MINUTES - Council - 19460204... /"'<,
F.E6RIJARY 4th • .,. ~946
PA.GE -~
The SECOND meeting· of the Counci~ was held in the Co.unail Chambers on
M.onday.Evendmg, February 4th. at 8 o'clock,. with Mayor Lint.on in the
Chair, and the fo~J.owing Members present;-SallB&3:-l.l.&l"& Reeve C .E.Sparks,
Dep-Reeve · A·A.Co ok, Caunci~lara V.t.A..Weat, S .G .Patrick,R. V .Smith, _Elwood
:Davia• Dr.Roae, and A.N.Fisher. . . .. . .
The minutes. of the fi;,;at meeting were adopted as read.
FISHER,SPARKS. ~t the following accounts be paid, that the wayor issue
orders on.the Treasurer for the dame, and tha.t the s.ea~ of the Corporation
be attached hereto.
CORl'ORilTION. Bell Telephone Co. llioM#~ $9.07\
#J.3li 3.43\
#305 a.uo,
#3J.4 a.otl,
#326 5.3.7,
#36l 2..95.\
#5.oo 5 .ao
Street Lights fo.r January .. 3l7.;.J.a\
Stiver Bros. C.oa~(T.Hall) 33.~9\
(ijugh &. Son Oi.l &a. 2fi.05\
Taylor &. San Gaa.&.c. 20.78,
Dinty M.oore Gas •. &a. •. 4.J.5.,
Toml..ins,.on Ji'oundry Co • GUlleya 39 .64,
Can.Iridustl'ies Calcium Chloride 2.0.81 '-
Aurora .Greenhous.es FJ.owers. 4•00 \
J .E .Buchan&! Sand . Ua5:0\.
Jo:qnLeakie Ljro.. !Inion Jacks fi;76,
C ~ .• Stickwoa:d. QU(Library) 30 .~0 \
strath Craft -.--.. ~660.00 \
f;undry li'reight & Ex:preas 9.45,
Salary . Div.Court Clerk 20.00 '-
Salary Bailiff 20 ;oo,
I 1 l
'I ~ l
a-.Goulding Use of car 5: .oo '\.
Hydro Con:miasion _ Tr~ff~c L~ghta 608.3:0\Carried• ;
FISHER,SPARKS:. That the act~on of the Mayor ~n ~ssu~ng orders on the Treas-l·
. ' urer for the payment of the :following accounts be, and the same ia hereby ·
confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be· attached tlJ.ereto.
J"anuary 5 L.Rodgina Corp. :zs;oo,
J .Bak ·~ 24;2o,
W .summers •• 24.20\
;r .Peters • 19 .80 \.
L.Rodgins 8 ~s;oo\.
J"OBak "' 24o.ao,
WaSummera R 2.4.20'
J;Peters " l9~80\
L.liodgins 8 23~00\
J"OBak 8 24•20
w .Sumn1ers tt 26 ;40~
J .Peters tt ~1 ~60 \
M.Robinso:n " l-3.95'\_
L~odgins ~ as;oo\
J .Bak n ?4;zo,
w.summera " 24~20"
;r.Peters n 23•40'\.
M.Robinson . n lS.Of\ Carried.
COOK,FISHER. That the following accounts be paid, that the M'ayor ~ssue
a:rd:ers on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corpor-
a-tion be attached hereto.
WATERWORKS• Bell Telephone Co. l'hone #12 $3:.80\
! !
' •J
!' ,_.,,y-· ").~~~~'""'"'""'~"~'"''~~--~~~-~ ... ~~": -~"--~"""""_..;,:~-~ •• ..:..:.:.:-·_ .. _··_. -·-·.-~:..;---·"""'~"'-~-.,d~.<~,.,.;.,,;.~.,...:,,,_,~--
K / ., )
FESRUARX .4 -J.946
Can.:Br@ills Co.
Gas. $31.00\
Rep.Meter .5!1.5.-9'\Carried.
WEST,SMITE: That the foJ.J.owing
em .. the Treasurer for the same,
accounts be paid, that the Ma;yor issue orders
and tha.t the seal of the Corporation be
attached hereto.
RELIEF. Medical Assn. 4 x .56 f2_.24
Mrs. Traviss Estate Rent -7.5 0'\
Teasdal.es Market Food 12.80'\
General. Store 11 , (2 mas) 39 .60'-
Stiver Bros. Fuel 22.90'-Carried.
