MINUTES - Council - 19450108I I l . ', . ' . ·:~: .,:. INAUGURAL :MEETING . J M'illi\.RL§, 19_!!:j_ 1'he Ina.gura.l ]!Ieeting o:E the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday January 8th, a.ccording to Statute, at 11 A.Ivi. The following appeared and s.ubscribed to the oath of Office;-Mayor Roscoe Linton, Reeve Chas.E.Sparks, Dep-Reeve A·A.Cook, Councillors A..N.Fisher, ]'red Rowland, Dr.C.Rose, R.V.Smith,Elwood Davis,and Wm.A.West. The Clerk, thert.declared. the Council properly cons.titu ted, and Mayor Linton called upon Canon J!' • .J.Fife to open the meeting. 11ayor Linton then addres.sed the meeting ,we;Lcoming the l'few Ivlembers, and also expreasing the ~~ea~~~e-e~~see~~-~~e hope that this Council would have another succesaful year. A letter, wishing the Council. a successful year, was read by the Mayor from Ex-:Wiayor Walton, also from Ex-Mayor Boulding expreasing hia regrets at being. urJable to attend thi.s meeting. Gueats, and Members of Council addressed the meeting in the following o.rder;-Ex-]iiayor Underhill, Reeve C.E.Sparka, Ex-IVIayor P.M.Thompson, Dep-Reeve A.A .Cook, Dr .G .vr .Williams. Chairman of the Rcilgh School Board, A.l'f.Fisher, Dr.Rose, ·]'.Il.qwland, R.V.Smithljt Elwood Davis, W.A.West, and Solicitor L.c.Lee. ROSE, SMITH •. That the Striking Committee to select the various Collllllittees of .Co.uncil for the Year 1945, be composed of Mayo.r Linton, Reeve C.E. Sparks, Dep-Reeve A·A .Cook, and Co.uncillor A.l'f .Fisher. Carried •. The meeting then adjouned at 12.10, to be resumed at 8.00 P.M.· the Evening . . . of the same day. ]J'IRST MEETIUG , .JAN".S, 1945 The Co.uncil re-asse:nlbled. at 8.00 P.M.with Mayor Linton in the Chair and all Members present. Reeve c.E.Sparks submitted the following report as drafted by the Strikfng.Committee;- J!'IHAHCE -A.A.Co.ok, C .E .Sparks, A .l'f .l!'isher S1~E.TS - (Water 1.& l!'IRE. C 0 E.Sparks, A.l'f.Fisher, A.A.Cook A.N.Fisher, A.A.Cook,. Elwood Davis (SOCIAL SERVICE -:br.Rose, B..V.Smith, vr.A.Weat PROPERTY -R.V.Smith, Dr.Rose, Elwood Davis POLICE -:tviayor Linton, A.A.Cook, A.N .Fisher (SPORTS & · . · PUBLICITY-Elwood Davis,. ]'.Rowland, R.V.Smith (POST VfAR . . REHABILITATIDOl'f-W.A.West, C.E.Sparks, ]'.Rowland By-Laws J!'.Rowland, v/.A.West, Dr.Rose. Signed R.Linton, C.E.Sparks, A.A.Cook, A.l'f.Fisher. SMITK,FISHER. That the report of the Striking Committee be adopted as read. · Carried • .J.E~uchaman & Chas.Cook attended the meeting requesting :permission to place the garbage on the Lot o·,vned by Chas.Cook on Connaught Ave. COOK,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the 'l'reasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION • Aurora Hydro " ll " " =- Ough & Son Arena Lights Clerk's Office Town Hall Mechanics Hall Disposal 1°lan t( Power) Sl UdCZJ Idiapv ~ Shovel,Bearing &c. ~~ 18.41\ 3.06, 8. 41 '\ 3.96' 42.16' %0 !),;( 54.05 \ l 1 I I I \ 1 . '') :B'IRS T l\ilEETil'IG PAGE -2 JAlillAJ:l.Y S_, 1945. Aurora. BuilcLing Co. Coal &c. $ 173.44, ~aylor & Son Gas. & Oil 5.88...._ M.Gra.ham Scraping Snow 12.00, JJaak Rep.scraper 1.20, :B~actory Equipment Material & Labor 36.oo, · It Aseenibling &c. 21.00" AttriCI_ge & Son :);.umber &c. 100.00, ,;'.urora Orchards Plowing snow 84.00, Dinty lvloore Gas.&c. 18.15, Dorr Co. lfreight(Pa.tterns) 11.90, T.K.Fice Coils &c:. 8.90, Sti.ver Bros. Coal(T.Hall) 30.30, J!(.Bos.g Records. 11.50, Municipal World Election papers 7.65' F~Uorris Geese 56.00, Sundries., Unemployment Ins .&c. 8.78, :B'iling Vita,l Statistics. 12.50, F .Dunham Outside trips. 14.00' J~Goulding Use of car 4oOO, C !l'I .R. Rent for pipe 1.00 ' Ont.Municipal Assn. l\iferabership 15 •. 00' Treico Limited.. I'aint(Arena) 7 .43,Carried. COOK,SPARKS. That the action of the 1Ia.yor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for-the.payment of the following sums. be, and the se;me is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Dec.2 L.Hodgins Corp. J .J3a.k II w.summers tl J~Peters " 9 16 19 23 30 1vi~Robinson R~Harrison L.Hodgins J.Bslc w.summers J.Peters M•Robinson R.Harrison Watchman L.HoCI_gins J.Bak 'ol .summers J.Peters J;JI.Robinson R.Harrison Postmaster L.Hodgins J.Bak w.summers J.Peters M.Robinson R.Ha.rrison L.Kodgins J .Ba.k w.summers: J .Peters M.Robinson R.Ha.rrison :B'ISHER,COOK. That the following orders on the Treasurer for the be a. ttached hereto. WATERWORKS. Aurora. Hydro It " Waterworks Corp. .. II It It Vfaterworks .. Corp. " " It " Via terworks Stamps, Cprp. Corp. It " It " Waterworks Corp. " II II " Waterworks accounts be paid, that the sa.me, and that the seal of Waterworks #l(Powe~)) u #2 ::\~t 20.50, 23;oo, 23.00' 17 ~60' 18~00, 24.00' 20 ;5o, 25e80' 27 ~40' 18~80, 3.20, 24.00, 1.60, 20~50, 23;oo, 23;oo, 17;6Q, 13~60, 24.00' 15.00, 20~50, 23;oo, 23~00, 17 ;60' 16~oo, 24.00' 20;50, 23;oo-.... 