MINUTES - Council - 19460114' ~- \/ \ ) "--' ~ : : ' ' . -' ' ' ' ' ' . : : ·. : ' : ' . ' ' ' : ' .. ·---~-c;--~:......:.~ ....... ~·~=-"==-"""~~.i-d=~~~=··l"·"""'·~-=='~~,_,-==-:'.-,---1~•"""·~'-~-'---· ;;,.;,4_--~'<---·----~ INAUGURAL MEETING . .TANUARY-~4, H46 The INAUGURAL meeting of the Counci~ was held in the Council Chambers on Monday, .January 14th. ~946, at ll o'a~ock in the morning, with :Mayor Linton in the Chair and the following Members present; .. Reeve C..E.Sparka, Councillors A.N.Fisher. Dr•C.Rose, R.V.Smith, Elwood Davia, WaA..West, and s.Patrick. The Deputy-Reeve A.A.Cook was unavoidably absent. through illness. All attending Members subscribed to the Oath of Office. The C~erk then declared the Council. properl.y constituted, and'Mayor Linton called upon the Rev.R.F.Hioks to open the meeting with prayer. Mayor Linton addressed the meeting welcoming the Guests and Members of Clouncil.. · · Guests and Members of Council. addressed the meeting as follows;-Clanon Fife, Reeve O..E.spa.rks, Mr.H.Corner, Counci~lor A.N.Fisher, Public School Trustee H.Stoaks, Councillor Dr.c .Rose, President of the Veterans AssJJo Mr.John Sisman, Councill.or R.V.Bmith, Solicitor L~C~Lee, Council.lor W.A.West, Clerk A.c.A.Wil.lis, Councill-or S•G.Patriak, Mr::HHarold Lubbock, and :Mr.A.HUl.ae. SPARKS,FISHER. That the StrikingCofumittee to select the various committees of Council. for the year l946 0 be composed of Mayor R.Linton, Reeve c.E.Sparks, Councillors R.V~Smith and A.N.Fisher. Carried. The meeting ~~eg adjourned at 11.50 to be resumed at 8 o'clock on the Eevning of the aa.me day. FIRST REGULAR MElllTING. The Council re-aasembled at 8 P.M. with Mayor Linton in the Clia.:tr and the following Members present;-Reeve OaE .Sparka., Councillors A.N.Fiaher,, R.V.Smith~-H~ Dr.O.Rose, W.A.West, El.wood Davis,and s.Patricko A Delegation of Ladies from The Women's Institute <tttended the l!lleeting requesting tha.t larger bulbs be inserted in the ·street Lights, and that better Street Lighting be provided in the Municipality. AJ.so that better Bus Service be provided for Commuters, and that-a suitabl.e Rest or Waiting Room be pro- vided for Bus Passengers. Reeve c.E.Spa.rks submitted the fol.lowing report aa drafted by the striking Committee;• We, the Striking Committee report aa follows, and recommend that the Colmnitteea for the year 1946 be composed as follows; · Finance Committee, A.N.Fiaher, C.E.Spa.rks. A.A.Cook. Streets Committee, C.E.Sparka, S.Patriak, El.wood Daviso Water & Fire Camm. A.A.Cook, A.N.Fisher, W.A.Best. Social Service~ El.wood Davis, R.V.Smith, Dr.c.nose. Property Committee, R.V.Smith, W.A.West, S.Pa.triako . Police Clommittee,, Mayor Linton, A·A.Cook, f.-N.Fisher. Sports & Publicity, S~Patriak, Dr.Co11ose, R.V.Smith. Post Wax Rehabilitation. Wl.I\..West, El.wood Davis, c.E.Sparks. :By-laws & IZJlduatrial •. Dr.O•Rose, A.A.Cook, A•N.Fisher. Signed, R.Linton,c.E.Sparks, A.N.Fisher, R.V.Bmith. SPARKS,FISHER. That tb:e report of the Striking Committee be adopted as read·. Carried. Dr.E • .J.Henderson, and G.H.Bunt attended the meeting, preaenting a. petition for the removal of the Gospel Churan from Yonge Street. FISHER,SPARKS. That the fol.lowing aacounts be paid, that the Mayor iasue orders on the Treasurer for the same,. and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. • CORPORATION. Eel.l Tel.ephone Co. aV C1 G' -·-;-.-,,.- d Aurora Hydro Teasdal.e's Market D.MaDOnald Aurora Buil.ding Co. Dinty Moore .r .Bak Phone #305 $ 2.5o, #361 3•58\ 1/500 5.20 Arena 21.94~ Clerk's Office 3o.04\ Town Hall 10 .71, Mechanics Hall 6.89\ Disposal Plant 62.77\ Standby Pump 8•75\ Temporary Relief 2a84\ Hand Rail(T.Hall) 6.00\ Coal &a. 89 .40\ Gas. 5oi5 (5 o95 ), Drum, Labour &a. 20.55\ . I ! !I r-----,.,._.·~·--'"·"''·~·"""'~:.;.:,.