MINUTES - Council - 19450709TENTH MEETING ,JULX. 9th •. :!..945 PAGE i. The TENTH meeting of the Council wa.a held in the Council Chambers om Monday,.July 9th., at 8 o~alock, with Mayor Linton in the.Chair and the following Members present;• Reeve C~.Sparks,DepReeve A..A.Cook, Councillors W.A.Weat, A..N.Fisher .and Dr.Ros;e• .. .. , .. The minutes of. the eight and ninth meetings were adopted aa·read. COOK.SPARKSo That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders; c;m. the .1reaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORA.TION• ~. {t' Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 $ ().lo, #135 6.55, #305 2•ao, #314:. 2 e05, #361 3.33'\ Aurora Hydro #408 4.95' (June9lerks.Office ?ol6, 11 TOwn Hall 5.81, 1.1 Mechanics Hall 2.71, 8 Standby Pump 8o75\ tt DisposalPlant 36.81' (July)Clerks Office 1.42, " .lfown HaLl 5 .96, 1t l\[ec:haniasHal.l 3.48'\ .. Standby Pump 8.75' " Disposal Plant 50.37' Street Lights 317.12' Purdy-Mans ell Rep;,Pump · 109 .26, Ough & Son . Wire. &a. . 6.79, Aurora Buildirig Coo Coai,Gravel &ct. 220.60\ Frankcom Garage Oil & Grease 4.70, Taylor & Son Oil &c. 5.12\ Attridge & Son Lumber 11.46\ c.N.R. Maintenance 16.60\ F.fr-Fyter Petch Coats 52.oo, Wilson Hardware Faint &ao 19 o43, B .F .Davis Til.e &a. . 5. so, Dr.Williama Board of Health 66!oo, J ~ak Mower sharpened&c:;.$~50\ D.MaDonal.d Labo,ur(T.Hall) 101.50, F.R.Underhill Bond{W.Large) 20~oo, P~.Thompson Cartage. a.oo, J.F.Wil1is First Aid Kit 3.75\ MUnicipal World Collectors Roll&c.28.48, · 1t Blotters l•l7, Remi.rigton Rand . Typewriter Rep. 2 0 50\ Sundr~es Freight &ct. 6~34\ E.Rob~nson Fan 45.oo, J .Goulding . Use of Car 4.00\ Prov.of Ontario Hospitalization 46.00\ j County of York " 32.62\Carried. . COOK.SPARKS. T.ll.at the action of the Mayor in isauing orders. on the Treasurer • for the paymen:f; of the :fol.lowing aums: oe~ and. the same is hereby con:fil'lllied, · and that. the aeal of the Corporation be attached thereto. d.v0 1 June 2 L.Hodgina Corp. 20 .• 5~ ,..P~ J J ~ak 10 25 o60 .1"1 3 r 40v ' W oSUllllllers " 25 o60 ;111;1 J .Peters. • .. 1.9 ~50 M.Robinson et :ta.o -· L.Hodgins 1t 20.50, J ~eilt: .. 28.23' W .summers It 28.23, J .Peters •• 2l.~60, M.Robinson " :ta.oo, P.Freisen " 6.oo, L.Hodgins 1• 20•50, J ~ale. .. 23.00 \ W•Summers " 23.oo, J .Peters 1* 1.7.60\ M.Robinson 11 la.Q9\ 9 1.6 /·~ ( \ 23 30 TENTH. ll!EEETING .IULY 9-1945. .. PAGE.:.. 2 L.Ifodgina J .:Bak W<Summ.ers J;.J?eters Jt;.:Robinaon L;Kodgina J ;;.Bak W~Summera ;r~J?ef.ers M~Jiobinaon I'oa ilnaater (lforp. 20 ~50 , u 23.00, ·~ 2s~oo, ~ 17.60, ! ~;oo, u 20i50 .. 23.00~ ' as;oo, ' ~7.60, ' 1a~oo, ~t Stamps 9 .oo,ca.rried. FISHER,. COOK. Tha:t; .. the following accounts be .:paid, that the Ma.yor issue same, and that the seal. of .the Corporation orders on.the·Treasurer for t:ne be attaahedhereto. WATERWORKS. Bel.J. Phone Co. Aurora Hydro ~one #12 3.8o, #J. for.June J.s~. 90~57, 12 . u 40.99, #J. for Jul.y J.st• 25.19' #2 u 37.79, Ccivil.J.e Transport Freight 4.40, Aurora Building Co. Brusher &a. 8.90, Can.Braas E1bows &a. 4.95, 11 Bubbl.er 9.43, 11 Pipe &a. 327 .82,. u Bushings &a. 45.•78, Bawden Machine Co. Val.ve Leathers 10.80, Spragg & Son, Wel.d~ & La.bor 26.75, O~h & Son SorewdrJ.ver.