MINUTES - Council - 19450319I
.MARCH ~9.,~94fi
The FOURTH meetili:J;g of the Council. was he~d in the CQunei~ Chwnbers on
M:onda,y. Ewen1Jmg, ~eh ~9th., at 8 o'c~oak, with Ma,yor Linton in the Chair,
and .the fol.~owing Members present;:• Reeve C.E.Sparka, Dep-Reeire A.A.Cook,
Councillors A.N.oFisher, R.V.Smith, E~wood :Pavis, and WoAoW.est •. __ .
aaunelllor w_.A.West as SUperintendent of the Collis L.eath.er Clh, requested
that the Old .ttie Truak "Q.a. rented to the. Ooll:ts Leather Co. to pump the
clear. water trom the Tannery Pond. _
FISHER,SMITH. That the Fire Trilak be rented to the Collis Leather Co. to
pump the clear water from. the pond, and thst .. a Membf!lr of the Fire Department
be in abarge of the Truak during the comp~ete operation. The Fire Committee
to aet a auitab~e rellltal figure, and the T~ak .to 'be returned to the Fire
Department in the s~e eandition as delivered. . Carried.
~ORT OF tiX~ttl uOMMITT~. The Cammittee respectfully submit the fo~lawing;
Commi ttee eanaistiJ:Jg of· Reeve Sparks, Wrn•Calhou:n, Streets Foreman J .G 0u~ding,
and Jolm BSk, inspected Ca:terpi~la.r Tra.otor at Hornb;t an :1\fa;_rcm 2nd.~945,
Tra:otor No.30, Year 1929, Condition,. rear right sproaket cracked, Motar
appa:rent1;t good, Radiator, Ovmer claims never l.eaked, General-use Esqueaing
Tovmahip grading, Price F~O.oB.Pl.a:tform at Goodiaon 1 a $1300.00.
OU~vert -on Kennedy Street.
Avis eomp1aint re el'lltrance to property.
~ee CUtting.
The Council reaol.ved itself into a: Committee of tlie whol.e to discuss the
*eport o:f the Streets. Committee regarding( the purehaSe of a Tractor for
Sno~ Plowing eta., Reeve C.E.Sparka in the Chair. The Committee aroae and
reported the fol.loWing;• Report not accepted at present time.
'WEST,DAVIS~ That the Road & Bridge Department make suita.bl.e l!'&i'&l!'• reP&ira
to the.cul.vert and aidewalk b.y the Bon!steel Property on Kennedy st. Carried.
The. rellllest of :llir.R.Avis for an approach to his property was handed to the
Streets Committee, t~s to~~e inspected at the annual-inspection, and Cl.erk
to get ru.l.ing ®n the aubject from the 1\Wniaipa] Worl.d. . Carried.
ROSE,.LIN'l'ON• That we make reaommend&.tion to the Fim.e.nae Committee that a
Grant of $50.00 be made to the Boys Hookey Connnittee of t,he Lions Club. .
. Carried. i
WEST.FISHER. That the >weekly wage o:f the Cl.erk and Assiatant Clerk be raiaed · '
$6:.oo and $5•00 reapeetively, and that the raise be.made retroactive to
January l.at.1945• · Carried.
WEST,.FISHER. That COUlllcil. reso~ve itsel-f into a Committee of the whole to
diaeuaa the 1945 Mill Rate.
The Committee arose ann reported the Mill. Rate set at 40 mil.ls for 1945 and
aame was confirmed in Council.;
Meetimg adjourned a:t 11•40 P-.M.
~--·_-.· .. ·.
~ ~-=2:"'. Mayor.~-~
I 1 !