MINUTES - Council - 19460429-~~~~"=<-'~'~·~=-.~&;~;;,,.;.=-....,~~---""'"c-'"'~ ::>·:.::::· .,~~~'niw ;, H -.. .;.W.~;.,;,:,·n,."""~"'"'"""~""~~~-~-;~::· ·~J<~=__....:iJl;j_~..__,__._ .. ._",..,.-""",~'------~'= f I I ! ---, / \ ) _/'\, ·~\_____) -!" SPECIAL IviliJBJT ING Al'RIL 29., ~946 The Counai~, <'.t the req_ueat of ]!Iayor Linton, met in the Gounci~ Chambers on lVLonday Eevening, April 29th. at 5.30 with l'ila.yo:ll Linton in the ... Chair, and the fo~lowing liembers pres.ent;.-Reeve G •E .• Sparka, Dep-Reeve A .• A.Cook, Gouncil~ors. Dr.Ros.e, Elwood Davis, W?A?West, .R .• V.Smith, S.J?atrick~A~N.Fisher. ]i[oved by Reeve Sparks, seconded by Dep.:.Reeve mitte~ by Mayor re appointm.ent of H•Cla.rk as be prepared. ]\[eeting a_djourned a.t 6.30 P.l\JI. -~::~ --:·'"•". Cook, That the report as. sub- Clerk be <'-ccepted, and :By-J.aw Carried.