MINUTES - Council - 19450514! ! ! i I l I , I ( ) , __ ,. . --;;-.-·;<;:;-· MAY 14, 1945 SIXTH MEETING, -:!?AGE l '.·. -· The SIXTH meeting of the Council was held. in the Council Chambers on Monday .. ]l,vening,. May 14th• .at 8 o'clock with Mayor.Linton in the Chair, and. the. following Members present; Reeve c .E .• Sparks, Dep.Reeve A.~A.Cook, Co.unaillors A.V.Smj,th, A.N.Fisher,. W•A.We~t, :;tnd. Elwood. Davis ... 'J'he minutes Qf!'tl_:l.e fiftl;l ~eeting we;r;e. ad,opted as read.. · · ·· COOK,Sl'A.RKS· That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue O:t,'<;l.erEL,C?l'!-:f;he, Treasurer for the aame, and tha.t the seal of the Corpor- &tion be a:.ttaahed. hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Aurora. Hydro Aurora Building Co • .II ,,~ :r.Leckie Ltd. Banner Preas II, o.D.:s:esS: T .Eaton Ca--. B~F~Davis T~K.Fiae It Fyr.;.Fyter Ough & Son It II Miner Rubber ca. li' .R .Underhill Stiver Bras. .T.Bak ]'rankaom Garage l!' .caulfield Direct Transport Taylor .& Son J • .Tennings Prov.of Ontario J .E .Ruchan.an Pilkington Bros. Stmdry Expenses . Phone #65 $ 6.5.4\ l/l35 3o48\ #305 2 .• 5.0, //31.4 1.78, #361 5 .• 85' #408 1.2.75\ Clerk's Offiae,Apl..l 2.21, Arena.... 11 13•39, Mechanics Hall !! 3 • 28, 1Ibwn Hall . . 1! 8.12, J)iSJ?O!ial Plant II 5lo63, standby Pgmp !,1 8.75, Qlerk's Qffice Ma.y.,l 1.78, Town Hal:J,. 11 7.58, Mechanics Hall ~ 3.24, Disposal Plant -~ 2.0.45, Standby Pump '' 8.75, Street Lighting !,1 314.62, Coal &a.. 73.49' Eppairs~Town Hall.. 526.39, ])oorf! repd..Fire Hall 25.19, ]'lags 9>11, Printing & Forms 30.51, Advertising . 9 .so, Towels &c. 1.40, Flags · 16 .67" , Cement &c. ~· 9.80'- Town Hall & Rink(E.L.)) 18.32' Mechanics Hall •• 38.84' Cannisters_ · 19 .20, Nails &c. 14.70\ Coal Oil &a. 3.64, Paint &o. (Disposal) 73.60, Coat ,7o50, Insurance Coal(Town· Hali) Wrench &.reps. Oil Repairs to truck l!'reight Gas.;&c. Gas. Hospitalization Gravel Glass 3.36, 21.35" 1.75, 3~50, 31.05' .so, 15 .32, 2.04' 45.oo, _. 9.oo, 21.84, 17 o70, .T•Goulding Use of car 4•00'\ County o:f York Hospitalization COOK.FISHER. That the action o:f the Mayor in issuing orders urer :for the payment o:t the :fol.lowing sums be, and the same confirmed, and that the seal o:t the Corporation be attached April 7 L.Hodgins Corp. .r .Bak . It w.summers ,. J.Peters ,. ·-~-~· -'<:C:Y"-T------·-~----.7<"--·· ="·-:-;-;·.~ <-~_:•-'-=-::-~:;;-:::::;::; ~-:c;-:::·.c;:,· ·.;.;·;·~·-··.--• ·:~",-····~·,·;·•-• 17.37,Carried. on the Treas- is hereby th~reto• 20 .50" 23;oo, 23o00\ :;•t.,eo' ·' >t 14 21 2A 2.8 PAGE a SIXTH lli!EETING,MAY 14, 1945 M."Hobirison ···~ Corp. J:..J{odgina u Jeliak .. Vf ;.Summers 11 . .J: ;f;'etera '! ~;~obinaon ~ L•Hodgina ~ .t eBak If W ;summers ll J.•:Weters It ~•:ao b imon '!· Pofi.tillla.a ter " L.oHodgins '! J~ak ~ W•Bummers If JoPetera 11 i\lt;ij.obinson. If Stamps $18.00, ,20.50, 23.00, 23.00\. 17.50' 1s.oo, 20~5.0, 2.3.00\. 2s.oo, 17 •&o, 1s.oo, 33.00\ 20~50, 23~00, 23.00, 17 ;5o, 18.00,Carried 1i'ISHER.DA:VT.s~-;:cha. t the following a.c.counts be paidt tha.t o_rQ.er~ o~J;l:).e "Treasurer for the. s.ame, and tha.t the seal the Mayor .. issue of the Corpo- ration b.e at tac:hed here to • WATERWORKS. Aurora Hydro. Waterworks #1 A:pl.l 26.18\ ll !··. _ II 35 o65 \ 1~ M. ay 1 2'!.32, It .2 ... II 39o39, Banner Preas Notices &a. 12.26\ Shell Oil Co. Gas. 3loOO, Ough & . Son. P;ipe &a. 4.35' Township of K;ing Taxes. 9 .85, Town of Aurora . 11 13.45, Huffman & Son Clean;ing out Wells 458.50\ Can .• Bra.ss Co. Nipples &a. 32;61' W•H•S:Pragg~Threading & Shar"t 8.25,Carried. SMITH,WEST. That the following accounts be oaid, that the Mayor issue qrdera .. oi1 the Treasurer for the same. and that the seal of the Cor- poration be a.ttaaned hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 5 x o56 2a80\ :rufi's.Traviss Estate Rent 7~50\ F.D.Lae:ey .