&c. 4.95, GrJ.nnell Co. Pipe· 88.96,Carried WEST~SP.ABKS. That the following aaaounta be :paid, that the lll!a.yor iasue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal. of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical. Assn• 4 x .56 2!24" Mrs.Traviss Estate Rent · 7 .5o, F.w.Teasdale Food 25.60, F.D.Laaey u 12.00, Gener.al Store tt l.5.oo, ·. Dominion Stores " 18.26\ Carried Correspondence was read from the Canadlian National. Unity and was ha.mded to the Clerk with instructions to secure further information regarding the movement. RE.ll'ORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. We your Committee, re the atop and go signa:ls, at corner of Yonge &· Wel.lington Streets, beg to report as fol.lows;- We endeavoured to follow up our interview with the Ifigb:vmys Dept.and the Toronto & York Roads Committee. We reoeiv~d from. the Committee a letter whereby the Committee agreed to assume 20~ of the coat of instal.lation providing the cost did not exceed $733.00. The Department when interviewed again :Last tfeamesday the fourth inst., agreed to assume 70% of the cost of construction or instal.lation and also of maintenance, and Mr Smith the Ifighway Engineer thought he might prevail. on the Committee to assume 20~ o:r the cost of maintenance, which woul.d leave a balance of 10"/d o:f the coat of mailllltenance and instalJ.atiollll to be borne by the Municipal.ity. which we, your Commi1ttee recommend very strongl.y to accept.The l.ights to be instaJ.led in a month or six weeka time. All of which is l,'es:pectfull.y submitted. Stgned C•E.Spa;rks:• A.A.Oook. SEWAGE CONNECTION AT GOODISON PLANT. I J.nterviewed the lll!a.nager at the Goodison Plant and he had not the pl.~ ready for the plant, but from. the informatiollll I received, I am of the opinion that we can service the plant reasoJOO.bl.y well• as they propose to buil.d the J.ower floor on a J.evel with the C.N.R.tracks:. thereby the sewage mains wil.l not "require to be so deep, there- fore the connections we have may be deep enough. However I said as soon as they have their plans drawn , submit them to us and we will endeavour to give them. serwice.AJ.l of which is rea~eeftil!e:r,. respectful.J.v suliu!dtted. Sigad C.E.Bparks. MOved by Reeve Sparks, aeaonded by A.N.Fisher and adopted. SPARKS.COOK. That the report of the Special. Committee re signal J.ights at Yonge & Wel.J.ington, be adopted, signed by the Mayor, and the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried. ~----~~...;,.,~·~~~~XO:.•'*r.A-.>,,~.m.;;.~~~,.:..;~ '--·~--·-•--·___:"_,_; :~~:~ • .::.C~;.:..;...~_., __ ._. ~···~~~~.~<~••=,_;,;..,.._· -.~·~· -· '=='·<."~~-·----•--'~--'~0 ~..;.:.._,:.._;_,_,___ __ ,,;,_,_._ . ...:...~-:~--~··--· _ _,.;;...>.:.,..__, __ __,_~·•-""'"'-'"'-•-"--~-•• ···--·-l ( . / TENTH MEETING . JULY 9, 1945 PAGE-3 The Lighting condition on South Bl.oak on Temperance Street, the condition of the :road on Mill. Street, and the request qf the Aurora. Filuur & Feed Mills to extend their Railway Siding North on Centre St.,. was left in the handa of the Streeta Oolll!lld.tteewith fuJ.l power· to aat •. Moved Dr.Rose,Seconded W•West REPORT OF .THE RE-HABILITATION COMMITTEE .• Street Planning. The Committee haa interviewed severaL owne;t>s . of property in .. the Town of Aurora w;!. th a view· to opening streets through land now owned by them. As a result it is recommended that the proper . steps be taken to secure the necessary portion of the prop- erties: involved, and that the surveying be initiated in order to;- [ ll Ex:tend George St. South to Kennedy S.t •. lit . Ex:tend Kennedj; St.Ea;st as far as Wells St. 3 .Toin Gurnett st.to Kennedy st.extension. (4 .Toin Wells St.to Kennedy St.extension.: _ . . . . . . . . .. Signed W.A.Weat, C.E.Sparks. SPARKS,OOOK. T.l'lai.t the report be adopted. . . · Carried. RO$E,.SPARK3• That we vote the sum of $l.oo.oo,toWI.'i<rd the expense .of sending two Members of the Aurora ]'ire Brigade