MINUTES - Council - 19460304,------·-~--~~~~c:~-----·------~-~~~:~-~~~-~~~·~~,~~~~~-'~------~-~"--~·'·•-----c~--~~,~~--~~----~·~-- \ I I I I L_ ) FOURTK l!I:EmiNG MA.R.CI:L 4tlh .,.1945 PAG& - 1 The FOURTH. meeting of the Council wa.a he2.d in the Council _ Cl:l.ambers on Monday .Evening, March 4th. ,1946, with Mayor Linton. in the Cl:l.air and the following Members present;-Reeve C .a.sparka, Dep-Reeve AoAoCook, Councillors A-.N.Fiaher 10 S'iG.Patriak• W.A, .. Weat, El.weod :De..vis,.J;lr~Rose, and R.V.Smith~ _ ,!he min~tea of the third meeting were CORPORATION. Bell Telephone Co. adopted as read. lhone #55 $ 6.90\ 135 -2.79, 305 2.5.0\ 314 a.o5.\ 326 2.50\ 361 2o89, 500 5.20" Clerk's Offiae(Febl) 4.49\ arena. _ _ .41.06\ Town Hall _ 10.66\ 1\fec:ha-niaa Hall 4o45\ Standby l'unlp 49 .52'\ Aurora Hydro :Pi's:posal_Plant 6.0.31\ Wilson Hardware Supplies_ ,9.40\ ~vis & Son Fuel 3~o10\ stiver Bros• -11 Town Hall 20.00\ II I! . , It -32~85\ DaviS" Gar:age Gaao&a.. -29.4!\ 0-.N.R. _ Maintaining Flashersl9;15\. w .Neal _ Oil Heater 115 .oo '\ A,urora Buil.ding ca. Fuel. &a. 31.30'\ Ctinningbam & Hill Wrenahes &ao l8o34\ IJa;rrison Transport cartage aa. 40\ Auroraa Orchards $now Plowing 69 .oo, Qugh & Son Tap &a. 6•77"-- W .L •Mi1gate Truck repairs 32 ;45, I .Daniel.s Oil _ 21 !52 \. l'urd¥•Ma.nsell contract 1930.00" D.Smith Speakers 5o.oo, Postmaster Stamps 13o00'\ Sundry Freight & Ex:press 7.11 '\. J .Goulding Use of aar 4.oo, County of York _ Hospitalb•a.tion :ra.oo, _ StrEret Lights far February 317 ol2\Carriedo COOK,SPARKS. Tha.t the following aaaounts: be paid1J that the Mayor isaue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation e a.t ta.ohed hereto • SPARKS',. PATRICK. That the action o:f the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the fol.lowing SUI!IS be, and the same is hereby aonrirmed• and that the seal of the Corporation ire attached thereto. CORPORATIOli, Feb•2nd. L.Hodgins $ 23~00\ J.Bak 24~20\ w•summers 24.zo, J.Peters 2S.40'\ M.Robinaon 18~45\ L.Hodgins 2S~OO\ J' .Bak 24.20, w.summera 24~20~ J.Peters 21.60\ ][~Robinson l2ol.5\ J .Bak 25.so, w.summera 24.20, 9th. l6tho J.Petera 21.60 \ ····;··-•o. .-,,=JY·: r--·---~--~~·~·~.c,.w.;,~·~·~·--m:,_:.;_"''"..;~;~~~--~~-~-----~;,:_:~::_.-~-·..:;:;2;,:~,~~~_;,-~,.~n~~~~~~.fu""-""'-·-··~~·"'·""'··--~~~-.:::_::i._._:~,-::~,~~-:~---______:.-:· _ _.g __ ,_~~~~"'*:2:~;S~~;..,~."''""";_,..;;"".,..,~-~..;... •• _~·-..: __ 2Srdo· FOURTH. MEETING MARCH 4t.;b.,~l.94,6 PAGE -a M..Rabinaon 9 .• 90, J~ak 2-6~40\ W .summ.erll Z4~20, J~Peteril _ 2lo60' _ M:~;Etobinson lB.oa, Carried. COOK.WESTo 'l'J:J;a.t· the_ fol.lowing a.cnounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on. the_ Tree.aurer for-the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be a.tta.chedhereto. WA.mlWORKSo Bell. Tel.ephone Co. Blane #12. $ 3o85\ __ , Aurora. Hydro Wa.terworka #J.(Febl.)30o25\ . • #2.---39.39\ Aurora BuJ.l.ding ca. Fuel. -4a.oo, Milel.ler-Limlltted Pipe &ao 32.03, Poa tmaater Stamps ·7 .oo\ Carried. FISimR,WESTo That the i'ollowing aaeounts be paid, the.t the Mayor issue orders on-the Trea.aurer i'or the same, and that the aeaJ. o:r the Corporation be attached. hereto. RELIEFo Medi.na;l. Assn. Mrs~Travias Estate General Store Teaddaleta Market 3 X o56 Rent Food It Stiver Bros:. Fttel $ l.o68 Aurora. Buil.ding Co • .. .tt Correspondence from.l'[rs.E.J ~a.tes regarding the autting St., wa.a ~ead and handed to_ the Streeta Committee. ' 7.50\ l.6o80\ l6o00"\ 17 .50" J.l.oo, Ca:rtried;, o:r a tree on Laxmont A aommuniaation i'rom the Gray Coach Lines regarding the new location for the Ticket Agency, wa.a read and ordered i'iledo l'[r.Martin &_Thaddeus Shanks attended the meeting, requesting that they be all.owed to bucidria stucco garageon the Wel.J.a $i;.extenaian, and ~ive in SW!le m;tti~ -they are _abl.e t.o finish their new home this coming Summer. REPO:ij.T OF FIRE & WATER COMMITTEE. This Committee met an Monday Evening.Feb. J.8th;at 8 P.M.with.Chairman& Counci~~or Fisher, al.so Mayor Linton and !lWuncil.~ors Rose & Smith present.-· J..We reo:omm.end the fo~J.owing equipment :rar our Fire Departmant.;- 400:rt.o:r J.ftt .Hose @ 1ol.O per foot. $440.00 J. Siamese Zf X l.f X J.f with shut oi'i' 3J.o95 Z_N'o~<tal.es for J.fot Hose@ 83o00 & 50.00 J.3:3.00 2 Pyrene Extinguishers 1qt.size(for Truck) 32 .