MINUTES - Council - 19450716r~~----~-~~· ~-.-.... _.,;.~._.~~.-:;.:: ::·::;~-·--~·">·'---·~--~-<: ::.>:-~~~~~~-~.: .....: J. Afu :ad ~~-· -·-· .. _.;._~~~-~:.2J~:~L.~~~:~-~~~"-_:·-~----: :: :::·: :}. ____ . -~~-~---'-----------~·-l I . /,.- ELEVENTH. MEETING .. JULY 15 .,.l94fL The ELEVENTH. meeting of the Council was held in the ()ounail Chambers on Monday Evening, .July 16th., at 7.45, with Mayor Linton in the Chair, and with the following Members present;• Reeve C.E.Spa;rka, Dep-Reeve A.A.Olrirk, and Counaillora W-A,.Vlests R .. V.~th• SPARKS,.SMITH. That ·Mondey Auguat 6th. in. the Town of Aurora, by the Mayor. Meeting· ailj ourned at 7 .5!:) P .M:. 1945, be proclaimed Oivia Holiday Carried. · /f:~ .. ?. Mayor (