MINUTES - Council - 19431213.~ /-'\ Jl'IFTEENTR MEETING. December 6th.. -·1943 The FIFTEElifTR meeting of the Council was held in the Col.lncil Chambers on Monday Evenin~ December 6th. with the Mayor in the Chair, and the following Membera present;-Reeve C.A.~~lloy, Deputy-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Councillors, R.Linton, Dr.Gunton, A.A.Cook, & F.Rowland. The minutes of the fourteenth meetinawere adopted on motion of C .E.Sparks, and. A.A.Cook. · . . . SPARKS~LI]TTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the •rreasurer for the same, and that the see.l of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Ken.Forsyth O.D.Hess Attridge & Son Aurora Building Shtell Oil Co • E.C.Mingay Stiver Bros. B.F.Davis & Son Taylor & Son Co. ];" .w .caulfield United Steel Corp. Can.Industries Toronto Salt Co. J" .E .Buchanan A .Bell Municipal World Banner Press J".Goulding .F.Du.nham Phone #65 #135 #305 #314 #326 #361 Glass &c. Soda &c. Lumber Coke, Cement &c. Gas• Cartage Coal & Coke Coal Batteries &c • Repairs &c. Belter Ca.l.Chloride Salt Sand & Gravel Gas. Register Voters Lists Use of car Trips Insulin Lumber &c. $ 12.20 4.20 2.59 2.59 1.04 3.81 11.60 9.05 5.18 60.94 1•49 2.45 19•45 20.23 7.10 35~05 14.64 20.81 66.00 86.25 17.85 Ilept.of Health Attridge & Son itemingt.on Rand 4.50 267<40 4<00 3.00 o44 2.73 7.20 Typewriter inspection Carried SPARKS.COOK. That the action of the .Mayor in issuing orders Treasurer for the payment of the following awns. be, and the confirmwd, and that the aeal od the Corporation be attached Nov.3 Postmaster Stamper Corp. 4 It II E.L. 6 L.Hodgins Corp. 13 20 A.Higgins " w.summers J".Petera M.Robinson A.J" .Annan L.Hodgins A.Higgi!11B w.summers M.Robinson .J.Peters L.Fleury A .;r .Anna111 L.Hoggins A.Higgins w.summers It It •• E.L. Corp. II It II It E.L. II Corp. II II on the same is hereby thereto. 15.00 15.00 20.50 23.00 23.00 17.60 15.00 19.80 20.50 23.00 23.00 15.00 17.60 4.00 24.52 20.50 23.00 23.00 ,-"'·" -, /'~ .I \ r 23 26 FIFTEENTH Meeting Page. 2, _December 6. 1943. :M:.Robinson J:.Peters Hydro Electric A.J • .Annan L!Fleury L~Hodgins. A~Higgins. W!S1.llllil1ers. M .• Robins.on .I!Peters. Corp. II Power for Oat. E.L .• Waterworks. Corp. " u 15.00 17.60 3061•35 30.15 12.00 20.50 23a00 23.00 u 15.00 '! 17.60 Carried • COOK.M:ALLOY• That the--following orders_ on _the· Treasurer for the be attached hereto. acaounts be paid, that the Ma7or issue same, and that the seal of .the Corpc».ration WATERWORKS.. Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.94 .. ___ ._ Ca.n.Eras.s. Co. C.oupling_s. 2a76 -' u Couplings &a. 15 .oo Sunc.lo Wipers 9 .oo Frankcom Garage Grease &a. 2.25 Stoutta Garage Gas.&.c.. 5 .oo Banner Preas · Bills &a. 2.9 .5.9 Carried. GUNTON,MALLOY· That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders. on-the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Mrs.Travisa Estate B .F .Davis & Soh F.D.r.a.cey Aurora Dairy F.W.Teasdale Dominion Stores 4 X o56 Rent J!'uel Ji'ood Milk :&'ood II Cousins Dairies Milk General Sjlore ]'ood LINTON,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that erders on.the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Coo Can.Gen.Electric It ot· II II II Shell Oil Co. Miner Rubber Co. Hydro Electric It Phone #240 Links Bushing &c. Conduit &c. Lights &c. Sockets Climbers Gas. Coat Lamps Binder 2.24 7.50 12•75 7.70 3o63 6.92 12.00 •. 66 16.33 Carried• the Mayor issue of the Corporation 3.18 11.25 18.04 13.74 9o44 3.68 11.00 4-20 9.00 24.12 la47 F.Smith H.J.Hills Banner Press Reps • to Climbers 1•35 Meter reps. 171.28 Bills &c. 75.87 · F .c .Da.vis Gas. 3.15 Ca.rried. LINTON,SPARKS. That the Annual Policies on the Arena and tha Mechanics Hall be changed to three year polil!lies with a change in the premium to 2f times the annual premium, thus saving f a year premium. Carried,. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the British American Fire Policy No.334192, insuring the Office~J?ixtures and Supplies for $1100.00, be transferred from the Old Town Hall on !ll:osley St. to \. / ...... \ ' \ FI~TEENTKMeeting, Page . 