• 00. Spr.Rubber Boota -15.00 $65J..95 2. AJ.so that in consideration of the Fire MarshalJ.ls recommendation we purchase the fa11owing extinguishers. Mechanics Hal.l 1 x 5 gaJ.J.. $ l.8o00 Rink ToWill Hall Library J. x J. qt.Pyrene J.4.00 J. X 5 gal.1o · 18.00 l. x 5 gal~. (SahooJ. Room) 18_.oo l. X 5 ga.J.l. 18.00 $ 86.00 3~ Preparation is in progreets to imatal.J. a Water Pump of the size and capacity to p;nnp the present flaw of water to meet the requirement of the Tovm at the present timeo . . ~t wa;a unanim<?ual.y ~eed that a. meter to measure the water be installed WJ. th the pump J.i' pos:sJ.bl.et whereas in ;!the past i'ive years the consumption ha.a approximatel.y doub1ed. Anticipating the future growth of the Town, we :reel. it necessary to have recorda of the fl.ow and consumption o:r water in order to make pl.ans far the :future. 4oFurther it is: agreed that the i'aJ.lowing work . ·J. ~ anned and ' "" FOURTH. :MEETINii -March. 4th,-~946 PAGE -3 pw:taed by previoua Counai~~ora be carried out and our Engineer be aaked for hia co-operation in omnp~eting thia work. ~. lf¥drant on Roas Street. a. The baae of _the Water Tank repaired. a. Water maina, dead, ends. connected. 4. Water maina back of Storea on Weat. Side of Yonge Street. 0:. The Trent extenaiona be estimated and materi~a ordered. 6. That. the Cbrk be instructed to write War Asseta enquiring for a. Gaao~ine Engine of the horae power apd capacity for the emergenay water PWll.P• · Signed A.N.Fisher, A.A.Cooko COOK,FISH.ER. That the report of the Wa.te+> & Fire Colll!!littee be adopted and the-aeaJ. of the· Corporation be attached hereto. · -Carried. The report of the E~~~ and Ind.uatri~ CQllllllittee was presented.by Dr.Roae and adopted on moti'-~' . .Rose & Fisher. Sl'III:Tlr,VIEST. Tb;at tha'!![t~&~r of $:1:2a:.oo received. from Keith Nisbet to purehaae .. the· Pea.se:·E:ot Water Furnace • used condition,-a.s advertised recent- ly, be hereby-·accepted.-· . · · · · Carried. . . -_,, -' ' -/ REPORT OF. TliE PROPERTY CW:WUTTEE.The Committee iteapectf~ly submit the fo~~owing;-Th.a.t the· l'l;operty Committee met the. Library Eoa.rd on Feb.~Bth. in the Library Eullding. Requests were made for; .. ~.Permanent Heating Systrem to be insta~led by Oct.l/46,either oil or coalo 2oRe-wire the bui~ding and rep~ace lighting fixture~. s •. Inatall atorm. windowa. 4o Varniah or paint the f~oora. Signed R.V.Smith, W.A.Weat, Dr.Rose. Adopted on motion of Smi.th& Weat. WEST,SPARKS. T.b;at the Mayor call a; meeting of all interested Org'-niza.:t.iomt and.l;'a.rties: to discus:s the proposed COiillllUnity Hall or Centre. Carried. OOOK,ROSE• That a. Building Permit be issued to Ma:htin & Thaddeus Shanks to erect .a. garage on their We~la St.Propel.-ty, upon submitting plana or a aketoh of the propoaed, new house, a.t the Ol.erkta Offiae. Carried. A Ey-~a..w ,was introduoed to regul:ate tra:f'fie on highways. :aos.E,COOK. That Ey•law now before the Council. be read a seaond time and that the Council. disso~ve itself into a committee of the who~e for that purpose. ROSE,COOK. that the By-I.aw now before the Counai~ be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of Ey-~a.w No.862 be s:uspended :f'or that purpose. The Ey~law ~ given its three readimgs and passed. A Ey-~aw was inttroduced to designate new highways• ROSE.coOK. Th.a.t Ey-la.'l'f now before the Oounail be read a. second time and that the Council disso~ve itself into a committee of the who~e for that purpose. ROSE.COOK. Tha.t the By-~aw: now before the· Counai~ 'be read a third time this day and that R~e 22 of Ey-~a.w No .862 be aus:pended for that puppoaee Th.e Ey-~aw was given ·its three readings and passed. ROSE.DA.VIS. That :Leave be given to introduoe a Ey-law to remunerate Members of Counoi~ for their services, and that the same be now read a firat time. Sl'IIITH,SP.ABKSe That section 3 of Ey•la.w No.862 be s:uspended and that business on hand be oom.pleted. Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. That the Ey-law: now before the Counoi~ be read a second time and that the Counai~ diaso~ve its~ into a committee of the whole for that purpose. SMITH,WEST. That the Ey-:I.a.w now before the Counci:I. be rE~ad a third time day and that Rule 22 of By-law No.~62 be suspended for that purpoae. The Ey-:taw was given its. three readings and passed. Meeting adjourned at A.M. £~ MiWor,. .. · .. , .. this