~ .. ..;_~---··-·-··-·-·· .·· .. ".'·~·--·-:' :. ' ' ,· ! ------~·-~ ~""'"""'""''"" ~~ ... ,,.,.;...u;.,;,;...;.;_..c..~--:..:~~:.c..:..~~--~-~-----. _ _;;c. ____ ~· ..• '~~ I 1. /-~-..... \ FIRST ME.EriNGi JANUARY U~ 1.9~6 .. PAGE .. 2 A.Cross & Co. Amplifier· repaired 4o5Q\ Can.Ingot Iron Co• l!'reight -· 0:50\ F.D.Laeey Rinso &c:. 5;.1.8\ (3•18), W.R.Case Cus'l\om Sawing · 6o00\ Can .Industries Cal.aiwn Chloride 2'0 .81\ Attridge & Son Luniber · 8 .ao\ Wilson Hardware Rasp &a. 1.70\ Ough & Son OH &a. 2'4~51\ Toronto Salt Works Salt 22'!00\ T•K.Fioe Repairs to light 5.36\ Stiver Bros. C'oal.. 29.00\ " " 26•90 Sundry freight, expreils & reaord~ 17.62\ Ont.Muniaipal. Assn. ]IIembersnip 15~00~ J .Goulding Use of Car 4o00\ F.Dunnam Outside trips 13.00 Prov.of' Ontario ffospitalization 41.50~ County of York · · 11 27;oo\ c •N•R• · · Maintaining Flasners 15.51\ B .G ;,Whitelaw Office Su:pplies 2.30\ Muniaipal World Subsoript~ons &a. 17.70\ Newmarket Era Greeting Card 3.00\ Postmaster Stamps l5.oo, Vital Statistics (Filing) 1.8.2'5\ Banner Press Voters Liats &a. 333.02\Carrie~ SPARKS, FISHER. That the a.otion of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Yreasurer for the payment of the following S'UlllS: be, and the same is hereby confirmed,, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Dea:. 8 L.ffod.gins l\forp. 23.;oo, J .BaJc . II 240:20'\ W .3unm:Lers " 24.20'\ J.Peters " 19~80'\ M.Robinson " 14.40" L.Hodgins " 23o00\ J .Bak . . . It 24~20, w.summers '' 24;ao, J.Peters " l9;8o, M.Robinson " 7 0:20\ L.Bodgina 11 23o00\ J .Bak II 24.2'0'-, W .summers '' 2.40:20 '\ J.Peters " l9;ao, M.Robinson " 7.;2o, L .Hodgins " 23~00'\ J .Bak . II 24o20 w .summers 11 24 .;zo ~ J .Peters " 19 .;:8o, M:.Robins-on " 9 .oo'\ Carried. 15 22 29 FISHER,SPARKS. That the following aaaounts be paid, that the ll.!fa.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attaaned hereto. WATERWORKS • .Aurar<);. ffyliro Waterworks #i 30.37, It #2 40.99\ Auror.a Bui~ding Co. Can 2.25\ Postmaster Stamps 24*00\ B.F.navis-Coal. 3l.oo,carried. DAVIS,SMITH. That the fol.lowing aeaounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and tha. t the seal of the Corporation be attaaned hereto. RET·IEF• Medical Assne 3 x o56 Mrs.Traviss Estate Rent Teasdalets Market Food F.D.Laaey ~ ....... 1.68 7o50,_ 17.50, la.oa, -1 FIRST MEETING JANUARY 14.~ .194.6 ... PAa .... 3 •• •'· .;;;: .-~ -C Stiver Bros. Coal. 22.75\ AJlrora :!3Uil.ding co. a l.l.oOO\ Carried. FISHER,.ROSE.. Tll.at thier Council. retain ita. Membership in the Onta.Eio Assn. <li: .. Rura.l..J\IU.nic.i:pal.it.ies, and the llffeJ:JiberBhi:p Fee be remitted.. C.a.r:r;ied. Correspondence from. Al.berta. Induatria.l.s Limited regarding A.l.berta..Hard Caa.l., be handed t.o Counclll.or Roa.e, and a further report. to be l:lr_ ought in a.t som.e , ' ----., :f'u. tlllre m.ee.t.il'ig • · Correapandenae from. Babaoaq Wil.eo:x:, · ud Gol.die...l!ll:oCul.lough L.td.regarding delivery of the new Waterworks. pum;p was rea.d and handed to the Chairman of' the Water Commi.tt.e.e• The re<ruest of' :ME.AJ..e:x:.Bell for :permission to break 35f't.af' the Yonge Street e eurbin front of'. -the Im.perial. Oil. service Station, ~ placed in the hands o.f' the Streets Connnittee. SPA.RKa,FISHER. 'Jlt.at _a._ Committee of' three be named by the Mayor to make <l!l'~em.tirrt.~,.fo~ the Veterrula Banquet. T.he·Connnittee named a.s follows;,_ qounaillora Vf .A.Weat,,-Dr.C .Roa·e, R• V .Smi.th•-Carried• WEST,DAvm. '!ha~ .. the a:tter _of' sal...