3., December 6th. • 19 43. the New Town Hall situated on Yonge Street. Carried. Mli.L!LOY,COQK. Tha.t the Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance on the To.wn.Truck be $20,000.00 ane( $20,ooo.oo. Carried. SJ?AR,KS,R01ilL.AJID. ~.t the Premi= of the vario.us Insurance Policies be paid .aa. they .fall due, aubj ec.t to recollllll:endationa by Council, and tha.t the seal. of the Corporation be a.ttaahed. Carried. SJ?ARKS.,L.INTON. That the list of Buainess Taxes, assessed to Persona in the.Fall:As);,ess.m.ent, who do not operate their business the following year, be written from the Tax Arrears.. L.edger. Carried. COOK,ROVJLAND. That the request of the Aurora. Fire Departlllent for the Annual Grant .. of .. $300.00, and $2& .00 Meohanics .. Fees, and one-half of the amount received for outside fires for the Yaar 1943 be granted, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.. Carried. 1IJ!ALLOY,GUNTON. Tha.t the request of Miss R.A.Jenkins regarding .. a Poplar Tree on .. F].eur;v•; Street be gran ted. Carried. Lil'fTON,COOK. Tha.t L.Fleury be paid the SUlll of $2.00 per night.flilr staying all nigl;Lt at the Wa~erworks as Wa.tchlllan• That Mr .Copland be asked to make a survey and report the oost of making the :!!'ire Alal'lll System and Pumping aut.omatic, and the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried. Report of Sanita.tion Committee in respect to Garbage. The Committee respectfully submit the following;-That we recoJJllllend to Council that the T.ender of J .E.Buchanan be aocepted for the collection of the T1inm. Garbage for the coming year at a. relllllnera.tion of $1800 .oo. EhtJ:~~e:a. . . Signed, G.A.C.Gunton,C.A.M:alloy, C.E.Sparks. LINTON,COOK. That the report o;t: the Sani:l;ation Col11Il4t1<ee be adopted, and the. sea]. of the Corporation be attacl;Led ·thereto • · · Carried. NOTICE OF MOTION. Notioe of motion is hereby given to introduce a By-law covering the-Garbage Contract. G.A.C.Gunton, Chairman, Sanitation CoJJllllitteli• :l1J\R,¥,;f.~l~;lt{~=~~~C,i"{J~t e t e ·~~ Carried. ~ US\e'I.S~~MI1W'rVt~~-• SJ?ARKS,ROWLAND. That leave be given to introduoe a By-law to authorize an agreement for.the Management and Operation of the Aurora Arena by one Lesley W.Beazer, and that the same be read a first. time. Carried. LINTOI\f,M:AL!LOY. The.t the By-lai"r now before the Council be read a third time this day, and that Rule 22 of By-law No .862 be suspended for that purpose. The By-law was then read and passed. Carried. SPARKS,LINTON. That leave be given to introduce aNy-law to authorize the conveyance of Lot 158 aocording to Plan 246 for the Town of Aurora, to Asa Cook, and that the same be reada first time. Carried. COOK.ROWLAND. That the By-law now before Council be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No.862 be suspended for that purpose. Oarried. The By-law was than read ana pas.sed. LINTON~SPARKS. That leave be granted tcil introduce a B;t-Lavr to authorize the conveyance of Lot. 131, Plan 246, to Daniel Williamson, and that the same be ~ead a first time this day. Carried. SPARKS,LINTON. That the By•law now before the Council be read a third time this day andtha.t Rule 22 of Ey-law No.862 be suspended for that purpose. Carried, The By-law was then read and passed. LINTOiif,.SPARKS. That leave he granted to introduce a By!llaw to Hydro-Electric Co=ission of the Town of Aurora, and that the rea.d a first time. establish the same be now Carried. LINTON,GUNTON. That the By-law now before the Council be this day, and that Rule 22 of By-law No.862 be suspended read a third time for that purpose. The By-law was then read and passed. Carried. I lr··· I r.Y· .. "-/" -...\ FIFTEENTH :ME:ETil'!G. Page .tJ,, De.aember. 6th.l943. • SP..ARKS,ROWLAND. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for th~ Nomi·na.tion of Ca.ndita..tes and for the Election of the Members of the l[unicipa.J. Council, .and the req,.uired Trustees of the School Board, and of the Members of the Hydro-Electric Commission for the ensuing term of office. The By-J.a.w was then· given· it 1 s three readings and passed. Gunt.on.,RowJ.a..nd... That Council -adjourn, ll .30 J? .M. Carried. ~~~~ ,--,, Mayor.