MINUTES - Council - 19451001October l.at., 1945 FOURTEENTH. MEETING PAGE • l The FOURTEENTR meeting of the COWlicil wa.a held inthe Council Chambers on Monday Evening, O<ltober l.at. at 8 o 1 <llock, with Ma.yor.Lintiln in the Chair, and the-fa:llowing Memhera preaent;--Reeve C.E.Sparka, Dep'"'Reeve A.A..Cook, councill.ora R· V .Smith, W .A•Weat, Elwood Davia, A•N.Fiaher & Dr.c .• :aoae. The minutes o~ ... the thirtE;~~nth meeting were ad.optedas read. COOK,,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor iasue orders: .. on-.the .. Treaaurer for the . saom:e, and that the seal of the Oorpora~on be attached hereto. -' CORPORATION. Bell Telephone Coo #65 #135 #505 #31.4 #36l $1i.95, 2.60\ 2•5<h 2.ou, 3.78, 5 .• 40' lo42' 6.97\ l;lel6' Aurora Hydro Wilson Hardware Attridge & So.n w .a •Dunning -· Stiver Bros. A.'lirora: Building co. A.urora: Greenhouses B.awden lJfachine Co• Collia I.eather Co. 1l11Ue11er .. Ltd. #fiOO Sepel Clerk's .Office TOwn Hall Me~ica Hall Diaposal Plant Standby Pump ::Eiarro'i'is ~c. !llades-&c. Pipe,_ Pltimbing &c. Ltimber ... &c. · Labor(T.Hall) Coal(T.Hall)- $1edge &c •. Wrea.thfi. &c. Valve Leathers &c. C.indera J?ipe &c. 54.46 56.41' 8.75"- 40.83, z.oo' 221..56'- 97>05, 78.092, 29.70\ 3.20' 45.10' 74.52, 4e0(h 2.8.62,9.86,7•45 100o39'- J .Bak Repaira 3. 70\ J .c.Thomson Gas.& Oil· 20~33' B.F.Davis: -Cememt &c. 1.57.65'> Severeign Electric Hot Plate 25;oo' C~N~R. Maintaining Flashers 15.45'- Postl:llas-ter Stamps S'fA l2~00' J.Goulding Us:e of Oar 2o•oo~ F•Dunha.m Outside trips 20 .1.5' County of York Hospitalization 38o25' H;Vdro Electric Sept.street Lights 317.12' Davia Garage Oil &e. 3.92-..0arried. COOK~SPARKS. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the. pa.y:ment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed·, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Sep.l L.Hodgina Corp. J .Bak It w .sull1mera ... M.Robinson It J.Petera II 8 LoHO:dgina " J.Bak It w ~Summers tt · M.;Robi:ttson It J.Peters: It 15 Lollodgins ~ J.Bak It W .su1l1mers It M.Robins:on It $20~50'\ 27~77, 26.;12, 18.00\ 1.9 >80\ zo~5o, 23;oo" 2s•qo, 18.00\ l6620\ 2o~5o\ 25~30'\ 24o75, l.8.oo,~»:.i.e 22 29 October ~st. ~94~ FOtlETEENTH J\ilDTING ... _ _ l!AGE. .,._ a J .Peterlft"" -·· - L!H.()dgins J~ W .SUll!.lllera :M;~J:j.obinson J~Peters L~aodgins J~ak w;sUll!.lllers llt•Rob inS: on .J ~l'e.tera Corp. 20 .a5, • ~.5o, p 2.5.30' ~ ~.w, ·~ 18.00\ " 20 ~25 '-" ~.5o, " 25,;30--.. ·~ 25 ;.so, ~ l8jQQ '-. "' 19 •80 ,carried. FIS:s::ER,.COOK. That the ~ollowiE:g accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue_orders on-the Treaaurer for the aam.e, and that the aea.l of. the Corporation be attached heretOo:- WATERWOBKSo Bell Telephone Coo Phone /fl.2 . Aura~. Hylllro .. Sep•l. Waterworks #l $4.18' 2'l'e82, It #2 38e85' 32.5(hCarriedo that the Mayor is.sue _ orders on the Corporation be attaChed B .F.Davis-Coke .. WEST,SMITH:o Tb.a.t the following accounts be paid, the Tr.ea.surer :for the same, and that the seal o:f hereto. RELIE.Fo Medical Assno Mrs.Traviss Estate TeaaG!al.e 1 s Market Dominion-St.ores. 4 :X: .56 Rent Food ,U Mr •. c.Hiakson attended_ the meet~ to discuss the H.iakson 1 s. Wellington St .