~ _b.;)" .. Mr.Cb.as.Cook da.ted .Tanuary.l4/46, to ~:L" i px:ovid~_.l.and-to extend Gurhatt st.sou.th t.o Cousin's Lane b.e a.ccepteg., and that the seal. of' the Cocyoration be attached there.to-.. Carried. SPARKS,.WEST:~ Tll.at the.request of MroGlaas. be granted-asking that a.. tree (~itoba.. Ma.ple) be removed from in front of his property-aa the roots are b.loaking his tile drain. Also one in front of A.'W\lthe's property for, the al:!ite reason• · · · _ · · .. . .... .. Ca.rr~ed. ROSI!t,DAVI:il, Tll.at leave be granted to introduce a By-law to borrow $30.000 '· to .. m.ee:I;~ .. Gurreht e]l::penaea for the year, and that the aa.m.e be read a-first time~ ' ' , I SPARKS,.FISHER.. That the By•law now before the Council be read a. second time ~;~,nq. tl).a.t. the .Co1111nail diaaol ve ita elf into a COI!Il1li ttaa of the whole for that :pur:poae. WEST,PATRICK:• That·· tha By-law now bafore· the Council be raa.d a. third time this day and that Ru~a _22 of By-~aw No .852 ba auape:q.ded for tha.t ourpose. T;ha By-law rec:eivad i:ts three rea..dings and was passed. R.OSE,.PATRIBK.> That leave be grantad to in:l:r-oduc:e a. By-law to sall Lot 8 and IJa.J:t Qf.Lo1;. .. 9, East si~e of Edward St., Plan 12.0, Aurora, and that.tha same be novr read a first time. FISHER~Sl'ARKS. Tha..t the By-law-now before tha Council be raad a.. saaond tima and ~t tha.Council diaaolve itsalf into a. aommittaa of tha whole for that :purpose. snTH:,.DAVIS. That the By-law now before the Council. ba raad a. third time thia day and .. that Rtde 22 of .By-.law No.852 be aualandad for that purpose. Tha By-law rec-ai vad its thrae readings and was paased. ROSE',.SMITH:o Tflat lai;{ve ba givan to introduce a By-law to appoint a. Mamber of the Pgblic Library Board, and that tha same be now read. a first time. ROSE,.FISHER. Tfl;a.t laave be givan to introduce a By-law to appoint a M:embar of the Board ollr Health, and that tha same be now read a first tim!a. SPARKS,FISHER. Tfl;at tha By-law now before the Council be read a.. seaondl time aDK;l that. the Council di~:tsolve itself into a. ao~ittae of tha whlill.e for tha.t purpose. WEST,.D.Av.rs:,. That. tha By-law now brtora tha .Council. be raad a third tima this day and that Rule 2:2 of By-law No.852 ba a:litapanded for that purpose. i The By•law was given its three readinga and pa.saad with tha name of' Dr. E • .r. 1 Handeraon ins:artad. . ! ROSE,.DAVIS. That laava be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a High Sahooll Trustea,. and that the aa.ma be now read a first time. 1 FISHER,.SPARKS. That tha By-law n'ow bafore the Couz;tcil be read a. aaoond time \ and that the Counc:il dis:sol.va itself into a. c:ommittaa of tha whole for that I pur:posa. , PATRICK:,,SMITH:. That the By-law now bafora tha Council. ba read a third time thi~ da;r and that Rule 22 f B . ' o y-la:w No .852 ba suapandad for .,.,..._t· j' """"" · Pllr:poaa • ! .,.., ........ . ,-. -. -· -~-""'""'"'?"'-·_, __ . '--~'·'~~·· . .:~~~ .... ~ ... ~~ ........... ~~~ ... ~~=~'""'""""'~~...,;~.,.,._~~·.; __ .:__~~_:~ · Jl'IRST MEETING ~~ J"ANU.ARY 14 ~ 1946 !i!e .. Paie .·~ 4 · Tt:Le By·•law waa g;iven its. three readings and paaaed with the name of E.J". EvcU.eigh inaerted.. . . A committee compoaed. of. Councillors. Roae,. Fisher &. Pa.trick was appointed to j,nterview the Gray Coach.Line regarding the poor ac.c.omo.dat.ion afforded. commuters. while wai.ting for the. arrival. of bus.aea. NOTICE OF MOTION• Councillor R.V.Smith intends. to bring in recommenda.tion regard.ing. remuneration for COUJ:):a:i-1 Memberae ... NOT.ICE OF MOTION. Councillor Dr.C.Rose intends. to bring in By-law to increaae Police For0;e by add.ing one extra .Me.mber to be on duty-during ·da.yo.light hours. SMITR 10 SPARKS• That a letter be sent to the Collis Lea.ther Co.tha.Jlking them far the improvements made by them in the Mechanias:-Hall. Carried. Finance Committ.ee to review the wages of the Town Employ-ees and this. matter to be d.iacua.aed a.t s.ome future meeting,. Meeting adjourned. at 11.30 P.M. -~~-· ~--· ... ~------~, ~ Mayor. '