DECEMBER 3 -~9 45
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The SE.VENTEENTli meeting of the Council wa.s held in the· Council Chambers
on M.Qnde.y .Evening, Dec.em'b.er 3rd. a.t 8 o 1 cloak, w:\. th Mayor Linton in the
Chair and. the following Members. present;-Reeve C.E • .Sparka., Dep-Reeve
A..A.Cook, Counc.illora W.A.Weat, Elwood. Davis, A·N·Fisher and .. R.V.Smith.
Tll..e )ll:in.u tea of the fifte.er,~,th and.. sixteenth meetings. adcitpted as. read with
th~ following aorreat.ion;-11 That the minutes: of the fifteenth meeting be
amend.ed. b~ st:iking out. th&~F~s cous~ S./UIIIEl. in th.e minority report,
and s.uba1atutJ..ng therefor c . l::ml LANE~ .. .. . .
COOK10 SPARKS. That the follo'l!:i,ng a.ocounta be pa;Ld, that the Mayor is.sue
. ord.era .. on .. the. Trea.aurer for the aa.me, and that the s.ea.J, of the Corpor-
ation be attached. heret<h ·
CORPORATION. Bell Telephone Co• Phone j:!u $ 9o0l'
Aurora Hydro
Street Lighting, Nov. 3l7al2.'\
R. u Dea. 3l7;12,
P.M..Thompson B~inds. , . l6.oo,
Aurora Plumbing & lieating,Town Hall, 35.84'
A.lirora ::auilding co. Ooal,C8lJ!.ent. &c. l.87 .ao,
9ugh & Son · Qil ~a. 19 .57,
Sturtevant & Coo Re.p.Compreasor 6.9~00'
T•K.Fiae Ligh~a 22.;5.0'
.r.:E;.Buohana.n Sand & Gravel 14'1'.00'
United Steel C.orp• Belts... 14.64'
Qtim1ingha.m & :fP.ll Chain 4.75-..
l'oronto salt Worka. $alt 66.;oo,
C.N.R. Maintaining Flasher l6.86'-
J;lawd.t'.)n Ma.ahin.e co. Repa.Hyd.rant 11.34'-
Mlinio·ipa.l World Taga & Binder 13.45\
Bee.re 1 a Limited Carbon paper 4.16\.
. .John Leckie Ltd. Union .Tack 5 ;16'-
.T .Goulding '{Jae of . Car 5 .• oo\
Sundry-Freight . . . . . 6.40'
County of Yo~rk liospita.lizoation 4.oo,carried.
COOK:,SPARKS. Tha.t the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treas-
urer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same iS' hereby
confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto.
November 3. L.liodgins Corp. $ zs;oo,
.T.Ba.k u 24•20'
w.summers n. 24~20,
.r.Peters " 19;30'
][;.Robinson n ~8;oo,
L.liodgins " 23~oo-.
.r .Ba.k " 25 .ao' w.summers It 24;2o ...
.T .Peters " 19 ;.ao'
][.Robinson '·' 18~00'
L.Kodgins •• za;oo'
.T.Bak .... rt 24~20\
Wo.Su:nnnera u 24;20'
.r.Peters " 19~so,
M.RobinB'on u 18;00'-
L.Kodgins: 11 2s;oo' .r .Ba.k It 26; 95'
W •SUlllillera u 26; 95-..
.r.Peters 11 22;05,
M.Robinson "' l8.oo,
Loliodgina ft 30 2.3:.00 '\
1_, _____ .,__:.,_. .. ..., .. ~"-<=='-""'"'"~~-~'='=~~--... ·.:::_· ... -,.::::::·::~~--,:~~~""""~~~;;;_~ ;' ~--. -"'~""'-~'---~'-'-"'---~'-"-,
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Pecei!ib~.r. 3, .. ":" ... 19~
PAGR ·..;:a
. _, -~' :-c·" ...
J ..Bale
_.:[ •:;>aters
aa .8a'
.. T:Qat _t:Q.e_fo~low:ing account be paid. tha.t the Mayor issue ordera on the
Treasurer :tor the same, and that the seal of .the Corporation b_e a.ttached
hereto. · · · ·
WATERWORKS. Eell Tel~phone Co. Pho.ne #la 3.ao,carried.
