MINUTES - Council - 19450305' THIRD MEETING ¥ARCH , 5. .•... 1.9 45, . The Third meeting of . the Clour.ien was held in the CounaU Chamb era on MoDda;v Evening, March 5th, at 8 o'Cl.oek, :with Mayor Unttln in tht:~ Chair,. and the f'ol1owing Members present;-Reeve C .E . .oSparks, Depoo.Reeve A.A..Cook, creuncil.lors A..N.Fisher, R.V.Smith.,. F.Rowl.and, Elwood Davis, I W .A..West, and Dr oRes e... .. . . . . · .· ·· The minutes of . the secarid meeting 'were adopted· as read. COOK,.SP.ABKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the smne, and that the seal of the Corp- ora:t;ion be attached hereto. · . ,, · CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Pgone #65 $ 5oB9, . . #135 2.;75, li'li05 2 .50, fl7/J.4 2.t5o, #326 2.80, •. . #561 ;$~ ~' Aurora Hydro Lights, Arena:. ·· n.24, tt Cbrks Offiee 2~28, ~ Town Hall 7•64, It . .. .. , M:eaha;nios Hal.l 3.69, l'ower,§t~mdb;r PumP a.71h tt D:i.spolital· Plant 6~.97, Aurora BuUding Co• Coal &0 .; 89o54, B.G;.;Whitel.aw Pa~a &c. 2.-m, Stiver B,ros. Coal &o. 43~90, Aurora; Orchards Plowil!llg Sli'liOW 60o00'- Fire Ilept. ti:tta .. 6il€l' J oC . .BO:d:t:ish R!tPiitoDiSP,Oital''Plrutt 178 o14' OUgh, .& Sttn Gal.reasketa &a.. l.~.i6:5, F.w.caulf'ield ~ctk Repairs 66o5Ch ' . J..MitoheU.& Son l'ail &a~ 2•20, o~;Hesa . Fi:r:st A:i.!i &ct. 4o65' Tayl.or & son Gas~&c, · · 3;24, F.J~Smith . CouplingS 2oOO, can.Industries gal.Ohla:ride 17.34, Stout.ts Garage . . Tire~ &e. 116 ~!:iGh J.Harriaon Cartage 22.50-.. Bu:mdries~ Freight.&c. 7i30, ;r .Gaul.ding . use of' ear 4.;oo, F·Dullham Qutside trips 7.oo, Dept.of Health Hos.pitaliz:ation 29.00, County of York ,. •J ·· :So50' Banner Prees Tw11'le &co .. s.so, .. I.etter:P,eada &c. 46.51h Davia.Garage Tires &c. 128.99, Corp. Street Ligbtts, Feb. 514.62,Carried. COOK, SP.ABKS. That the actitm of' the Mayor in ii;J:suing orders: on the Treasurer :ror the pa.;vment of the following SUlll:S be, and the ,sam:e is hereby eoli'llfirmed, and that the aeal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Feb.S L·Hcrdgi.ns Corp. $ 20e50, ;r .Ba;k it 27 eOO, w.s~ers It 27.80, ;r.Peters It 19.20, M:..Robili'llson • . 5 .;40, R.Harrison Wa.terworks ?4;oo, lO L.Rodgina Corp. 20e50, J .Bale ,. 23eOO, w.~ers • 2s~oo, ;r.peiers it J.7io60, M:.Robili'llson • J.7o>60' R •Harrison Waterworls 25 o2Ch l'l L.KGdgil!'liS Corpo 20.50-.. ,-- 1 I MAl\OH 6.. ]Jl45. mi!Ul.llliEE.TING-PAGE. 2 ·'JOB~--··"·-·.···" · · ··-· ··, · Corp. $ 2s•oo, . . I VloSUI:lllilters . 11 gs;oo, J. ~Peters ~ 1.9 ;2Ch R~Harrison Waterworks 24.00' :as Pcis'llltSater ctorpeatam;pa :;a•oo, a4 L~dgins Corp. ao;oo, J.Bak • as;oo, W'~Stum~~.ers ~-23.;och J~Petera ~ 1.7;60, --~___,.'--~~ M~obinaon I!' · 9 .i6(h R~Harrison · Waterworks· 24;.00,C:arriea FISHER, COOK. Tllat the i'ol.lowil'lg aeaounts: .be paicrl.,. that the Mayor issue orders on the. Treaaurer for the same, and t;hat "the ereal of the Corp• oration be attaChed here~• · WATERWORKS. Bell Phone co. Ehone /A2 $ 4•0(:1, Aur0:ra l:fydrf.l' Power {fl. . 24. s:h .. . ' -.• . 