23>00' 17 ;60' 14.40'- 20.oo,carried. Mayor issue the Corporation 23.55\ 41.26\ / -·--~. r I ·•----~--·--~•"-><"•~~~~-''t:t.'t;.-~""'~~--i~i.;,_·_. -· ;,,;.:.:.~~..___-.~:.·.:.:_______:.. . .:.~•~·'--~-'~--'><-~<-;0;.;.;,,.;.1~'"--'-'~•·•.:<•n"";"•__;<.....; ____________ , J!'IRST BETHTG .IAN .a, 1945 . . :\?AGE - 3 A)l.roi~a :Building Co. Ou.gh & son Grinnell. Co. Shellac &c. Blades &c. Hipple &c. 3 .• 55' 3ol2' 'i'•63,Carried. ROSE,ROWLAliD. That the follovving accounts be paid, that the Mayor iasue ord,ers.o.n_t;he Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of t:he Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Iaedica~ Assn. 4 z .56 2.24, JiJirs •. TraYis.s Esta,te Rent 7.50' General Store Food 16.50, Aurora Building co. ]~el 15.50, F .w. Teaada.l.e Fo.o.d 16 .oo, Carried. SPARKS,COOK. That the re<lueat of the Board of Trade for a. night Carnival on.Yonge.Street, iViain Block, to be hel.d on Wednesday .Tune 2'i'th.l945, be granted• Carried. SPARKS,ROSE. That les,ve be given to introduce a By-law to authorize the bo):'rowing of ~?40,000 .. 00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporati.on for the year, and that the same be read a first time,. .. Carried. SPJH:t'KS,ROSE~ROWLAlillo 'l'hat the By-law now before the Council be read a §ec;:on!l[ Unte a.YJ.d, .. i;hat the Council dissolve i ts.elf into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. SPAREB,R.OSE• That the By-law now before the Council be read a. third time this C!.ay and that Rule 22 of By-law No .862 be sus.pendecJ. for the purpose • Carried, The By-law was given its three readings and passed. COOK,J!'ISHER. 'l.'hat leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a High School..C['rustee and tho,t the same be read a first time. Ca=ied. SPARKS., COOK. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time an<'!. .tl:J.at. i;he Council diasol ve itself into a committee of the whole for tha.t purpose. .. Carried FISHER,SifiTH. 11:J.at the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law l'fo.862 be suspended for that purpose. The By-law was given its three readings and pas s'ed with Mrs • .I.D.Wilcox inse:trted. Carried. the name of COOK.SPARKS. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to appoint a Member to the Public Library Board and that the same be now read a first time. · · Carried. ]'ISHER,COOK. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council dissolve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. ROSE,SJIJITTH. :!:hat the By-law novr before the Council. be read a third tim:e this dey and that Rule 22 of By-law no.862 be suspended for that purpoae. Ca=ied. 1'he By-law as given its three readings and passed vrith the name of D.Babcocl< inserted. ll'ISHER,S~ITTH. That leave be given to introduce a· By-law to appoint a :MBnnber of the Board of Health, and that the same be now ree,d a firs-t time. Carried. SMITH 0 DAVIS. That the By-law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council diss-olve itself into a committee of the whole for that purpose. Carried. FISHER 0 SMITR. That the By-law now before the Council be re&;d a third time this day and that RuJ,.e 22 of By-law no.862 be suspended for that purpose. The By-law was given its three readings and passed with P.M.Thompson inserted. Carried. the name of ROSE 0 LDJTON. Vfuereas the garbage collected in Aurora is mixed kitchen and garden. garbage, as:heli, cinders, and paper, and. whereas the lot on which dumping is suggested is in near proximity to other res:idences, and wherea.s the lot is situated on a creek at the South end of Aurora where flooding is common in early Spring; 1'herefore be it resolved that the request of Chas.cook to fill in his lot with common garba""" be n· t . · "'~ o accepted. --,_-:-.' _c;-;'.:;.:;.;.;-_,;-; •.•, -:-~·:--:>;. '"'"". r--~--:--·"'=· ,--~ FIRST IvlEETING . JAN.B/45 :PAGE -4 Mayor Linto.n in seconding the motion, ca.J.led for a recorded vote with Reeve C .E. Sparks acting as Chairman. lhe recorded vote as follows;-Iiila.yor Linton Yea ~eeve Sparks Yea Dep-Reeve Cook Yea J\..N.J?isher Yea, Jl' .Rowland. Yea. Dr.:Rose Yea R~V.Smith Yea Yea. W .A.West E~:Oa.vis Yea Carried. unanimously. Ivia.yor Linton then resumed the Chair, and the Meeting was closed at 11.05 ~ ... ~-~----~---~~-----·-Mayor - P.M. I