MINUTES - Council - 19450521PAGE-~ SJ!IIlEN:T.H UEETI NG l1U..Y":Uo, ~94!h ·' .-'~.:;. . ..• ·-·' - ihe SEVENTH. meeting of the Caunc::il wa.a held in the Counc::ll Cha,lllbera an Monday-. :::Evening, May 2l.st •• , at a a • c~oc::k, w:i th Mayor. Lin tan in the Chair and the.foi.lowing Memb.ers. present;-Reeve C .E .. S.parks..,Dep-Reeve A•A. .• Ilook, Oounaillora Elw:o.od. .. Davia, A..:N:.Fi.ah.er;Jl and W .A.eWeat. ... ~ .. Council. dma.s.qlved i.taelf ~to a Cailimittee !i!_:t_ tp,e whole to diaa.ueui ci.auae Qy-clauae the report of the ·stre§lcta Oommittae ·as foi.lawa;- YQur OOilimit.tee an Streeta beg to report aa foi.l.ow;-We hel.d an inspection l)f -Di~paaal. Wor'ka 1 _Road:a, Treea etc:,.. on Wedneada,y Aprg ~6tho Mayor Linton, Reeve Sparka.,.Dep-Re~ve A..J\..Coak, Co-unclll,ora Fishe;r;, Rose, and_ the ~Q.ll. ]'or~ attelil4'ing• -. ·~ .. · _ · c . • _ ... ~. Th.e Di.a~oaal W~orks required aone:iderab~e work suah aa repairs. to the roof,. painting and glazing. The 3.0 H.P.Motor rf!quired overhauling. All these several; reptira have been done with-Qu:r;. own he~p, and we e:one:ider the Dis:pasal. Worka in Al. e:hapEh C .JibeS~ -. _ -. ·.· :a. We imle:peated. th~ ou:lvert ~t .. J\iq,-•Avia• .approach, as we were of the opinion the MUnicipality were not liab~_th ·~etion was deferred. 3. We eXaJllined the Road &Llowance eo:cmer ot Mac-hell & Irwin whieh is uaed aa a. Ball DialllOnd', and eonc:luded that the boys behave th.emselves in a.n ord'erl.y: llla.rtrier, no action wil.l be taken to prhibit the game. C.E.S. 4. We :lna),Jected the Coll.is Leather Pl.a·nt and were mu11h pleaae<l at .. the. efforta put .forth by .. that Inatitution in their endeavours to leas en to &. minilltum. the EmJ:elling nuisance c-aused by the tannery affluent diapoaal.C.E.s. 5:. We inspeated s-ome aeventeen tJ,-eea which were compl.ained of by varioua Rate-payers-, and decided they ahould be removed as aoon as the Streets - Workmen could find time to do aoe C.E.s •. 6.~ We aonaidered two lights should_be pl.aeed on polea at the rear of Saanlo-n 1 s & ·Patters: on 1 s Bak.eriea. C .E .s. 7. We alae i~apeated tlie Road all.o~noe at the aorner of· Connaught and Edwll;ltd'a Streets and deaided to take no action at p-re:sent. _c .E.s. So We ailso inspected the aul.vert on Kennedj'; Street immed:!,a:~el.y West of the Bqn:i,ateel Propert:v'L~d reco:um:tend_ ed that it 't!e repair_ ed as the ~o:D-th abuttment is breali:Ulg away, oauaing a dangeroua aidewal.k. C .E .s. 9-. We axamined the approach to the lot recently purc:hased l?Y ~.Sambrook, and _granted four ya;rds of gravel.. c .E .s. · -_ · -__ 10. We inspected Kennedl: Street to. the Town Limits-and aoneluded we would canvaaa the Rate-paJ'"era adjaeent to the. Street with a viev of i'iDding out if the proper percentage can be obtained to allow the Corporation to pl.a;ae the Street under the Road improvement pl.at~~, and issue 4ebentures for the pa;vment of the· same •. Qounelllors West and Davia be Committee, Sparks to get quota..tio-ns. c .E.s. 11. We also aonc:luded tha.t Centre Street was in a. deplorabl.e condition for upwards of .. l!lO feet East of Yonge, and recommended that it s-hould be paved under the Road ImproVEillliel'l!t