112 36.72, Aurora Buil.ding Oo• Ern~ry ,Cloth &o. 16.38, W .Jt.Spragg . Wel.dilll'g &e. S.Ei.fiO-... Grinnel.l co. . .Jl!ippl.e &c •.. -.11.68" :Banner Preas ·· . Billet & .Cheques 46.60'.C:arrie4 WEST,SM.ITK. That .the i'olla-Wililg accounts be pai~, ;Jhat the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer i'or the same, and that the seal of. the Corp- oration be attached heretG. · RELIEF. M'$dicaJ. Assn. S z .5:6 $ ?oBO,_, Mrs:.TraVias Estate Rent . 'l~5o 10 F.W.Teaadal.e Food ~2~80"' General Store • l.2.00~ StiVer Br.oito Fuel. 24~75, Aurora Bullding Co. • ll.i.o(hCarried. Correspondence :trom the Library Board, and the Hortieul.tural Society, in regard to granter for l.945, w:aEt r.ead. and held over for next meetil!lge Correspondence :trom w.Griffith regarding the snow: s:liding on to his property from the Arena roo:t, was handed to the Property Committee ±'or their att81!ltierh . _ · . ' .. • .. aompl.ainta from Aurora Oitiz:en~tr regarding viaious dogs: running at large, were ordered to be handed to Oonstab:te Dtlnhalll. -for investigation. ROSE.ROWLAND. Whereas there &J:e before the council. two specific compl.ai:ats o-:t vic:l.Gus dogs at large in Town, with many. other complaints of dogs: attacking and :triglit.tening adults: and children; ~ere:tore be it resolved that steps: be immediately taken to take in:to custody such dogs as are creating a public nuisan.ce, and that unleas the owners aasume respon- sibili tT and pay costs il:IVOlved, the dogs be destroyed. And i'urther that an advt.to this effect be printed once monthly in the :Local· pres:s. · ·· · · -: ·-·-·· · · · ·· ·· Carried. SPABKS,ROWLAND. That the Mellll:lership fee flf:t Five doll.ars be forwarded to the Treaslirer o:t the Af!sociation of Ontari·o Mayors & Reeves-, Mayor Stanl.ey Lewis, Trallisportation Buil.dir~g at Ottawa, and the Mayor and Reeve b:e delegated tci' attend siiell conventi&n When convening. · · Carried. FISHERtCOOK. 'l:flat we buy i'or the Gas Engine at the Waterworks, ±'our 6 vol.t Storag;e Batteries :tor startil!lg it, also one 6 volt Battery for the Fire Bel' Alarm, and one Water Meter i'or the Water 1\m,'i$· at the Waterworks1 and the seal of the Corporation be at't<tched hereto~9~ amount about i>l.50.00 · · , . · · · · . . . · · Carried. REPORT OF THE SmEETS COMMITEE. Your Committee apointed by resolution passed Feb • l.ith•r~l. t. to s:ecure a Collector o:t G'arbege ±'or the Town of Al:ltrora, beg to report as i'o:L:Lowa;~ We instrueted the al.erk to have two insertions :made in: the AurQ'ra Banner sol.icitiug ~enders i'or Garbage col.lection from Maran l.st.l.945 and ensuir~g year •. We obtain-ed five tenders: ranging frOm< $1.900.00 te $2800.00 per year •. On examining th~ tenders the Committee coul.d not ~ee,. so. at an adjourned :meeting the fol.lowing day it waa agreed to accept the tender of A.E.Hawkins i'or $2200.00 per annum. Garbage to b.e col.lected on the firs:t a1,1d second da;ys o:t each and every · week, and the truck containing the garb·a:ge to be covered with a tarpaUlin . A tp pre'Vlent re:tuae frQlll. blowing ../Ut. the v,ind. -,·;·:<-:·;·; -~:;,:.; <·;:::;;.,-,;,\-::~.:;::,,:.-;-~ .;.;~.,-:-,---~-:-. ' -.-.-~ ... . '. ,,, -·· i (t,'. ----~------·~---~-~-·~~-·-~->--~-~-""""""'IA,~"""""-:""""."'"""'""""'-~;.,.,.....,,;~,.~:..::..:.....;.:,,_·_·_··.:.:..::.O_c ___ :_·_,_ _____ ~---------~.:_-..;. ___ ~.:......_...:.: ___ ....:_...,,_. __ . __ ~_< __ 1 MiARCH a • l.S45 THiliD MEETING . .