MINUTES - Council - 19450205"' / FEBRUARY 5, 194l '-lECOliD l\lEETil'fG The SECOl'fD meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on J\Londay_Evening, February 5th., with the Mayor in the Chair, and the following Members present;-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Dep-Reeve A.A.Cook, and Councillors. A.N.Fisher, ]'.A.Rcrvrland 1 JI\R.V.Smith, W.A.West, s.nd E.Davis. The minutes. of the first.meeting were.<'l-dopted as reaP.• COOK,FISHER. That the foliowing accounts be paid, ths.t the l\!Iayor issue or<l.ers qn the.Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corpor- ation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone //65 #135 #305 #314 #326 #361 ~~ 9 .1o, 4.10, 2 .50" 2.50, 2 .50" 3.65, COOK,SPARKS. That Treasurer for the hereby confirmed, JaN·~• 5 13 Aurora. Hydro Lights, II II 11 Power, B .F .Bavis. & Soh La ];'ranee J,imi ted Ji'ac tory E<J.uipment II B.F.Sturtevant Co. Sti VE!I' Bros .• t1 " Aurar"'-Building Co. II Ough & Son II " Frankcom Garage W • .s .cs.lhoun(Orchards) J .Bak Corporation " " J .Goulding Division Court Clerk Bailiff Municipal World Hydro Electric F.Dunha.rro Davis Garage Banner Press Street Lights Arena Clerk's Office Town Hall Mechanics Hall Disposal Plant Standby Pump Coal, Arena Connection compressor reps. 33.95, 2.72, 8.69, 3.96" 65.02" 8.75" 3.90-.... 22 .90" 8.10" II II lo62, " '' 47 .oo" Coal, .Town Hall 14.25, " u g.8o..., " Aren?-7.75, " Clerk's Officel8.75" Padlock &c. .85-.., Gal.Pipe &c. 11.65" Lemon Oil &c. 11.15, Gas.&c. 24~34, Plowing Snow 123.00, Repairs 3.75-.., Sundries 7.73" II 8o30, II 4o6l, Use of car 4.oo, Salary 20.00, II 20.00-.., Subscriptions &c. 16.05" Lamps 12~06, Trip to Woodstock 17 .43-.., Gas.&c. s.oo, l~omination bills &c 91.16' January 3l4.62,Carried. the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the payment of the following sUllld be, and the same is and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Postmaster Stamps, Waterworks ~~ 25.00, L .Hodgins !lforp. 20 .50-.... J .Bak " 23;oo, W .Summers 11 23 .oo, J.Peters 11 17~60, M.Robinson " 16;oo, R.Harrison Waterworks 20.00, L.Hodgins Corp. 20.50, J .Bak " 23 .oo, w.summers 11 23 .oo.., J .Peters 11 20 .so, ->••·v;·•~~r·• -~::"."'.""'':' -,,-'c;c;c,-::;,;;:-,-;;::;:;;:c;·;'" ;':;;oc;:-,N:~<;.-,•·;.;>;i~~-:~c~;7.<;-;,-;~-:--i;;:.:::;:::;.-,;.~;~-;;-'~cC-7.-.-C r 20 27 PEBRUA..>W 5, 1945 SECOND MEETDfG ___L.t>,b}E . .§_._.- M.Robinson R•B:arrison. watcluuan L.Rodgins J .:Bak W .SUllllllers .J~l?eters ]!(~)lob ins on R~Harrison Loliodgins J.Bak W .SUllllllers .J ~J;>eters lvt.J:tobinson R~Harrison Corp. Waterworks II Corp. II tl " " ilaterworks cor}J• II 17.60\ 24.00, 1.60, 20.50, 23.00\ 23.00\. 17.60'. 17.60\ 24.00\. 20.5.0'. 23~00\. p 23.00, u 17.60, ~ 17>60, Via terworks 24.oo,ce.rried :B'ISHER,COOK. 'l'ha.t the following or(j.erEt on .. the Treasurer for the be at taohed hereto. accounts be paid, that the 1\fuyor issue same, and that the seal of the Corporation WATERWORKS • Phone #12 Bell Phone Co. Aurora Hydro Power, Via terworks /11 3.80' 24.32'- 37;78\. 29~70, 12.54'- u II II #2 B.P.Davis & Son Can.General Electric II Coke Switch &c. Lampholders 1.54' 5 .40'-Ough & son Grease Gun &c. Mueller Ltd. Dies 5.78,Carriedo that the IV"J.ayor issue ROWLAND~Vf.EST. That the following accounts be paid, orders on. the Treasurer for the same, and that the be attached hereto. seal of the Corpora.tion RELIEF .. Medical Assn. Mrs.Traviss Estate 5 X .56 Rent J?.W.Teasdal.e lPood ];' .D .Lao ey " Dominion Stores " General Store " Stiver Bros. Ji'uel Correspondence from 1\i!J:s. Vivian· G .Wilcox was read, and the instructed to acknowledge same. 2 .so\, 7 ~50'- 12~80, 9.60' 15.86' 12.00, 10.20,carried. Clerk was SPARKS,SMITH. That the resignation of J .E.:Suchanan as Garbage Collector for Aurora be accepted. Carried. COOK,WEST. That the correspondence regarding the garbage collection be handed to the Streets Connnittee, and that tenders be called for through the local papers. Carried. COOK~SPARKS. That we affiliate vrith the Ontario Association of Rural Iviunicipalities , and that a resolution be drawn pertaining to equalization of assessment, and presented to the Annual Convention to be held Feb.27, and 28th. Carried. PROPERTY COMMITTEE REPORT. Re Town lJroperty Janitor service. We wish to bring to the attention of this Council the lack of consistent care and cleaning of the buildings; Mechanics Hall, ]'ire Hall, Library,etc., also the inefficient way in which the Library has been given heat this. Winter. After due consideration of all the facts we would reconnnend herewith·that we advertise in the Aurora Press fer a Town Janitor at a given salary per year. Further that the present Janitor, lli[r.O.D.Hodgins, be given four weeks notice of dismissal •. SliiTTH,WEST. That the report of the Property Connnittee, regarding a Town Jani.tor, be adopted. X Carried. ·REPORT OF THE PR1!1PERTY COlviMITTEE. The Connnittee respectfully submit the following;-That the rear room, Old Town Ha.ll,be rebuilt,brick u:p wall and install standard window and ·sash, install radiator, replace double doors on entrance to building, patch and sand the floor. Proceed vri th work, get tenders from Dunning, Pattenden, Bowser &c. . ~~-~.~~,-.. ~' "'-"' ~. I l ! I ' FEBRUARY 5, 1945 SEC Ol'fD lVlli"ETili!G ·.PA~ That heavy duty wiring be installed in East frontroom at Mechanics Hall for electric stove. That ten -lOft. banquet tables be made and delivered to 1\J[ech~.nics Hall, $64.'?0. That we :purchade 75 ma:pl.e folding chairs at it2.25 each as :per quotation of P .Ivi.Thom:pson. That we :purchase 4 heavy truck tires sixe 32 x 6, 10 :ply rayon cords, not over $58.00 each. That we get q_uotations on installing flight of stairs in Ivrechanics Hall, front of building to basemant. That we get quotations on ()rick chinl.ney 18 x 21 11 for furnace at 1!IechCJ.nics Hall. Signed R.V.Smith, E.Davis. That the report of the P:!:.'operty Committee .be adopted e,s per attached "list of improvements to Aurora Town Property" and that the seal of the Cor110ration be attached thereto. Council resolved into Coilll1littee of the whole to discuss Property Committee report. 'rhe Committee <J,rose and reported the report adopted. REPORT OF SOCIAL & SAlUTATION COMivUTTEE. Public health survey. That.a joint.h<Jalth $Urvey conQ.ucted by the Provincial Dept.of Health, and the Victorian Order of Nurses, be held e.t once. :.!'he res.ults of such survey to be placed before the Council, Mem.bers of the Public and High School Boe,rds, and Health O~ficials i at a special meeting to be .. held for. that wr:pose. . . Signed R.V.Smith, W.A.West. SPARKS,DAVIS. That the report of Social & Sanitation Committee be adopted. RlTIPORT OF RE-R.I\.BILITATIOl'f CO:WITUT'i'l~]!. Town Maps. ·carried. With .a view to. conscillidat.ing existing maps of the :.!'own, your Committee has during the :past month had one map drawn showing the streets and boundaries of the Town. ~Chis map was dre.wn to be used primarily as a supplement to the existing maps for the benefit of persons interested in the purchase of building lots. In doing the above mentioned work, your Committee found the existing maps very much out of date. George Street is shown as not being connected to \'!ellington Street, and 1'emperance Street is shovm as taking a t!Ee'!le detour East of the building formerly used by the ]'leury Co.as their office. There are many other disc:ee:pancies, in fact they are too numerous to ment.ion. As a result,your Committee feels that a thorough investigation of the method and cost of bringing a.ll •rown maps completely up to date should be instit- uted. Signed w·.A.West, C.EoSparks. SPARKS,SMITH. That the report of the Re-habilitation Committee be received aa~ adopted. Carried. DAVIS,SPARKS. Tb:at the Citizens Band be engaged to ple,y e,t the Arena on Wednesday and Saturday Evenings of each week for the balance of the skating season. Carried. SPARKS,COOK. That the request of the Ha:vy League for a Tag Day on June 2/45 be granted• Carried. SPARKS, SMIT".tf. That a letter of condolence be sent to Dr.Dales. Carried. Ivieeting adjourned at 11.50 P.M. ·~~? Mayor.