MINUTES - Council - 19451119\
. '
· No-v.~S -~945
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The SIXTEENTH meeting o.i! the Council was held. in the .Council Chamlrers on
Monday, November 19th• at 8 o'elock, with Mayor Linton in ~he Chair, amd
the !allowing Members pre~;ent;-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Dep-reeve A.A.Cook,
Councillors Elwood Davis:, A.N.Fisher, R~V~Slnith, and Dr.Rose .• _.
A.N.FISHER, A.A.COOK. That .. we hand the old water accounts to the .Solieitcr
!or collection, and that three un-collectable aceounts be written oi'f.
· · · . . . Carried.
SPARKS, COOK. Whereas considerable rain and water !lows down the ditch on
Mill st.and accumulates around the old Baldwin Elevator which is used at
present inside !or growing mushrooma;-Be lt resolved that a culvert be
put across the road,at the eleva.tor, t.o take the water across and empty
it illto the creek, and the seal o:f the Corporation be attached to this
reso.lution. Carried.
Dr.oC • .r .Devins, Chairman of' the· Public School Board and all Mellibers of'
the Board attended the meeting •.
FISHER~cornr. That Council resolve itself' into a Committee o:f the whole to
diaeuss with the Public Sehool Bol!<rd . the matter oi' the purchase o:f a.ddit-
ional property !or the propoaednew aohool.
At 10.20 the Committee arose and p:eoceeded with the buainess o:f the eveni&
SPARKS,DAVIB. That the Town survey05< be proeured and that a survey be made
of all property behind the Business Section on the West side of' Yo:age S.t<\,
this survey to take in al:J; property !rom Wellington _st.South to T.vler st.
North. · "Oa.rried.
Meeting adjourned at ll.Oa
. \.
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