MINUTES - Council - 19450402FIFTH MEETilifG. Al'RIL a .. ~--~945 The FIFTH. meeting of the Council wa.a held in the Council Chambers on Monday .. Evening, Al.lrll 2nd. a.t a o'clock, with Mayor Linton: in the Cha.ir a.nel a.ll .. Memhers of Council preaento The Minutea of the third and fourth meetinga were a.dopted a.a readt SPARKS~ COOK. That the following a.c:counts be paid, that the Mayor issue orie~ o~, '!;h.e Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of 'I;Ae Corpor• ation be attael;l.eli hereto. CORPORATI.ON. Bell Phone Co. • P.h.ane #65 $ 4o63, #~35 3.46, #3.05 a.5Ch #314 2•50'\ #.326 2.110'\ #361 3.81, B .• F .Davia Cement .. &c. 9 .55, Stinr Bros. Coal_{T.Ha.ll) 15.50, D.cirr Company ·;aepa.Q1arifi~r 10~62, .t\.C~o~a Selli:gg ·tickets · 33.00\ ;r ~a.k Picks sharpened &c.· 4e35, l'attenden & Traviss B.eps~TQwn Ha.ll 62.30, w;:a:.spragg. :I:J,epa~Fire .Truck 94.&5, .TaYlor & Son Gas.&a.. 20.73, OUgh & Son Mails &c. . 13.81, a Screwdriver •25, ~ (}las.s Cutter e40, ·~ Brooms. :s.oa, ~ Shells .• 65' Stre~t Lighting for MarCh· 3~4.62, J:l.emington .Ranli _Typewriter reps. la.oo, Munieipal. World Tax rate book 5~53, C.E.Sparks_&c:. :Elxpensea to Hornby :u;zo, .T oGoulding Use of car 5 ~00, F~Dtinham ()uta-ide tripa 14oOO, County of York Hoapi taliz:ation 12•50-._ , ])avis-Garage Battery &e• 22o45,Carried. COOK,SP.ARKS• That: the action qf the Ma.ynr in iasuing orders on the Treasurar-for the payment of the following s-ums be, and the aame is hereby eonrirmed, and that the aeal of the Corporation be attached thereto. l\lfa;rch 3 L.Hndgins Corp. $ 20~50-._ J~ak . ~ 23~00, W~Summera ..-23;oo, J~Petars II 17;50, M~Robinson ,. 1;50, R.Karrison Waterworks 24~00, L•Hodgins Corp• 20~50, J ~--. ... 23~00-... 10 w.osummers ,.. 2s;oo, J.oPeters " 17;50-._ R.Harris-on Waterworks 24;oo, 17 L .Hodgins Corp• ~o ;5o...._ .T.Ba:k II' 23.00, w.summers " 2s;oo, · J.Peters ..-17~60-.. :a.Ha.rriaon Waterworks 15~00-.. 24 L.Hodgimr Corpo 20.50\ J ~ak: " 23;oo" W .summers: " 23~00 \ J .Peters-,. 17 ;5o , 3l M.Robinaon •• 14;40 1 L.Hodgins II 20 •5o, .r .Balit " 2s;oo .... W.Summers " 23eOO-.. J .Patera ..-17 •so ' M.Robins:on " 18.00-...c~ried. --··· ·~·--.. /-·:·:•·c;····· ·-'~'":·~~.;;-;Yf,'·.-;;;,}~;;,;.;-:C~k;,~~·c;~!(~',:.;~~~\;:;~,-/;;~oz.,_: . .:,.F,J_,_,,~'-' .-··•·•·· '· .-. .;---------·~---~ ·-~ .. ·-;-~:; ~M · ,;(\;-'Hi·;, --~~.;,;,.~.4:_~,~:,.~.c·;;,···;;,·;,_~,_;,--,-++~""'4~---'· ·-~ //' ,.- / \,_ FIFTH MEETING PAGl!l. -.~ A:Rr:U i. ~ ~945. ROSEs WEST• That the·'folllliWing aaaounts be paid, tha..t the ll!fayor issue Qrdera.on. the Treasurer for thea aame, and that the aea.J. o1' the Corpor- ation be at tach.ed. hereto. RELIEl'o Medi·aa.J. Assn• 5: x o56 $ a.80, .,_. M:ra-Tr~vissEstate Rent 7.50, Dominion Storea Food 9.a~:3, F.W.Teaadale u 12.~0, G!1lner~ Store '! 