MINUTES - Council - 19450904~/
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Page -l.
The THIRTEEl'lTR meetimg of the Co~cil. waa held in the Council Chambers om
Tuaacia.y.:EVen-ing;, aeptenlher 4th. at 8 · o 1 cl.oe:k• with Ma3or Linton in the
Cha·il',-and the :t:GJ.l.owing;'Membe~s present;-Reave C .E.aperka, Dep-Reeve
A..A.Cook, Councillora Dr.Roae, W•A•Weat, R·V~Sinj.:tb., ~~d · A·li·~;ii.sher•
~e _mnutea o:t: the Tvzel.vth mee-ttl;lg:_ were · ad.Qp~ed .aa read·~· . . ··
COOK,.SPA!lKB• Tll.at the following. accounts be paid,. that the Mayor iasue
ordera: .. on .. the-.Treaatirer for the same, and that the seal o:r .the Corp ___ oration -, .,-. I
be attached.·hereto.
CORPOBATJ:ON. :Be~l i'el.ephone Co. Phone #6fi $ 8. 42 '
#l.~ s.l9'
#SOli 2.fio,
~ ----~--"~ ;'"
#3l.4 2.05'
#361. 5-. 'l'l \
. . , .. #500 4~95.,
;r .E .Buchanan Cilldera.Gravel &c40 .050,
}JJ.ne.J: Rubber ca. Rubber _:Bqota 1l..o9o,
otigh & .. Son :Broom -&~. 2•00,
;r .B&k-Repairs 1e2(h,
Banner hesa. . hinting &c. 21.93,
.Al.ex.Bell Gaae · · 11.89,
N<:~-rth~ Electric Contact 1.79,
Col.lis Leather Co. Ci.mlc:l.ers 2.00,
li!ij.ngay Tranap&r:t(Harrtson) Cartage s.oo,
Ji!y1-•F,vter Co. : .,. , Tj,p " _ . ' · 4.5o,
Attr~c;lge &_Son Lumber &c. 1.74.25,
~.Rose . Orcheatra: 34~oo,
li'·W·Caul.field J;teps.to :t'ruetk 9l;Qo,
F.~ Qutside, trips.' 14~00,
J~GouJLdi:ng uae .. of car(a moa.)· 'l~oo,
c ~li .R.. Jll'a·intaining.,Flashera2l. 35,
M:tini~ipal. WorJ.d . . Af!fidatvite &c. · .65,
81il:lld:cy fre:i,ght .. · · ·. ·. ,. 4~38,
<;:ounty of York Hospitalization · 20.88,
f?treet Ligllting for Auguat ·· .. · . 31.7 ;1.2,
.r.A.Gemmill ~umbing, T.Hall l~4.00,Carried.
coOK.sPARKS .. T.b.ett 'the act~on of the Mayor in· ia;suing orders on the
Treaaurer-for. the payment of the fo1~owing l:l'lliilS be, and. the aame is
hereby confirmed, and that "the s-eal of the Corporation be a:t ~lied thereto. ·
Augua:t 4 L.Jrodgi:u Corp. 20 ;&o,
:r .:sate · " 25;so,
w•Summera ~ 24.20\
.r•~etf!ra ... ! l9~8o,
l(.RobJ.Daen '! l.a.oo,
Posttmaater ~ Stampa l.B!OO,
L.oHodg;ina, It 20 ~50,
;r ..Bak 1t 2s.oo,
w.Summers • as.oo,
;r .Peters • 16 ;oo,
M•Robinson • l.8;oo,
L.Hodgins It 20~50\
;r .ol>ak . . .. • It 25 ~30'
Wi.SUJllmers It 24~20\
J .Peters " 1.9 ~80"
li[;.Robinaon It 1.8.00\
L.Hodginl! ~ 20~50, ;r ..Bak · · ·· -. 25 ;so,
w.summers " 25;:;o,
J.Petera It, 20 ;25, ·
· · J.t;.Rob;i,nson • 1s.oo,aarried
FISHER• COOK. Tha.t the following accounts-be paid, that the Mayor issue
orders on the Treaaurer for the same, and that the aeal of the Corpor&~on
be attached hereto •
. ,·,·;'·~~:-:;· . ·->o-T·-·:: -""io~:>_i~---·-·-"-_,_,:. <•:;-,-,::;_..:::,;,;;; • .';•:.:;, -,,-_;_~~~,~-~;,;,;,;:,_:,;::;~~; ;<,·.·;. :.
.. f?e:p.4: · . ~ ~9~ . -~···-:·a··
WATERWORKS. :R$i~ T~aphone Co. Phone #U $ 3 .• 90 \
...•.......... ·--~pragg & Son Rap~.to starter . li-75\Ca.rried
ROSE, WEST. That the f.ol.l.owing··a.ccounta be paid, that the Mayor issue .
ord.era .... on-the Treasurer ~or the aaJQ.e, and. that the aeal. G:t:.the Corporation
be at ta.ohad. hereto. .
RELIEF• . Medic~ Asane 4 x .56 $ 2•24
~ : • -MrEr.Trav:l,.aa Estate Rent · 'l .so ,
Dominion Storaa Foed 9.~3,
~eneral. Store • 12.000 ,
Ji'.D..J:.a:Ce:{ " 9.60,
··_ lhW!Teatidal.e t lleSO,Carried
ROsE, COOKe That .the r&q:"Q.Sl$.t of· the Salvation Arrt13'' to ho~d e. Tag Day-in
~ora..on:Sa.turd.ay,. September 29., 1945, be g:rqted. Carried.
A conmmnic:a.tion fron .. the OaJhN"a.tional Ra.U~. regarding factory space for
ma.eh:lne ~thop opera.tion, was handed to the Clerk ~or attention.
A plan was: presented to .. Couneil by-the Property domm.ittee, f'rqm the
Purdy~aell Co •.. on• the.re-arra.ngem.ent. of the upata.irs heating: in. the
Town.lfall, ai~:d.was iltidopted on 111cttion of' Reeve Sparks and coui;llci~~or West.
sPARKS, COOK. That leili<Ve be given to int:!,'oduce .. a By-law tq a.uthoriae ..... the
sale-of' J;.ot. 2l.iltiocorcling t.o Regiaterad. Plan :tro•9 of' Aurora, and that the
aa.me 'be aow read a.. firs:t t:l.me.o · __ Carried.
1\()SE, SMITK. That the By-l.aw mow before Council. be read a. aecond. time and
that th.e.Council. diaaol.ve itsel.f' into a. Committee of' the whol.e for that
pirpoae. . Carried.
WEST, FISHER. 'l'llat the By-l.a.w now before the Council: be read a third time
thia day and. that Rul.e 22 of By-l.a.w No.862 be.auapended f'or the purpose.·
'l'he :By--l.a.w waa given its thBe~ readilflgff and paased.
SPARKS, COOK. That the Ol.erk be. imitructed to purchaae the necesaary equip•
I!!:eut. tor. tb.e inata.ll.ation of' Traffic Lighta at the corner of . #l.l Highway
and Wel.1imgton: Street, and authorize the Hydro Dept.to have the same inat-
al1ed at the earl.ieat poaaibl.e moment, and that-the aeal of the Corporation
b>e a~ta.ched;. . Carried.
Council. adjourned at 1.2.00 o'cl.ock.