MINUTES - Council - 19451105FIFTEENTH. MEETING NO~ER 5-:-~945 . .. '-'PAGE .. ~ ,o;;: The FIF~Tli meeting of' the Council wa.a held. in the Council Chambers on Monday<E;venjng,. November 5th.., at 8 o'clock, w:Lth Mayor Linton in the Qbair, and. the follovting:·Membera preaent;.-Reeve ColioS:park:a, Dep-Reeve A.A.oCookr Councillors Dr.rutae,. A.N.F:Laher,R~V.Smi.'!;h,-Elwood. Davia and. W ~!'We at. : . _. TX!.e _minutes. af the fourteenth meeting were .ado.pt.ed a.a read. COOK,Jll'ARKS• ~t the following a..caounts be pa:Ld, .. tha.t the Mayor iaaue ord.er~ .. on .... the. Tl'easurer for the aa.me;, .and. that the seal of .the Corpor- ation be a:.ttached. heret~h CORPORATI.ON.. Bell. Telephone Ctt. l'hone #6fi $ 9•44' #13fi 2.90, #SOfie 2ofi.O, #3U 2.05-- #361 a.J.o, /lfi,Oo u.2o, Aurora Hyd.ro Oct.l. Clerk's Officel.•75' :!:OW11 Hal.:)., 5. • 9 6 ' ll[eohanies Hall l. o8'h Standby Pump Bo'?5.' :Piaposal_PlaDt !i6.55.' Nov.l Cll.erkht Offiae 1.85' ~OWn Hall l0o79' Me.cllaniaa HSJ.l 4.55' Standby Pump 8o75.' ':J;lisposal.l'lant 63-.60..., T.K.Fiaet-TQW HaJ.l4'1*.'~!1.,, Meehaniaa sti.ver Bros:. Coal, TownKali · 2.45. Dinty Moore G~.&a. Ough & .son supplies Jl'yr-Fyter spanriera. ;r .E .Bucl'l:anan Gravel. · Taylor & son Ba~teries· B~F~Davia cement &a~ Attridge & Son Lumber &a. 49•46 ..... 46a55'- 20o25' 58.70'- :5~00.... 103.50, 2.25' .r .c .Bodfish: Dia'posa;L Plant 47~40'- 21~46, 20el5'- 28.06'-Burnel G:raham Lul:liber &e .• B;anner Preaa Billa &c. • Printing'&c. Aurora..Building Co. cement &a •. F.R.~nderhill rnsuranae Board of Trade B&nquet .Ulowanae C .N•R• Maintaining Flashers. ;r .Gcml.ding ~ae of car F •Du:nham Ex:tra: men SeJ.eation of .Turora Poatmas:ter . Sjalltpa Sul'lldcy-Freight · & a. - Prov.of 0:1lftario Rospital.iz:ation County of York • Street Lights • .. Ii.Anderson Painting Signs COOK,SPA.Rks. That the a.ction of the Mayo,r irt: issuing orcJ;era ttrer for the payment of the foll.owing alima. 'l>e., and the sa.me eon:f::lr.med,. and that the s:eaJ. of the Corpora.ti6n be attached Oet. · 6 L •Rcidgina Corp • .T.Bak ... w.summers .r~etera M.Robinaon ... "''"' -~-. ···-:---~···~"-· _.,,,_-,., .... ,_·.-; •• .,;~'-'-"""'-'-'~"'~"'-':~c.;;·~:-~•.L=~:-::. .•. •/··---. It .. It 1.2.57-.\ 16.59-l 48~.00'- 25;oo, 31~00' 1.7;25, 4;oo' 25.00' 1.5.00' 1.6.·00'- ,9.75' 46.00'\ 25-.68, 31.7 ;].2' J.5..oo,carried. Ol'll the Treas:- is hereby thereto• 30 ~5o, 24~75, 24~75., 20.25, J.s.oo, i i j :: ~:-';> ' r----------'""""'''<k;""""""',;,.,._..;.,;"~,.,;;;,.;.:'""._' Oat.ol.:i . 20 2.'1 FIFTEENTH. MEETING .. NOVEMBER a-1.945 . -_.P.A.GE.. . ..: a . . -. • __ , ... _-, .c LoH0dgins Corp• 23.00' J oBa.k II 2.3o00' W~ummera ~ a3o00'- _;r. ~:;>et.era ~ :~.a.oo, ~~binaon ~ J.a.oo, L~Hodgi~ ~ 2.3.00'- J~. It 2.4.75' w.sumrners ! 2.4o7a' . .r~Pet:ara: ! ao o25'\ ~;;.aobinaon ~ l.a.OOO\ :4~~odgina !" 2.3.00' .I~ ! 2•b20\ W~Smmners !t 24•20' ;r~~ters 11-. 1.9 .so' "~, M-•~obinaon . '!