:W:SST,SMITH. Tha.t the following accounts be .. paid, -that the Mayor issue
orQ.er~.on. the Treasurer for the same, and that the aeal of the Corpor-
ation be attached. hereto. . . . \
R.ll[.IEF. Medical Ass:n. 3 x .5df 1•68
Mrs. Trav:i,as Estate Rent 7 .50'
Genera.l Store Food 16.80'
:F,.W.Teas<Xale .11 9 .• 60'
Dol:llinion_ Stores ~ 6 .• 73,Carried.
Correspondence was read-from the York Eroadcasters: Limit.ed.
SPARKS,C.OOK. That the Mayor prepare a -five to six minute messa.ge to the
Cit.i.z.ens of .Aurora..• to ... be broa.dcast over ;Ra.di,o Station C H U M upon
some future Sunday. A coiliiilunieation was read fnom The Hydro Electric Power Commission regard-
ing the operat.ing costs in the Waterworks. and Street Lighting Departments •
Letters. or.· Ni. ov.7th.· & . ._d 1_ 7th.from the Soldiera ... Set.tlement and Veterans
Land Act we-re read and. ordered. filed. _ .
, FISitEJ:l,,COOK. That we aharge up the deficit of $J.J.56.,89,on Waterworks for
power to . Waterworks ac.aount, and tha.t w:e credit the Town w:i th the surplus
of $165.3.49,on Street Lighting• · Carried•
SllllTH,SPARKSo That .. the--resolutiGn as pa;a-aed by the Public: Sahool Eoard
agreei:Qg to _pay $1000.00 per year rental for the use of tw:o rooms in the
TQwn Hall be aacepted.. Carried.
SPARKS,COOK. That Lots No.8 and Part 9 on corner of Edward & Connaught,
be .. S:old. _to MrlC' .Edgar for $150 .oo, terms and aondi tiona t.o be same as:·
previous. Carried.
COOK,Fr:smm. That the corner lot on Edward & Harrison .be s:ol.d to Donald
Gl.as:s •... " .. · Carried.
Fismm;croOK. That we pay the Firemen their grant of $450 .oa., Caretaker
of Truck: $5o.oo., and the Chlef $5.0 .oo'-t and the seal of the Corporation
be attached thereto. . · Carried.
REPORT OF STREETS COMMITTEE• We, your Streets Committee, beg to submit.
the fol.lowing;-Report of material used, hours: worked, and costs involved
in the laying of new: sidewalks on the different streets througlJ.out the
Town within the y-ear 1945, total square feet 4683, total coat $946.02..
Having in mind la.t. need for walk, 2.nd.w:alk elevation and drainage. Our
construction consists of a broken stone or cinder base and a 4 11 slab of
otfour to one" mixture· of gravel and cement for the walk, itemized as
saheduleo · Signed a.E.Sparka, A.A.Cook,. A.N.Fisher.
SPARKS,S1!ITH. That the report be adpp:f:ed. Carried.
COOK,SPARKS• That .the i!Jis:urance be renewed the same· aJS in previous: years,
with the same Agents and Companies. Carried.
SMITH:,.COOK. That this Oounail approve and purchase 330 pra. Eook Ends.
with individual name plates of Members of Armed Forces: attached, as per
list _of names submitted by the Citizens Committee, for presentation at
a public meeting in the near future. That the s:eal of the corporation be
attached hereto. Carried.
SPARKS,WEST. That leave be given to introduce a Ey-law to provide for the
nomination of Candidates: and for the election of the Members of the Mun-
icipal Oounc:il, and olf the required Tru~:tte
es: of the School Eoard
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))~~en,:Jib ~. 3:,. J.-9 45.
PAGE. -3:
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and. of the required. Member of ilhe Hyd.ro EJ..eetria Commission for the ensUing
term. of of:fiae.
COOK,.Ji'ISHER .. That the By-J.a.w now before the a.ounai~ be read a seaond. time
~Q,..: th$;:,1;. tll.e Counall d.is.ao~ ve i tae~f into a gommi_ttee of the who~e for that . . .
SMI.TH.,.DAVIS. That the By-law now before the Counail be read. a. third. time
tbia~ day .an.d. that Rlil.e .22 of By-]aw Jfo.862 be s.uspended for that purpose.
The By,. law vms. gi V§n !ita thre.e rea~s and. pa.s.sed..
Meeting adjourned. at ~~•40
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