· Food 16.80\ F•W•Teasdale " l6.oo, Dominikn Stores: ~ 18.26, ;fohn·'s Groaeteria 11 19 .oo, General Store ~ 12.00, Stiver Bros • Fuel 6. so, Carried •. COOK,FIS:HEJ;t. That the request of the E.L.Ruddy Co. to erect two Poster Panels.on the West side o:f Yonge st. on the property owned by J~owser, be granted. Carried, Copy of letter from the Toronto & York Reads Commission to the Dept. of Highways regarding the installation of traffic signal& lights at the corner of Yonge & Wellington Streets was read and ordered filed. Correauondenoe from the Municipality of King regarding Fire Protection agreement was read end handed to the Water & Fire Committee for resol- ution to be :presented to the Council. at the next meeting. The request. of :Mr.Cl.aud. Pruner to extend his fence on Town :property was handed to the Property & Streets Committee for investigation. A communication from the Health League of Canada regarding the holding of a Tag Day in Aurora, was read and passed to Councillor Dr.Rose, Chairman of the Social Service Committee for consideration. COOK,SPARKS. That the Treasurer of the Town .be and he is hereby authorised and directed to issue a warrant for a Tax Sale and to include ~n such Warrant.all. lands, occupied or unoailf\lpied, which are chargeable with arrears of taxes for the year 1941 or prevoius years, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. COOK,.FISHER. That we grant permission to the Aurora Building Co. to erelltt a scale on the :property near the railway for their private use as requested, also that we give notice to the B:aid Firm that the Property Committee are to investigate the possibility of erecting a Community Saale to service the Community for local and transit traders use. Carried. SMITH~SPARKS. That :for the additional sum of $295 .oo to be paid to the Corporation of Aurora vrithin sixty days hy Mrs.seth ]!orris, she be granted a deed of the property free of f any urther d.l'Wges r--·~· --~~"· i \ '! PAGE 3 SIXTH MEETING,Ma.y ~4, 1945. to the end of ~945.;: · · · .·· Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. That the R.c.o.C.be granted the privilege gf' using the ;i.m;q~a., Ar<?.~_f'or atorage :purpoae.a, rental free, the building to be yaaated_by the R.c.o.c. in the. early fa~l so that the Arena may be put in condition for [;hl;l ~kating season. ., Carried. The req:ueat of' E~H:~Ois.en for a. water service to his. property in the Townahi:p of Vihitchtl,rah was referred to the Water Committee. SPARKS.,.COOK •.. Tha.t th.e R.c.o.c.b.e given :permiasion_ to take charge of' the ~!'!;ID.i,§ (,!Qtl.rts for the _c;OI!J.i~_aeason. Carried. $PARKS,QOOK. That leave ·be granted to introduae a By-law tQ strike the ra.tes .. iJ:L the Town of: .. Aurora for the year 1945.... Carried. FISHER,COOIC. That the,By-l.aw now before the Council be read ... a seaond time anQ:. that_ the Council dissolve i t:sel:f into a ()ommittee of the whole f'or that purpase~. Carried. DAVJ:S,.W.EST •. That the By-law now before the Counail be read a. third time th:tsdaY and that Rule 3a of' By•law N"o.862 be sua:pended f'or t~at pua:pose. The By-law was given its three readings and passed. arr~e • - COOK,SMIT.H:. That the request of the Lion's Club to hod a Street Carnival on YOJ:lge .St:e-eet, Augus:t lat.1.945, be. granted. Carried. FISH.ER,COOK. Tha_t_.Tim Gouldlil.ng be :plaaed in charge of' the Waterworks with AJLex~Higgins: as: his As:sis:tant, so as the system can b.e kept in good grder• Carried. Meeting adJourned to l\lfonday lllfay 2lst.l945. 11f~7· Mayor ____ ,-,-