--1.8•00\0arr.iedo FISHER.COOK. Tha.t :t;~,e fol.l.owing aceounts be-paid, tba..t the Mayor iasue arQ.el:li gl;l! __ :the:TreaalU'er for th~ aa.me,. and tha.t th~ sea.l of _the Corpor- ation be a..ttac:h.ed. her_eto.. · WATERWORKS-a Bel:]. Tel.eph&ne Coo __ . . . Aurora.. Hydro Oat.l. Nov.l. Ph&ne #Ia . Wa.terv_<orka #i II 1/2: It #l. ". #2 4 .• 95' 29.6(h. 3'lo'l8' 30.9]., 41..2.6' Qugh & Son Su]?:pl:,iea 3o25' Spragg & son Labor &c. 4.oo, l'oatmaater Sttimpa JLo.oo ... Banner l'resa BUl.a · 29 o59, Carried. WESTi" .. :iM::tTH.. That the following accounts be paid, that the lilia\vor i~;tsue llrdera_:on:the Trea.alU'er for the aa.me. and that the aea.l of _th7 Corpor- ation be at;taahed. he;eeto. RFft.IEF. M:ed.ieal. Aa::;n. 5 x •5:6 2.80 :Mrs .. Tra.visa Estata Rent -7.5:0" Stiver Broa. FUel. l.5~50' J? .D.La.cey-. · -Eood. l.2~0€h F.W.Teaacia;l_e " l.9o2~ .General. S:Core 11 (2 mos.} 29•40 .... Carried. Oorrespond.e!lae from 1\ilr~c.wil.l.mott regarding the proposed extension of G~ctrge Street. This was pl.aced in the hands: o:t: the Post W?;.r Oommittee. A communieation frow Ohas. VanJ Zant, Ne\\lii.llirk:et, enquiring for :l;'aetory space wa::r pl.aeed in the handS: of Dep-Reeve A.A.C:o"ok:. An-invitation from the Aurora Veterans to the .J.Vtembera of Oounall to attend :(;he Sunday-Churah Service,, arid t.ake the aal.ute in front of the Poat Offia:e. on Sunday-N9vember :llth .. , was: rec-eived from: PreS:ident Geo.Du;ffiel.d, and a .requea:t to ho:ld their Annual. Poppy-Day on saturday-Nocvember l.Oth• SP~~lKIT:Tif• That the_ request of the Aurora Veterans be granted. Oarried. CorresponQ:ei)oe was read from: the York Broadaa.sters Limited , and was handed tct the, 0~ O::t: the Pttbl.ieity Ooliimittee. -· ROSE"tFISHER• That this Counail. endors:e the reaol.ution aa adopted b;fr the Miimiaipa.l Coune:il. of :North Bay-, reaommending that the cost of care and mainte:nan.!ite of. i-ndigent ahil.dren and deserted ahil.dren be bar_ ne by-the Provine.· --Government. under .the direction of the Ohlldrena Aid and Loca.l lllfuniaip i.ties. -. -.-. · . . _ OOOIC.SPARKS. That thia Council. endorse the resol.ution as adopted by-the NQrth Bl;l;Y-City-Council to address a l.etter to the Attorney-General req- uesting t~t l.~ in regard to Ga.mbl.ing Rooms at 1\U.dways be enforoed. Oorreapondence ·from the County-of York regarding the passing o:r a By .. l.aw prohibiting the bl.owing of train whistles,. was read and ordered fil.ed. A deputa.tian from the Fire Dept. a.ttended Council. requesting that permias"" :ton be given the Brigade to insta.ll a fan in the Mechanics Hall to remove smoke etc .:t:rom the hall. ( -~~--•-·:.-:.2iio-' , ____ -_;. ,, "~'-'£L~·-.· ~~-~'"""''"''"--~--· . ~_: __ ,,_.:,.> _c__,_~---__ ciLL_. ___ --~-~· _ l X .. ''~·:-·-·· '~-· .. FTRo/mmlii'l'H MEETING Yo'VEiVfB:EiR 5.-194a . •pAGJit":... 3 . •· .. -, --"· I SPABKS,DA.VIS. That the Treasurerts Statement be rea.eived and discussed ~-!;_ ]11~ n~t. .. meeting of Council• . Sl'ABKS-,.OOOK. That the C.oune:i1 of the Town of Aurora.:. approve of the County g;L~o~!