MINUTES - Council - 19450807AUGUST 7 ~ 1945 TWELVTH .. -MEETING PAGE - 1 The TWELVTH meeting of the . Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Evening at 8 o'clock, with Ma72r Linton in the Cha~.t and the follo'lfi.lur Members p;resent·-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Dep.-Reeve A.A.Cook, Counc~lors A.N.Fisher, W.A.West, Elwood ~avis, & R.V.Smith. Minutes of the tenth and eleventh meetings were adopted as read. COOK,SPARKS. 'rJlat the following accounts be paid, that the lllayor issue orders on the Tresaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached.,hereto. CORPORATION;. Bell Telephone Co. Phone #65 $6i:14, IIJ:A5 8. 94 , #305 2.50, #314 2.0h #361 5.34, #408 4.9h Clerks Office 1~30 \ Town Hall 4. 95 \ Mechanics Hall 3.24, Disposal Plant 61.62 \ Aurora Hydro Standby Pump 8. 75, Street Lighting(July) 317.12, J.Harrison Trucking 13.8h Stewart's Garage Gas.& Oil 3.32\ Fyr•ryter Co. Adapter 13.25\ J.Mitchell & Son Coal Oil 2.50\ Northern Electric Break Wheel 1.20\ B.G.;Whitelaw Office Supplies 10.83\ Registry Office List of Sales ll.ll \ I~ ~):\ Canadian Bitumals Bitumals HX 76i7l\ ~~ Can.Nat.RaUways Flasher maintaining 17.41\ Jupp Construction Co. Oiling Streets 568.75\ La France Limited Ladder slides ll.42, Ken.Forsyth lllainting &c. 50.10, B.F.Davis Cement & TUe 7.90\ Aurora Building co. Cement &c. 3.25, Ough & Son Plastic Wood &c. 15.02, Taylor & Son OU &c. 2.40, Wilson Hardware Latch Sets &c. 29.90, Pattenden & Traviss Chimney lSO.oo, J.C.Bodf'ish Motor 41S.oo, lliner Rubber Co. Boots 4.95'\ T.K.Fice Receptacle &c. 5.05\ County of York Hospitalization 59.13\ F .Dunham Outside Trips &c. 21.00, T.Spence Gas.& OU 15.98, Davis Garage Repairs 6./IJ, D.O.McDonald Reps.Mech.Hall 15.00'\ Carried. COOK,FISHER. Thet the action of the lllayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the plcyliiEint of the following s111118 be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. July 7 L.Hodgins . J.Bak . w.summers J.Peters 14 2l 2S M.Robinson L.Hodgins J.Bak W .SUIDIIIerS J.Peters M.Robinson L.Hodgins J.Bak w.Summers J.Peters M.Robinson L.Hodg:l.ns J.Bak Corp. u u u u u n u " u n " n 11 " n n '"·'"'-'''""•' .... ,, ,_,.,--::,. ;._,_-;.-; ·,•;:;:,;~.;.;.;;_-:-;--;..-x;·:,o·;·;· .. -·· 20.50, 23.00, 23.00, 17.60, 18.oo, 20.50, 24.20\ 24.20\ l9.SO, 1s.oo, 20.50\ 25.30, 25.30, 19.80'\ l8.oo, 20.50-..., 28.05'\ ,w---~~~·~,...;...;.~-·--~J;~~.~~· ··;.:· .,...;~ ,-, ~...,.: __ . __ .. __ :.:;.;:~~.:: .. -· ~ r \._ ) I I I I I I. August 7 • 1945 Twelv6h -MeetiDg P82e • 2 w.summers Vorp. $ 23.00, J .Peters n 22.95, M.Robinson n lS.oo,carriedo FISHER1 DAVIS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell Telephone Co. Phone #l2 $ 3.90\ Aurora Hydro Waterworks #l 28.48, " #2 40.19\ Canadian Brass Co. Meter repaired 23.73 , n Dieter 104.62, Aurora BuildiDg Co. Smooth on & Goo 1.15 '\ Ough & Son Lanterns &c. 3.95, Shell Oil Co. Gas. 31.00, Hankin & Co. Meter parts 24.90\ Grinnell Co. Valve &c. 7l.lo,carried. WEST1 DAVIS. That the folloWing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 4 x .56 2.24 Mrs.Traviss Estate Rent 7.50'\ General Store Food 12.00, Dominion Store " 9.13\ Teasdale's Market " l6.oo,carried0 Mr.L.Moore attended the meetiDg to discues the passing of a By-law to regulate the hours for the selling of gasoline and oil. llr.D.A.Galbraith attended the meetiDg urgiDg that the Aurora Gospel Church be allowed to continue worship in the buildiDg that they now occupy. . Dr.C.J.Devins also addressed the meeting regarding the above sUbject and intimated that it the PUblic Library did not occupy the Disciples Church BuildiDg it would probably be taken over by the Public School B0 ard and used for a School Boom. Correspondence was read from the Ontario Dept.of Highways pertaining