MINUTES - Council - 19460225I
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The miRD meeting of the Council was held in the CounaU Chambers on
Mond~-Evening, February 25th. at s.:sa, with Mayor Linton.in the Chair,
Md. the fol.l.o~ Members preael!lit;-Reeve C.:E.S:parka, Dep-R.eeve A.A.Cook,
Counclllora A.J.ii.Fisher, S.G.Patrick,. Ro V .Sl:IQ;tb;, and DroRoaeo
REPORT OF THE PQLIOE CO:m.Q:TTEEo The Ooillllli.ttee respectfully submits the
foilewulg;""· T.hat·we 'a-dvertiae in· the Aurora Banner, the Newmarket. Era,
the Evening Te~egram, the :fol.lowing ad.vertia~nt to call for applications
to fill the· poaation of Pllltl!ioe Pelioe Oortata'ble for the Town of Aurora,
"WAlr..!l!!D, War VeterM with Overseas Service as permanent Police · Conata'ble
for Town of Aurora Po~ice Department, .Age 21. to 29 years~ Education equiv'-
a:lent of two .. years High School. or better, Height 5t~oftt, Weight 165 pounds
approximately. MUst be capable of passing atriat medica~ examination and
be of good charaetero App~y by letter to Pol.ice Oommittee, Aurora, Ont .•
Ssl.ary to be· $l.fi60o00 per year pl.us uniform. Duty to be, l.2.hcurs per day,
8 houra active Md 4 hours on cal.l.o Specific dutiea to be listed at time
of engaging. March Jlithofor p.pplica.t.ion. Signed R.Linton,A.A.Oook,A.N.Fisher.
Adopted on motian of Cook and Fisher.
Dr.C .J .Devina, Chairman of the Public School Board, artd Membera of the
Board, met with the Council. to diacuss plans .for the buil.ding o:f the NS'iir
Pub~ic School. M;r.Page, the Architect employed by the School Board waa also
in attebd.Mce to outl.inC. and pres:ent rough pl.ans of the New Building.
Mee.ting .adjourned at 9.50
~~. -LJ;·~··-.. ·~···
Mayor •