MINUTES - Council - 19431215~·---·"-.. ~~·~-"'""·-·-'~~-""~~-'""",.;_.L._a..,:._;._~~·;•~-~·-_;__._.·. ___ ,:.__...,;___,~~_;_:..=.·~.,.~--=-<==•"""""-' .. r "':v.•:-' -~~-~·~-·· ....:...:.~~-..... -~.~----'>-,:.:... _______ _ . _.( ;"\ .•. ___ Decembtr 69~)1943 SIXTEENTH Fil'l.IU> MEETING The SIXTEENTH and l!'DrAL meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on 'lvedfiesday Evening, December l5th.,l943, at 8 o'clock, with Mayor Underhill in the. Chair and the following Members present;- Reeve C.A.Malloy, Deputy-Reeve C.E.Sparks, and Councillors R.Linton, A.A.Cook, and Dr.G.A.C.Gun·t;on. · The minutes of . the fifteenth meeting were adopted after the following correction was madei-MALLOY,COOK, That the name of C.Malloy be replaced by tha.t of C .E .Sparks, as_ Seconder, on Third Reading of By-law, Auror~:t · Arena and L.Beazer Agreement, passed at the meeting of December 6, 1943. T"ii/'t##-r/.#il#rii##i./i{#/i##t/lll/t'/t;t. Carried • S~ARKS,L~NTON, !hat the fOllowing accounts.be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be atta.ched :t).ereto. · CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 $ 11.86 #135 5.22 #305 2o50 #314 2.5.0 #.326 .8o #361 3~64 B.F.Davis & Son Coal 17>84 Taylor & Son Oil &c. 5.65 Palter Cap Co. PittlicgcCa,:p .· 3,50 E.C .Ivlingay Cartage 12.00 T.K.Fice Switch &c. 1.70 Sundry Express & Freight 12.54 1fu.nicipal World Election Papers. 8.11 County of York Hospitalization-43.37 Carried COOK,.MALLOY. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor is.sue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell LINTON,SPARKS. That the orders on the Treasurer be a.ttached hereto. Phone Go. Phone #12 3.80 Carried. following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue for the same, and that the sea.l of the Corporation ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 2.85 55.11 28.83 HYdro Electric Power Inspection " Lamps Carried. The Treasurer presented and read hili report for 1943• SPARKS,LINTON. That the Clerk be, and is hereby instructed, to have 200 copies of the Treasurers Financial Statement printed for the b·enefi t of the Rate-payers, previous to the date of l'fomina.tion for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve an•d Councillors: for the Year 1944. Carried. LINTON,GUl'fTON. That the Town Solicitor be asked to coramunicate with MJ:.E.E.Scarl.ett "re the Garage in which he is: living", in order tha.t the interests of the Town may be protected, and same brought before the Council early in the Hew Year. Carried. The report of the Fire De:gartment was: presented by HY•Jones, Chief • COOK,GUNTON. That the report as presented by Fire Chief Jones be received and accepted and that a letter be sent the Brigade commending them on the efficient manner in which the Brigade performed their many duties:, and also congratulating them on their many Charitable Donations:. Carried. SPARKS,LINTOl\f, Tb.at leave be given to introduce a By-law to provide for contract for the collection, removal, and disposal of ashes:, garbage, and other refuse in the Town of Aurora for one year, dated f:nmm Dec.l, 1~43. Ca.rrJ.ecio LINTON~SPARKS. That the By-law now before the Council be read a tnird time this day anc'L that Rule 22 of By-law No.862 be suspended for that purpose. The By-law was then passed. CarrJ.ed. Mayor Underhill thanked all Members of Council for their s:pirit of co.o OP$ration during his: three years of office, and announced that he would be retiring at the end of the present term. Reeve Malloy, Deputy-Reeve Sparks, and all Councillors present expressed their appreciation of the way in which Malfor Underhill had exercis:ed hili duties: as Chief Magistrate and Mayor, and all expressed their des:ire to s:ee him accept the nomination for a~ leas:t another year. Dr.G.A.C.Gunton moved a vote of thanks to the Clerk, Office Staff, Foremen, and all Employees for their cheerful and ready co-operation at all times in the performance of their duties• Se3conded by R.Linton d . Me t · d · · an carrJ.ed. e J.ng a Journed at. l2.oo otclaek. ~