• Property :for the purpose and VlelUngton st. $2.24 7.50' 9.60, 9.l3,Carried. prroposed purchase of Mr. of connecting Spruce st~ Mr.Rarry Smith address:ed the c·ounail as-king permission to remove a tree in :front o:f his propert.y on 1\[osley-St. Thia requeat was handed to the Streets Committee. A Delegation from the Bowltng Club appeared be:fore C()uncil and presented their )financial Statement for l945. . .. .. The Assessor, Mr.W.H.Taylor, presented lj.is Stunmary of the Asaes=ent Roll just completed, and gave the following details;-- · Land -$ 4162~.mm Buildings -l1.!i746_5_oQO_ Business --71045 oOO Total $1.644741.00 Population -301.6 School Children -533 Births -36 Deaths -21 Dogs: • J.90 Signed, W .H.TayJ.or. Correspondence from the Township of King regarding the Fire Agreement was read and J:eft in the hands of the Mayor for .attention. A aoiiiilll1nication from the Canadian Seamen's Union waa read and ordered filed. , SMITH,DAVISo That the quotation from The Aurora Building Co.to re-surface the · i roof on the Muniaipal Building with a. new. feJL t and gravel. and nay mete~ flashing, at a cost of $26o.oo, be accepted. That the seal of the Corporat:Lon be attached : 1 - hereto. Carried. SMIT.ff,ROSE. That the quotation of Mr.Wm~Neal of Richmond Kill for Gu llew-nuo-i Therm Oil Burner Stove(used)for $90 eOO be acaepted(Library BuiJ.ding) • Further i t.ha.t the above mentioned amount will be allowed on the purchaae of one or more 1 new Duo-Thel'llil Stoves when a.vailable. Further that an order be iasued to purchase 1 one #815 Duo-Therm Oil Burner at an approximate cost of $155.00, and the seal 1 of the Corporation be attaahed. Carried. 1 SPABKS,SMITH. A grant of $50.00 be made to the Bowling CJ.ub to assist in def-· raying the expenses entailed in keeping the present Club Building in a good state of r · -epaJ.r and work done throughout the yea.rin support of the green '-~~ \._~ .. October ~at.,l945 FOUR~NTH M:lilETING · . PAGE .... 3. . . . . . ';; .. and the aea.l of the Corporation be a.t.tached to this reao~ution. Carried. SPARKS,.COOK. That the Asaeasm.en,t Ro~l as presented to Counai~ by the Assessor, w .• R.~ay~or.,. be reaei.ved and a.aa.e.ptedo That the Court of Revision to a.onsider a.ppeal.a be hel.d on November Q.th. 1945, a.t 'l P.M. in tke Counai~ Chambers, and the· Court be a.ompoaed of Mayor Linton, ·Reeve. q . .E.Sparks, .Dep-Reeve A.A.Cook, and Couna:ll~ora A.N.Fiaher and Dr.RoEI.e. · .. " Carried. COOK, FISHER. That-with the understanding with Mr .F .DUnham in regards to his dutiea. a.nd .houra of serviaeo: l'l:ls salary will be $:?3.50 per week from Oa:t.lst. ~945. Carried. SMITH:,DA.VIS• That :nar.Frank Griffith be given the concession rights at the refreslull.ent booth in. the Tovm Hetltlt P..rena. for the season ~945-~946 for the sum of $l.o.oo. Carried. ROSE,DAVIS. That the aalal'y of W .H.Tay1or as Assessor of the Town of Aurora. for the ... Yea.r 1945 be $35o.oo. Carried. FISHERiSMITH:. That we increase Mr•Leo Ho.dgin's salary to $2.3.00 per week beaa.uae ... of. inareaaed caretaking .duties-.' That--the s.eal of the Corporation be attached here"~>o• Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12. o 'al:.ock. ~· Mayor.