Mr.M.. & Mr.T.Shanks attended the meeting req_uesting information regarding
Sewers in the proposed extension of Wells st.
Itt.Lorne Cousins: & 1\Tr .w .L.Ste]?hens were in a_ttendence to discuaa with the
Cotincil; the new buil.ding section on each of their reapective properties.
Itt·Chas.Bodfish, an Official of the Gospel Churan, attended the meeting at
the req_uest of tiJ.e Council(made at .January meeting), to diacuss the petition
presented •
A req_uest from the Secretary of the Library Board for a.n interim grant of
$2.00 .oo, was: pres: en ted to Council.
SM.ITE:,DAVIS• That an interim grant of $200.00,_be made available to the
l'ubl.ic LibraryBoard, and that the seal of the Corporation be a.ttached thereto •
_ Ca-rried.
Correspondence frorru the Aurora School. Board requesting that the Council
proceed to aeaure authority from the Municipal Board t.o issue debentures
up to $25(\,000.00 for the building of a new: l'ublic School. It was decided
that this matter would be brought up for further disaussion at a joint
meeting of the Publ.ic School Board and Council..
A coi!llD!Unication from The Rail.way Association of Canada regarding Daylight
Saving, was read and ordered to be presented to Council at next meeting.
Corres:pondence :from the Gray Coa.an Lines was read, stating that Mr.Foster,
Vice-Fresident woul.d meet with Members of' the Council early this week to
discuss Gray Coach Passenger problems:.,
Correspondence :from littoC .Willmott regarding tJJ.e proposed extension of George
Street, waa lef't in the handa of' Counaillor West :for attention.
SPA.RKS,PATRICK. That whereas it is expected that during the Summer months
there will. 'be very heavj" traf'fic on Yonge st. • aausing considerable conges-
tion on the main thonoughfare through. the ~own, and whereas there are no
avenues whereby it can be re~ieved;-Be it resolved that a Committee com-
posed of the Mayor and two others to be named by the Mayor, be a.nd is hereby
appointed to interview littoHiakson in the puranase of' the property on W'ell.-
ington st., for the purpose of opening up a street making a aonnectiag link
between Viat~ris and Spruce Streets, which woul.d aLlow a diveraion of traffic
:from the South of the Town and emerging towards the Northerly limits, thereby
easing congestion of the nraffia within the Town limits. Carried.
REPORT OF BY-LAWS COMMITTEE. The Committee respectful.ly submit the foll.owing;-
Your Committee met in the Council Chambers on Man~ .January 28th.at 8 P.M.
All Menibers were present,. al.so Mayor Linton, Reeve Sparks, Councill.ors
Patrick & Smith, and Constables Dtinham, Fl.eury, & Melbourne.
l.. Re the Signal Lights at the corner of Yonge & Wel.lington;o.
Our advice is that no Town By-law is necessary with regard to
this stop light, so long a.s a l.etter of' approval. is on file in
the Cl.erkts Off'iae :from the Dept.of Highways.
2. We recommend that a By-law be drawn up to prevent. any vehicle
from making a U turn at the corner o.f Yonge & Vfel.lington; al.so
to prevent parking o :r any vehicl.e within :fifty( 50 ) feet of any
corner in any direction :from this intersection. We recommend also 1
that proper signs to that effect be erected in the proper locations. J
31; We recommend that Council authorize the Corporation of the Town of
Aurora to deal.are certain streeta as Through Streets.
Februa.ry 4., . ~946
JI?A.GE . . -3.
at .
and. that/a~~ a.;proaches t.o these Through Streets suitabl.e Stop Signs be
erected., and. that a. By-law be introduced. to glflvern such. Vie recommend
that the following be no.w designated. a.s Through Streets;--Yonge, Viell-
ingt.on~ Ty~er-Iios:Ley,mmrch-1\ILetcalfe~. and Bercz.y. We further rec.omm-
end that ·add.ition~ new si@la be. purchaaeci and ereated where ·necessary.
· · Signed.. Dr • .c .• Ro.ae, A..A.Oook., A..N.Fi.aher.
ROSE.PATRIOK.That the report of the By-:-laws .Coll).lllittee be aq.opted. .Carried.
