMITK,VIEST. Tha.t the Aurora Arena Buil.ding be ~eased to the Aurora Legion
/1385 from May.lst.to October ~st.l946 for the sum of $l.oo. This lease is
contingent upon the Legion undertaking the payment of Water, Light, and
Care-taking expenses incurred during the above period. That ordinay reason-
ab~e care be taken of the l'roperty and ~t the building and equipment be
returned to the Corporation in the aa.me eondition as: when taking possession.
Thatvthe l'roperty will be open to inspeetion by the Property Committee, Town
of Aurora. at any time. Carri,ed. ·
SPARKS,FISHER. 1hat the grant of $50.00 granted to R.Avis in 1945 to assist
in building a. bridge a.croas the Tannery Creek in front of his property, be
renewed and payment be made this year a.a aoon as the bridge ia comp~eted.
· Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 1~.30 ·
Mayor •
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