~_a.ppropria.t.iQn of :jillll,O,ooo.oo in i;he 1946 Levy for aapitaJ. grants to Pub1ie H.oapital.a in e.:. building programme .• _ Carrie~. FISHER,OOOK. Tha,_t-.we inveat. $1000.00 _in Victory Bonds from. the.Waterw;orks A.e.q.ol:mt• .. ~d. the_ aeal of the. C:orpore.:.tion .be attached hereto • C~ried. REPORT of the Spee.ial Collllldttee on Traffic Signal..-Wellington &: Yonge, l:l~l!lit the fol~owing;, .. _The.:.t 'Y!f.e .are progreas;ng 'Y!fith __ the lights. as speed- ily-as possible. Al.l :ma:teri~a for S:allte have been ordered., but are hard to proe1ure. The aa;bl.e @Xld lighta are holding ua up at preserd:, but expect they wlll be. a:11sJ.:le.:.h;t.e aib~ut :lO!Ia.Et, when we hope to complet.e the ina tall• e.:.tion• Al.l of whiah is: rea.pec:ttully-aubmitted• Signed c.E.Spar:rta,A-A·Cook. MINORJ:TY: REPORT, of tb:e Spee:ial. Collilllittee appointed to .. in-reatigate. eon• ditioa~ __ existillg_ in the rear of Yonge st.Weat., with a view to oreating auffiaient thoroughfare to enabLe truaka, ... transport, and e.ll vehioles delivering merehandi.te,~~~or'-'f~om atores wi.thin the limits of Wellington Street on the .North, &TousJ.ns same on the South, to use same ina tead of ~tmge Street as-ia the auatom exia:ting at_preaeilt. We beg to report that thia Oollilllittea waa· notified to meet a.t 1.30 P.JIC. Oc.t .. 30th. One Member was preaent. and H.ia Worahip the Mayor. We found some of the premises: in the rear o:t'above mentioned atorea olean, e.nd very well eared for, othera not . - ' . I so we~~ ~ooketi after. We wi~l reoommend as followa;- (1.) . That the Cbrk be instructed to forward a ~etter to the various: partiel aoneerned within the afore-m.enti.oned area,· requeating their eo-operation in cleani.ng up e.nd removing the ash-heaps and debria generally w:hiah he.:.a accumulated within their reapeotive propertiell, during the next t.v,o weeka. In· ease the said eo-operation be not given, the Clerk be and ia hereby instruated to hire an additional. dump truak other than our own, e.nti uae t.he streeta Men to have the debria removeti and the costs of aaiti removal charged in taxes to:· the · respeeti ve parties: invol veti. (2') Our So.lioitor be inatruated to draft a :By-law ma;king it an ofi'enoe to pe.rk a truck or transport on Yonge st .. within aaid area, for the purpose of tielivecy or pioking up merehandiae, and impoaing a penal.ty :tor first and aubaequent. offences:. (3) Benefits derived from aaid thoroughfare. (a) remova.l of trucks and tranaporta making deliveries em Yonge St.. (b.) a.ceitients avoided by-traffic congeation on Yonge St. (c) freer trafi'ie t:llrough the Toym by-removal. of a ahort bottl.e•neak. {d) a fire ha~ard. eliminated.. (e) convenience to Fire Brigade by uae of aame ahould a fire ooeur in . .. the rear of-area conoerned. (f) sanitatio-n .involved wouJ;.d be much illlproved. Tb.e· report. waa adopted on motion of Dr.Roae .and AeA.aook. WEST,DAVIS That the sum o-f $25.00(Tw'enty'"'fiVe dollars) be spent to aid the Aurora. __ ]'iremen install a. 16~ -.I.