to the installation ot Traffic Lights at the corner of Yonge & Wellington Streets. The Dept. states they will be willing to pay 7CJI, of the cost of installation and mainte1nance it the Corp- oration will make a connectiDg link agreement with the Dept. The question was laid over tor further consideration. A petition from several Rate-payers living on North Yonge st.was presented to Council, complainiDg of a serious :He noise nuisance comiDg from the Supertest Service Station in the early morning hours. The Clerk was instructed to write the Operator of this Station requestiDg that the nuisance be eliminated. REPORT OF STREETS COMMITTEE. We recommend the following streets for sidewalk construction;- Wells st. South end, opposite Offord's , Between Centre & Wellington. Centwe St. East of Spruce Victoria St., From Mosley St.North. Wellington st.North end to Wells, South side East of Victoria. Tyler st. North side by TaDDery Hill, East to where creek crosses. Spruce St, South from Maple. Connaught Ave., West end. Approximately 1000 running feet. and that the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. Signed, C.E.Sparks, A.A.Cook, A.N.Fisher. .Adopted on motion of R. V .Smith & A.N.Fisher. REPORT OF WATER COMMITTEE. Water· Pumps. That we order the new pump as outlined by Babcock-Wilcox and Goldie-McCulloch Limited in their letter of June l9th.l945, the price as stated and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Sq 'pi Signed A.N.Fisher, A.A.Cock, E Davis. SPARI!S,COOK. That the report of the Water Committee be adopted and the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried. SPARI!S,COOK. That lelml be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the sale of part of Lot No.28(twenty-eight) according to registered plan #9 Aurora, and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. SMITH1 WEST. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second t:lae and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. FISHER1 COOK. That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No.862 Be suspended for that purpose. Carried. The By-law as given its three readings and passed. --,-:"·~-;,-~--. , ... ,,_.,._.. . -·~·'-"'··· "'" :~•:•:·:· :-:-;,..,_;,_:c;,;:",;:;;.:-:-:; :-:-:•"•o·z:.·; -.,,:;_.,_ .• ::.-., -~· .• ,. ....... ,' ---· . ---------· ·-·:·· \ c~""""'~~~='-"-.,.-.-,...~"-'.,-· -· ·-~-·..:_.~-·-· ·~~_..:.~~.~,...,..~~""'~...,;..,.;.;.,...:.,..._.,._..;y~,.;.-:.~~;_,.,; .. :....;:~~~~~~::.:..::..;_;w_._:__:_· --......:.....~.·-._:..~;.;..:,,.:..,.;__,_.;,~•--·--.:·-·--· -·------·-t August 7th. -1945 TwelV'th -Meeting P8.29 -3 The Council dissolved itself into a committeeivof the whole for the second reading of By-law pertaining to the hours of clesing for gasoline and oil !fenders. The committee arose tmd reported progress. - SP.ARKS 1 SMITH. That the rental fee for the new room at the East side of the Town Hall be $2.00 Carried. SP.ARKS 1 COOK. That the upstairs in the old Ton Hall be placed at the disposal of the Public School Board, and the Property Committee be instructed to arrange Stmital7 facilities and suitable heat tmd light. Rental arrtmgements be arrtmged between the Property Committee and the PUblic School Board. Carried. ~RT OF PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Old Twn Hall Library Room. The Property Committee met on Monday July 23rd. to discuss re-medelling the Library Room for use of the Board of Education, aa t110 class rooms. It was decided to call for tenders to install toilets and wash basins, ja.inting of main staircase and entrance doors, also install handrail on fire escape staircase into Fire Hall. Signed R.V.Smith, E.Davis. On motion of c.E.Sparks · tmd w.A.West the above report was adopted. Council adjourned at 11.40 -~~ lis)'or-; -----~ I l