to the Fire Chiefst Convention at Windsor in August,, and that the s:eal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Car·ried. SPARKS~ROSE~ ThRt leave be given to introduce a By-law to authoriae the sale of parts of Lots l.'t and 18 on the West aide of lllfachell Ave.,according to Plan 35 Aurora, and that the same be now read a firat time. Carried ROSE,WEST. That the By-law now before the Cotmail be read a aecond time and that the Council diaaolve itael.f into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. WEST,FISHER. That the By.-law now before the CoU!ilicil. be read a third time this day and that Rtde 22 of By-law No.852. be suspended for that purpose. Ca;~:"ried. The By .. law waa gi wen its three readings and passed. COOK,FISHER..Tha.t leave be given to intrroduce a By•law to authoriae :l:he aal.e of Lot. 30, · l'l.an 120, for the Town of Aurora, to Vim.Hatfield, and that the same be now. read a firat time• .. · Carried. FISHER,WEST. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpoae. · .. · Carried. lflEST 10 ROSE. That the By-law now before the Counail b.e read a third time this day and that Rul.e 22 of By-law No.852 be suspended for that purpose.Carried. The By-law waa given its ··three readings and passed. SPARKS,ROSE. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to approve the agree- meliJlt with King Townahlb.p for fire service in defined area, and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. FISHER,ROSE. Tha.t the By-law mow before the Council be read a second time and that the Council .disaolve itself into A Committee of the whole for that w:rpQae. Ca;r:-ried. ROSE,SPARKS. That the By-law now before the-Cotmail be read a third time thlb.s day and that Rul.e 22 of By-law No .852 be alll:Spended for thet purpose;. The By-law was given its three readings andpassed. Carried. SPARKS 10 ROSE. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to approve agreement with Vlhitchurch Townahip of fire service in defined area, and that the same be read a first time. Carried. WEST,ROSE. That the By-law now before the Council be read a aecond time and that the Council dissolve &tsel.f into a committee of the whole for that purpoae. . . . Carried. · ROSE,FISHER. That the By•law nov.r before the Coullllail. be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-Law No .862 be suspended for that piirpose. · Carried. The :By•l.aw waa given its· three readinga and passed. COOK,FISHER. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to close the ahops where gaaoline and oil are exposed or offered for sale by retail during certain hours and that the aame be now read a first time. C:a.Fried. SPABKS.FISHER. That the following men'a wages be rated aa follows;- .r .GouJ!.ding,. ~3ll.OO per week retroactive from recent appoip.tment • .r .:Bak. 25.00 per week. ' W .summers, 25 .oo per week. Not carried. ROSE,COOK. That the wage schedule of Town Empl.oyeea be amended as followa;- .Taa.GouJ.ding, $35.00 per week retroactive. J.:Bak, •55% per~hour, M:in.$23.00 per week. W .summers, •55¢ per hour, Min.$23.00 per week .• .r.Peters 10 .45@ per hour. Carried. •. /~-\ \ /' TENTH MEETING • . JULX 9 •. ~94t1 PAGE-4 The requeat of Cha.s.Cook to purchase the ~ot O'lllled by the Corporation North of the· Arena. on.Vict0ria. st., was. referred to the l'roperty_Committee. Sl'AEKS,COOK. That the Mayor, Councillors R.V.Smith .. & Dr.Roae be a. dommittee to_~et_tbe Pub1ic S~oo~ Board regarding extra. aocomoda.tion for the Public School Chi~dren. Carrie¢1.. Meeting-adjourned a.t ~2.15 A~. --4~-~ Mayor. ( \ \ \j I I '_i