-PA,GE S Wa woul.d request' the ":By.;;.J.e.Wa • (frommi ttae to have the necessary By•l.aw enacted to enforce the ~eement or contract. AJ.l. of W}Uch is. respeet:l.'ull.y-sub• mitted• Signedt c.E.S~ka• A.A..Cook, A•lir.oFis.h.er. Owing 'loa excessi VIe fal.l.s. ·of snow during the Winter_ aea.son,_ our atreets became almost impassa.bl.e. Yla are pl.eaaed to report that we were fortullJI&te in securing Mr.Osl.houn witA hi.s. Caterpil.la.r Traetor Snow. Plow to· remove the anow from ~e centre of the l;.)tae.eta at a-cost ofj~29l. .. oo.. We consider this system of anow removal. very __ satiafactory and we are advised that a simil.ar Tractor ia for aal.e near Milton, and we would recommend that a Committee be appointed to ina:Pect __ the aame and aacertain the condition and lowest price for which it could. be purchaaed, and report to the Council at its next meet),f~ We beg farther to requeat. that any ratep~er desirous of haVJimg any ~e'e"';l removed adjacent his-property-that he n:Jake his. request to the Clerk o£ the Municipality within the ne~t two weeka. Al.l of which is reapectfull.y s.u. b~tted •. s .. igllad' c •. E .• Sparks,A<iA·O.oo]!:. · A,clr.Ftsher• - SPARKS,FISBER. That tha r:eport of the Streets Corl!inittee be adopted •. -. . . .. . . . --, -----.·· carried. SPARKs, ROSE. nla.t an interim grant of-$20o.oo-be paid" to the Libn.ry- Board, pending. tha passing of the us.:ual.grant to be takeb up at a~later date, and the seal of the Corporation be attached to thia resolliltion. · ·· ·· . · . · · . · · . · · Carried. ROSE,SPABKS. ihat Leo Hodgins be e:mgaged as: Janitor for the M\,lnioipal Buil-dings., and that he be under the supervision of the Town Foreman, Jas.Gcmlding. · ·· · · · Ci!trri~d· SPARKS, ROSE. That leave be given to introduae a By-law to authorize the executl.Ciln of an agreemelalt between the Bell Telephone of Canada and the Corporatien of the Town of Aurora, and. that . the same be ~ow read a firat time• . ··· ·· ·.. · · · · .. . .. ROSE, WEST. That the By-law-mow before the Council be read a second time and that the. Oounci:l_ dis:solve itself into a committee of the whole :for . that purpose. . --_ . DAVIS, ROSE. That the By-law n-ow-before the Council be read a third time this: d~ and that Rule 22 of By•law No.6:8Z be auspended for that parpose. The By•law was gi:Jren its three readings and :Passed. SPARKS, COOK. That leave be given to introduce a By.-law to empower Committees to expend monies, and that the sama be now read a first time. ROSE, WEST. That the By•law now before the Council be read a second time and that the Council .dissolve itself' into accommittee of' the whole for that purpose. · -. SMITH, FISHER. That the By-law now before the Council. be read a third time this d~ and that Rule 22 of By•l.aw :No.862 be suspended for that pilirpos.e • ·-. · - The By•l.a.wwas giVen its three readings and pas:sed. SPARKS, ROSE. That .l.eave be given to introduce a By•laVf to provide for contract :for the coll.ection,. removal and diapos:al of garbage and other reatlse and that the same be no.w realf. a. first time. The By:•l.aw reeeived its first reading onl.y-. Meeting then adjourned at l.2 e'clocko ~ .~·.··:,· ' , ~ Mayor•