15.;oo, ~ ;F~:viiil l!uel.. 7 .2fh Stiver Broa. R • 6·80\Ca.rried• FISEEl'L,.DAVIS· That.the foJ,lowing account's. be paid, that the Mayo;r: iaaue orQ,.e~ on .. ~~ T;r:easurer for the same,. and that the aea.J. of the Corporation ' . ' . . \) be at.~ahed. heret.o. WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co.; Phone IA2 $ 3>·80\ ... _ B.Jl'•Da:via&.Son Coke 10:3•54, H:~ & Son Well Drilling 13$3.•82, Dinty Moore Bat teriea 5.1 .• 30, Carried. Q.uotation~from the llili.tniai;pal Spra;Yi.ng C(}o, A.E.Jupp Cons:truotion Qo., e,nd. Ha.gerav:iUe. Aapll,a.l.t Paving Co. 'reg~p:din€-toad. Preaerving mate:J;"ia.J., were..read. and hal+d.ed. to the streetS: Committee.· The requeata from .the Saanl.on & Patteraon Bakeries: for l.ighta at the back of their premiaea~ were handed to the streects: Committee to be investigated at the annual inapeotian• .. . . M:r.J .Harriaon appeared bef'ore eounail reques-ting that Edward Street be .continued. on far enough to a.J.lqw: him a aide entrance to a garege on Edward street a.t the rear of ,tj_ia property. . J;ir.Roae presented to Council the report .. from the, Departl;lent of Health following the survey carried out by. Mias Pennock .. in the month .of Februa;r:y. REPORT OF PROPERTY CCOOfi:TTEE. The Committee reapectfully submit the follow- ~;-. OJ;J) :L'QWN WilL~. 'rhat. a1!1'ficie~t Ten/Test material. be purchased to finish. the -V:l~ .and cei~ing of the rear.room, main floor, old Town Rallo The M:r .Duncan JlfuDonald be hired to finish the room. That. llil:oFice inatal.l Hydro approved wiring for two overhea.d light fixtures, and_ two bas-e plugao Tha.t a Yale look and s-uitable door knobs be installed on the door. That tet1ders. be ·aal.led for painting the abolre room. Signed R.V .Smith; E.Da;vis . Dr.C•Rose. SPARKS, COOK. That the report ctf Committee on Property be adopted. Carried. CHIMNEY, JI!ElCHANICS HALL. That in view of the Aurora Building Co• refuaing . the. contn:.c.t. :for_ building. the brick chimney at Mechanies Hall a't a given :tigure·, we recommend tl:i:at Pattenden and .McDonald be &.warded. the aontraet having submitted the s:econd lowest tender.; .. Signed R.V.Smith, Dr.C.Roae. SI'ABKS.ROWL.I\.ND. Tha.t as the Aurora. Building Co .has refused tw carry on with the contract:. of P:uild;ing .a. chimney 4t the ],[echanioa l!ail, the repctrt of the Property Committee be a;dopted re a~e. Carried• COOK.FISHERo T.hat the By-law(Garbage Collection)nowbefore the Council be read a. aecond time and that the Council dissolve itaelf into a. co:mtnittee of the whole for that pu;r:pos:e. ROSE,, DAVIS. That the By•law now before the Council be read a third time this day and. that Ru:le 22 o.f By-law Ro o862 be suapended for tha.t purpose. The By-law waa given ita readinga and paasedo Meeting clo.aed at 12 o•clook. _?f/ P·l.~~~- Mayor.