Plan. C .E .s. · lZ· We inspeerted · aeveral sidewalks adjaaent to Mr.Go~di's Property on Tyl.er Street, Mr.:Barnes Property on Tyier Hill, Dr.Rose on Wellington Street, Dr.Urquhart on Viatoriaoc Street, and others, be rebuil.t if time pe:i-mita •. cr.x.s~ . . · · · ·· · ---· l.So We woul.d reao:um:tEmd that several low: plaaea in Ross Street and on Mosl.ey Stree-t oppo-aite·Mrs:.MaGt~l\ be levelled tip with broken stone' and bitumals. · . -t. c.E.s. 1.4. We woul.d reeommend th&t the Town procure a earload of 31 8 stone ror patc:hing and road improvement, alao a quantity of gravel. for sidewa:tks. OES. 1.5:. We further would reao:um:tend_ that the Town ha.n.ning Committee conaider several &reas with a view to opening up new serviees to 'Pe l&id out aa new streets and: bliiJLding si tat;. c .E •s ~ · · · · All of which i.a respectfully submitted. Signed C.E.Sparsk, A.A..Cook.- . . . . -A oN oFiaher. The Committee aroae and moved that the Streets Committee :beJ.>OD be ~dopted. . . , OarrJ.ed. WEST.FISHER. That the 18 Pdr.Artillery piec:e loaned to the Second .Armoured Brigade be returned to the C:prpora:tion and plac:ed at the Waterworks. Carried C'orrespondenee,o!rom Meadow, C'riJloph, . and l'lllierener was read and handed to the Post-War Ptinning Committee. . ··. The reques:t of :Mr.Dorl.and for a drive way-or entrance off ~ onge Street • ( lj. PA.GX-2. SE.VENTH MEETING • M&.Y.·.· . .n .-~945 to his. Refrigera..t.ion Pant was -~eft in the hands of Reeve Sparks and the Town Fonman J .GQ.ul.ding. LDr.roN,SPARKS., 'l'ha..t the Corporation contribute the s.um of Fifty Do~~a tq .:a~~~~da. the c.o.IJ;t o:f ereeting a bridge connectijg,his. p~perty -Ito· th~-at.reet. over tlie ereek,. on condition however, tha..t the bridge ia bullt by Oet.ober l,at..~945,. and: under the. aupervision of the TOwn Foreman, and tha..t ]J!1r.Avia or his Suc.ceaaa;ra in ti.Ue keep the bri.dge in good repair, 'and on conditioR further"' tha.t the Corporation be rel.ieveci ctf any reapon- 'aihlli»'•:Cor the upkeep and repa.ir.o:t the bridge and of any H.e.bllity for any damages oceur~ to. ailJ' penon or pcraona as a. reau:lt of the erection o:t .auch bridge. . . · Carried• · SPAJ{KS,.OOOK. Th:e amournt o:t Fifty Dol.l.ars(#fiO.OO)Abe paid to. the Workmens C!)J!lP.et)S~tion Board, being 2nd p!eylllent to .. be made aa per notice of asseas- ll);ent preaenteci the ll!hnic:l.pal.ity under da.te of April l.B, U45, being the amount of adjuS:tm.ent for ·l.9;44,. required under ;pr&viaiona of the Workmens oonwenaati.ori Ac't(R.s:.o.19S~,. Oha:pter 204). ·. Oa.rried. ~.1\llliS,OOOK. ~.t the. County .gf York Levy for the year 1945. under By•laws Jif~·2~~, 21.50 al!ld · 21.5+ reapectively re Gene~ Purposes, Secondary Bdu- ca:tion,. and Patrioti~ Purpoaea, amounting to $5"874•26; be paid, and the aea:L of the Corporation be attached to this reaol.ution. Carried. SPARKS,.croOK •. ~t . a emal.l c.ar ot oil b.e pra~ured from the Jupp Octnatruction Q9 ~;'IIi:.; ~~-in. oJ.l:ing the Streeta. ·· -·· · · . Ca.rr.ied. SPARKS.,FISI;IER. That May the Z4th. be proctlaimed a l'llbl.ic Hol.ida.y by the ]J!'ayQe., .. , .. ·. Carried. Meeting adjourned at l.2. P.M. ~~:·/····· l/fayar.,; .·.•'·1'•'"'"""-'