&We!!' louvre fan in ·the .1\iieohanics Ha:U. ' REPORT o-f the R~bilitation and Reconstruotion Committee. Carried. c' X'our Committee appointed to enquire into extension of Gurnet St., beg to report that we met Mr.a.cook, owner of property required for aaid exten- aion an.d we recommend the following;• , . (1) Tha.t a 6:tt.tile .be plaoeti in the exis:fting' o~eek bed South of the South- erly-limita of Gurnet St., then aovered for 70 ~ 80 i't.with aahes or dump from the Town .during. the ooming Winter so aa to create a. roadway over the creek immediately-South of the corner of Gurnett & Cormaught Sta. The fill 1 should be ao cons-tructed as to bring the aurface of .. the road bed a. 11 ttle higher than the existing road bed of Gurnet St. We further reaommend the.t the roa.d be re-aurfa.oed with good earth as earlY: a.a poasible in the Spring og l 9 46.M:r.cook has agreed to donate a Piece of' laJad 45.tt•\'lide · ". •,• '":~•c r l L FIF~ li/IEETING .. NOVE!iiB;IllR 5.·~'il45. .. l?.ltG:m. _.;; 4. -. . .. frQDt. Yonge street oppoaite Kennedy st.running to the propoaed Gurnet st. exten~io~ ~d -~further piece of.l~d 6Qft.wide from the prese~t end of Gurnet .. st.south to Oousmts Lane provided th~t;- (i} T~e two ex~enaio~ be comp~eted by Nov.1, ~947. (z) Tb.e Kenna~ st.eX.tension be aomp~eted before or at the same time , .. o.a UJ,e Gurnei; st .. ex.t.ension. . (3) Th.e uae~Ul. top_aoil Vihich will llave to be removed on the Gurnet , st.extenaion be made avai~able to lliCr.Cook. For thea:e .. aonceasiona we reaommend tbat the. twcea on_this property remain as ~t preaent until the bui~ding l.ota are soH. adjoingng the proposed road- wa:y !lr facing Qouain'a Lane, and then these lots which are sol.d shall be taxed _aa building ~ota •. -AJ.l of which is reapeatfully aubmitted. Signed,. W.A..West, C.E.sp.a;rka. A.dopted on motion of Weat and Sparks• . _ EEPORT of Rehabilitation and. Reaonstruation Committee, connecting_ link joil!l• ing.Spruce .. ud. Vio.toria.t• · We interviewed Jl/Cr•Hi~on re purchase of his pnoperty known as 138 WellingtoJ st.as shown on .the-map to comprise 58ft. in width and. e:x:tendilmg from Well'"' ington · st.To Centre st. For this property l\!r;r,-.Hiakaon submits a selling price of $32:00.00,. but by retaining the garage and two amall. hen•pena, which he agrl;lea to remove as wel.l .aa the Southerly and Northerly feneea, he offera to red.uee the the ae~~ing priee to $2850 .• 00 and give possession on May 1.,1.946. We recommend that hia offer be accepted. Al~ of which ia respectfully sub- I!P.tted.. · Signed Q.E.Sparka, WoA..Weat. West~SParks, That the report be adopted. -...... A. Reaorded vote waa oal.ll.ed for in' the adopting of the report and the Counoil Members veted ~s fol.lows;-· Mayor Linton c.E.sparks A.A.Cook A.;lr.oFisher R:;v;.Smitn ilr.,Roae W~~Weat :E .:Davia Oounail adjourned at 11.45 YEAS• Nays. Yea. Yea Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay N:ay. ~~-······ ---.;;;;:- :Mayor. ---~ . -·--. / ) ---: