MINUTES - Council - 19451215( ' ·· .. ·; . ~;.::,:.c........:...:._. __ ~-~·----:..:... ·c---~~.···l EIGH.TEENTFI( FINAL )MBl.ETING ·DECEMBER ~5:-~945 · c • -PAGllF• 1 The. EIGH.TEENTH.(final) meeting of the Council was held in the Csuncil Cha!!ibera·tm Sa.turda.y·Evening, Dec.l5th. at 8 otclock, with :Mayor L:i.ntan in the Chair--and the fallowing ·li!Ien:ibers :present;-Reeve C .E.S:parks·; Coun- clhllors-Vl•.il•Weat., .Elwood Davia and R.V.Smi.th. Th.e minutes.of: the-aeventeenth meeting.were a.do:pted as read. SPJ\RKB,VIEST. Th.a.t the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor iasue orders on.the·Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corpor .. ation be attached heret.o. CORPORATION. Bell Telephone Co. Phone #65 #135 #3l4 Aurar<~.. Hydro Poatmaster Stiver Bros. Aurora Building Arena. Clerk's Office Town Hall Mechanics. Hall Disposal Plant standby Pump Stamps . Coal{T .Hall) Co. Coal &c• · $ 9.54-. 4.'12' 2.05'- '1.87-.. 3.02' 12.55\. 5.98-. 63.89,(63.89), 8.75'· 24~00'- 36 .• 75' ·88.92' O.D.H.ess Toilet Paper &c. 2.04' Taylor & Son Charge Bat.tery 1.50' Wils.on Hardware Wax &c. 14.60\. Attridge & Son Lumber &c. 1'7.89' Frankcom Garage Gaa.&c. 17;89' J.C.Thomson Grease 4~90\. F .w .caulfield Truck rep airs 27.7 5' Carried •. DAVIS.VJEST. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on .. the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal. of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERVfORKS. Bell Telephone Coo Aurora Hydro Phone #12 Waterworks #i " #2 Aurora Building B.F.Davis T.Spence Mueller Limited Co. Painn · G .Barrager SPORTS & PUBLICITY REPORT. Wood Gasoline Pipe &c 0 Photos: 3.70' 29i83' (29 .83) 38.59'-J' 1.050 11-' 6;75' 31.00'\. 10.05' 5.25-.Carried. Aurora Skating Arena Seas:on 1945-•1946· WeeklY Schedule. llitond:aY Tuesd:ai wed:neacraY:, · Thurs:d:ai Fridio/· saturday• StAl!l!drews: High School St.Andrews St • .Andrews Public School St • .Andrews 3.45 to 5.45 3•30to 5.30 :t.45 to 5.30 3.45 to 5.30 1•00 to 5.30 1.45 to 5.30 Lions Cl.u'll: 5.45 to 7.45 EVENINGS. Mond:i:y Lions Glub 8 to 10.30 Lions Club 5.30 to 7.45 EVENINGS. TueS:day Wednesday Bush League 11:;blic Town Leag~e League 7.30to 11. 8 to 10 :rhursda.y Skating Parties: Frid§tY High School Hockey practice 7 to 9•30 Saturday Public Skating Band. l / EIGHTEENTH MEETING DEC ~~5--~~45 . PAGE ~ 2 Pub~ic. Ska:bimg -.Aiilmiasion, Adults o2fi,.z', Chi~dren .~fi,.z' Saturday Nigl.l.t. a..dllliasion, Al~ o2:5.J2' Practice time. ~st.hour $3..00 SUNDAYS• Closed a.l~ day 2nd.hour 2:.00 3rd.hour 2.;00 Gamea. Where admias:ion is charged -40% Gate. We supply cashier &. ticket taker • .. Sparta & .t'ub~icity Committee Signed. E:Lwood Davis, R. V .Smith. DJUliS,SMITH That the Sports & Jll'ubl.icity Committee report be adopted. Fire Chief. Hy.Jones attended the meeting.and presented the foUowlflgried. report for the Aurora Fire Brigade for the Year 1.945. During the year,we had 42 ca~ls, ll of. them outside the Town. In Town we had 7 fa~e alarms, 9 practices, ~5 call.s with losses of $6800 Donations were given to various organizations in Town(Red Croas &c.)$400.00 Cigarette& were sent to all toen boys overseas twice in the year. Hockey sweaters were purchased for the Juvenile Hooke~ Team. Banquet to returned men, and other activities were carried on. · Signed H.R.Jones. SPARKS, DAVIS. That~ the report as presented bythe Fire Chief be accepted. Mayor .Linton .congratulated the Fire 9hief upon the exceilimt report of. the Brigade. The Treasurerts report for the period Dec.llj ,1944 to December ~5 ,1945 was presented to Council and adopted as rea.cl:. SPARKS,S][!ITH. That in view of the Aurora Public School having agreed to lea.se.to the Town of Aurora the property eommon~y known aa the Health Hall at the South-West corner of. Mos~ey & Victoria Streets for a term of 20 years at a yearly rental of. one dol~ar, subject to right of termination, The Town of. Aurora. enters into a ~ease agreement. for the renting of. the said property for purposes of the Aurora Public Library on the terms aforesaid subject to right of either party to terminate the lease on six months noticeand .that the Mayor and Clerk be and th81J are hereby author• f!zed to execute a lease agreement a.ccordingly, and the seal of the Cor- poration be attached hereto.; Carried. SMITH,; W'ESTo That this Counci::L present a::Ll employees: of' the Town of Aurora with a gooae with our best compliments of the aeason. Carried. Mayor Linton thanked the Members of Council, and all Town Employees for their co-operation duri:ng&the past year, and stated that he v•ou::Ld again be a Candidate for the J\ITayoral.ty in the forthcoming election. Reeve Sparks and All Members: present addressed the· meeting, Reeve Sparks said that he would be a Candidate again for the Reeve-ship,and all other Jl[embers of Council pres:ent expreased their desire to serve the Municip- ality for another yearo Deputy Reeve A.A.Cook was absent from the meeting through ilness. .· .. SPARKS,· LINTON. That the Clerk be instructed t.o send a letter to Councill.or ··• Fred.Rowl.and wishing him the comp~iments of the season, and also wishing for hrimt a speedy recovery from his recent illness. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10.10 :Ma;vo:e. ·:ij ,.;,% >i;)L ·LA,