MINUTES - Council - 19450614#~~~~~~~~...,~~..,....;,..~_.;,.. ··.~.~~i~~~~ .,.;w;' ~..,_,.~.,;__::::<.i~: .. ~·-·------c--•-'---.ii·::::-;~---·-----·-··--·~----'---'--"---
JUNE ~4, .1945
The NINTH meeting o:f the Colinai~ was held in the Oounail Cha.m.bers on
Thursday Evening, J"une ~4th., with Mayor Linton in the C~ir, and the
:fo~~owi:ng Members:: preaenf:-;-Reeve c.E.Sparkss Dep-.Reeve .A.A.Cook,
Counai~~ora ElLwood Davis, W.A.Weat, _A.N•Fisher; and Dr.C.aos:e.
ROSE,.DAVIS • Moved that we do-:lnstiluat _OUr Soliai tor to . prepare a By-law
designed-to govern the sale o:f Gaao~ine, Oil, and Petroleum produats:
in Aurora,. within the terms: o:f the Statutes o:f R.s.o.
And .. that the same By-law be aonaidered by Counai~ at its next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at l0o35 P.M.
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