SMIT.H:,VfEST. That. the hot water furnace recently removed fr·om the Old ~
Ifa.ll b.e.o:t'.fered. for aal.e, a.nd an advertdts:em~nt. be inaert.ed in the.Press, to
the effect that offers t.o purchas:e the furnace wilJL be received. up. to and
including Febcrua:ry 2.3rde: .Carried.
SMIT.H:,ROSR. Tha.t two apeak.er horns be purchased to comp~ete the Sound and
l;'ubl.ia AQ.<ires:a Syatem at the Aurora Arena. Tow apeak.ers are ava.ila.ble at
$30.00 each, used cond.ition, guaranteed for o.ne year, having matching speaker&
assemblies 1211 diameter, and same aize and ~ua.lity 1;1;s al.rea..dy inatalled at
the Arena. · Oa.rried.
WEST,SJI?ARKS. That the Aurora.. Hydro Oommission be empowered to re:n;tove all the
nresent .. 60Woatreet ligb.ta within the·Town, and repla.ced wdlth lOOW.light bulbs•.
Thia work .to be comp~eted not. later tha.m May lst .• 1.946. Further tha.t the seal
of the C orpo.ration be attached thereto • Oarried.
Sl'ARKS,.FISHER. That By-lallll now before the Oouncil be read a. second time and
tbl;).j;. the. Qou.ncil diaaolve itae.lf into a co:mmittee of t.'1e whole for that
purpose. . _
SJI?ARKS,FISHER. That the By-law novr before the Oouncil be read a. third time,
anQ. .. that Rul.e 22 of By-law No .862. be suspended for that purpose.
This: By-l.aw(appointing a. Member of the Public Library Board[ was. given its
fin~ readinga and paaaed. with the name of Sidney Daviea inaerted.
ROSE,OOOK. That l.eave be given to introduce .a By-law to regulate traffic in
a.nQ. through the 1'own of Aurora, and tha.t the same be read a first time.
ROSE~SPARKS. That a. Oommittee comprised of the Mayor,. the Clerk, and Ooun-
c-i~lor. Jfis:Q.er .be appointed as a. Building Oommit.tee. Oarried.
The re~uest of' the Board of Trade to hold .. a ~-'& Bingo in the month of'
February or .MeJ:: ch was granted by the Oouncil ..
The re~uest of Harry Harrison to purchase Lot #16 on the North side of Tyler
St .• was: left. in the hands of 'the Buil.ding Committee.
ROSE,.DAVIS. Whereas it haa been the e:x:pres:sed opinion of the Oha.1.rlnan of the
Po:Lice. Oo:mmis:sion of' York Oounty tha.t Aurora. is: under-policed;-and whereas
a:llraf'fic By-law is under consideration to regulate traffic in and through
Aurora; and whereas the Town of Aurora is without the services of a Oonatable
on dttty through lllany daylight hours;-Therefore be . it res:ol ved trJ.a..t we call
fo:lr tenders-forJil and employ the s-ervices of an additional Oonatab:Le for daytilue
duties-,. rec.o:mmending that a. War Veteran be empl.oyed. Oarried.
SMIT.H:tROSE. Wherea.a it is now an accepted practice to remunerate the Mambers
of. Oouncil in moat Ontario Ivrunicipali ties, to ensure regular attendance at
all Oouncil and Ool)l!llittee meetings~ thereby assuring full at~ention to all a ..
lllatters of business coming bef'ore the Oounci!, I move that the Office of
Mayor be given $250.00 per annum, the Reeve, Dep/reeve and Councillors be
given $5:.00 per meeting, and $:5.00 per Oo!JIIUittee meetings regularly payable
quarterly. That the aeal of' the Oorporation be attached thereto. Oarried.
The Olerk to write Board of Trade to se=e permission t.o erect a Fire Escape
on the No:llth side of Town Hall~ corner of Yonge & Mbs::tey Streets.
Oo:mmittee meeting regarding Veterans Banl[Uet to be held on Feb.l2th.at S.3oP.M~
FEElRUARY 4 .. -.~946
.PAGE - 4
ROSE.,,C.OOK. That the request of the Bank of Montreu to insta.~ a.. ho~d up
@J.armc±n:-the C~erk's Office be gAa.nted. Carried.
Meeting rutjourneti a..t 1~.~5
/'l.~ 2