MINUTES - Council - 19450604} EI:GRTH MEETING • .IQ:lij]l 4,lJH5. . ,PAGE.--~ -. ~ ..; -' -~ - The EIGRTH meeting of the Counai~ was he~d in the Counc.i~ Chambers on MOnday .E.Vf;Uling, June 4th. at 8 o•c~ook, with Mayor.Linton in the Chair, and the.:fo~l.owing liil:ernbera present;~ Reeve C .E..Sparka, Dep~Reeve A .• A..Cook, Counaillora nwoo.d .. Davia,. W•A .• Weat. A..N,Fiaher and Dr.Roae... .. .. . ~e minu.tea qf the aixth a.p,d __ a_E)ven~ meetings ·were .adqpted as read.· coOK..iii?AJ.'lKS. That the followi.rig accounts be paid, that the Mayor ia.aue Qrder!l .. :Qn-."l;he .. Trea.su.rer for the ame •. and that the seal of the Corporation be a.ttaohed hereto. Street Lighting for May 1945 $314.62, CORPORATION, Bell, Phone Co'• Phone 1/:6.5 $ 7 .87, '. '" .. . . . #30& 2.50, 1/'1>14 2.05, #36~ 3.60, · 14,08 4o95'\ J .• Jlil.w~ton Wi~lia Surety Bond 20.00, D.tnty: Jliloore .. Ga.so~ine 3. 75., Stotitt's Garage tt & Oil ~6oO~, Canada-Crushed Stone :Ltd. Car of Stone 9~~0~\ J.Bak . Il~aeksmith work 4•40, Ough &; Son .saw &a. 6 .• 05, · •a Shovel &c. 1.65, Factory Equiplllent. Weldl.ng. ~.3q' Canadia.n.Bitum.ala Ltd• Bitu.rna.la EX 51•14, Banner Press Tax-Billa &.a. .. 64o48, .r .G.oUlding use .of Car 6~oo, F.nunnam ~olice trips oz.oo, NaruNat.Railway. Service to Lights 2.4e49\ . II It It ~4.47 \ It Postmaster .. Yearly rental-- Post.age .. ~.oo, lo.oo, : so .oo \ Fyr~Fyter Hose 26q.oo, Taylor & Son Gasoline 2.04, . Dana Garage "' . 2.44" Carried COOK,FISHER. Tha;_t the a.ction of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same ia hereby oonfirmed, and tha·t the seal of the Corporation be ·attached thereto. ~ ''5th. L.Hodgina crorp.; .r .Bak . It vr .su:mmera It .T•Peters ,. :na:.Robinaon tt 12th· L.Hodgins ,. .r .Bak It Vf oSunllll!ers II .r.Petera It M.Rob ins on It 19th. L.Hodgine: It .T.Bak It WoSUmn:ters !t ;r.Petera It Jlil.RobilllSOD It 2.6th. L.Hodgins It .T.Bak It w.su:mmers: It .r.Petera It M.Robinson It Slat. L.Hodgins It .TOBak .. It w.summera II ,,~,.--~-'~" · .. 20;50, 2s;oo, 2s~oo, 17.60\ 1.8~00, ;ao;5o, zs;oo, 2s.;oo, J:7;6o, J.a;oo, ?0;50' 23;oo, 2s~oo, l.7 ;o<h 18~00' zo•5o, 23;oo, zs;oo, l7.o60, ],8~00 \. 20.050, 23.tOO, 2s:.oo, / .. \._, .. ·. • EIGHTH MEETING JUNE 4• l.94fi ··PAGE •:a . · a-.Pet.era M.):tobinaon WEST, D.t\_VIS. That: .the fol.l.owing ordera.on.the.Treasurer for the Corp• $ l.9 •ao,. . " . J.a.oo, carried. aaaounts.be paid, that the Mayor issue same, and tha.t the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical. Assn. 4 X •56 $ 2o26, 1\[ra.Trav:j.as.Estate Rent . 7.;50\ Aurora. .. General. Stere.l!'ood 1.2.00\ Carried. FISHER,COOK. Tha.t the fol.l.owing aaoounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orQ.er& on. the 'l'reaaurer for the same, and that the seal. of the Corporatien be attached hereto. WATERWORKS • Bel.l. Phone Ce. Phone #I.2, April & May $ 7.60, CaxhB;r~s Co. Pipe &c. 30.63, Frank gmith Leather l•l4, Ough & Son PaiW: &a • l.2 .10, Postmaster Poatage(A. pril.) 24.00, u " (~eneral) . 9.oo., Shel.l .Oil Coo Motor Oil. . 4o60,Carried. DAVIS.WEST. That the effer of wm.Hatfiel.d for Lot #SO.Harriaon Ave, owned by the .Town of Aurora, b.e aaoeptedo . Carried• FISHER.COOKo That any heuae or demeatio water oennection or service outside of Town be. double the Town rate and that a By•law be prepared to cover this. . . . .· . Carried• FISHER~COOK. '!hat the Clerk order the heavy piping for the l'few Well, and the seal of .. the Corporatien be attached thereto. Carried.• Streets Committee was instructed to investigate the Street Lighting aondition on Tempe:J;"anae Street between Kennedy and Ranaom Streets. Council adjourned at 9o15 P.M. ·~··.r· -,---------{. '\. Mayor •