MINUTES - Council - 19430907. -~ .. -") .o-'/ \ September 7, 1943 1welvth Meeting. The TWELVTH meeting of .the Counaii was held in the dounail Chambers on 'l'uee:day Evening, Sep.7th.l943 at 8 ~.,y,. o 1 clock with Mayor Underhill in the Chair, and the following Members present;-Reev C .A.Malloy, Deputy- Reeve C oE .Sparks, and Coun.aillors R .Linton.]' .Rowland,A·.A .Cook, A oN .Fisher, and Dr.Gunton. · 1'he minutes o:f' the Eleventh Meeting were adopted on motion of Malloy & Cook. SPARKS,ROWLAND. "Khat the following acaounts be paid, that the Mayor ie:sue orders: on the-1'reasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORA'l'IOl'f Bell Phone Co. Aurora Building Co. B.F.Davis Ough & Son J .E .:Buchanan Stoutts Garage Attridge & Son Phone #65 7tl35 #305 #314 #326 #361 Cement ""c. cement '.L'a.cks &c:. Gravel Gas.&c:. Lumber &c. H$ n. ifi\ }I ;..-, H <-'! H 14.10 5.20 2.50 2.50 .85 5.61 ~ 94~35 1\ll 128.80 \l! .. -1~20 f\ 102.50 n 16.45 j:l 90.10 " Lumber PI 8.28 ]yr•Fyter co. Cover H 15.75 W.Spragg Rep.Mixe~ ~-2o00 M.Graham · Cutting Park ~~ 9 ~oo Aurora Greenhouses Plamts ~ 21 ~ 40 ;r .Goulding use of car ~ 4.;00 F .Dunham OUtside trips j:\ 13.00 Evening Telegram Adv. · ~ 1.90 Toronto Star " f1 1.62 Dept.of Health I:Eulin i"l .44 ' Taylor & Son Batteries Pi 1.20 Carried• SJPARKS,LINTON. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Aug. 7 L .Hodgins Corp. \\ 20.50 AoHiggins " 'I:J 23o00 W oStlillllters '' \1 23.00 ;r .Peters " 1' 17.60 MoRobinson " ;'\ 15 .oo Postmaster " stalllps ~\ 12.00 A .;r .Annan Waterworks 16.20 Postmaster E.L. stamps ~ 15.00 L .HodgiJJJs Corp. '!'i 20 .50 A .Higgins " j:l 23.00 14 W·S=ers " lA 23.00 ;r .Peters It q 17 o60 MoRobinson II \'~ 15.00 A.;r .Annan " "' 19 .so L•Fleury Waterworks 5.20 L.Hodgins C~rp. ~ 20.50 AoHiggins •• '!'l 23.00 21 W. SUllllllers " ~ 2 3 • 00 ;r.Peters " ~ 18.00 28 M.Robinson " ~ 15 .oo A .;r .Annan " ~ 21.1.5 Hydro Electric Power for ;ruly~ 3065.85 LoFleury Wat.erworks 5.80 L.Hodgins Corp. ~ 20.50 A.Higgins " q 2.3.00 w.s=ers u t4 23.00 ;r.Peters " ~ 17.60 MoRObinson 11 ~\ 15 .oo i . ' i ;;-J I / Page 2, 1'Welv:th Meeting _ ::>ep.'7, 1943 A•J· ~mnan Corp. COOK,ROVIL..UD. lhat the folJ,.owing accounts be paid, o~ierfi . .O:n. tl:).e '.L'reasurer for the aame, and that the 21.60FI Carried that the Mayor issue &.eal of t:he Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Canadian Brass. Co. 'ii .Huffman- Phone #12 Meters-repd. Labor on Billing Well toood_ate 3.80 ·n 7.56 \'. 1160 .oo,:IOarried. Jl'ISHER,ROW.LA.ND. 'That the :following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders. on the-'freasurer for the same, and that the seal of the .. Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Mra.Trav~ss Estate B .JJ' .navis 4 x.56 Rent II 2. 24 +'!: 7.50~ 4•00\n Jl' .D .La,c ey Ji'o od 8. 951"1 Stiver Bros. Fuel 4.80-•J Qousins. Dairies Milk. l.32"1Carried. LINTON,FISHER. That thefollowing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders an .. tne Treashrer far the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. ... Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 .35~ ·w.c.E'aite Gas. 4.20~ Qugh .. & Son Nipple &co 6.15 ?< · · " Batteries 1>30~ T.K.:F'ic_e Receptacle o75~ Davia Garage :L'ire repd. 5.:30 '' Ji'erranti Electric: Meters 159.20~ Ca.n.Gen.Electricr Links &c. 17.90" J)Omoof Can.Ins.co •. Truck Ins• 41.48\), Taylor & Son Ga.s.&c.. 7.30~Carried Mr.Beazer appeared before Council to discuss the possibility o_f Mr.Beazer renting, leasing, or managing the Aurora Arena for the coming year. Correspondenc-e was read from Vi•Campbell re Post-war Water supply and Sewage ellrtensions, and was ordered to be filed. SPA.RKs,ROiVLAND. That the request of Alf.Brodie to remove a poplar tree in :J;ront_of h:LJ:l property be granted, providing he does no damage to wires eta., and remowes the stump to the ·satisfaction o:f the Streets Commitlillee. Carried. ROWLAliD,SPABKS. That Mr.Copland be instructed to install a thermostat in the-a.;partm.el'!t over the liiJ:i1:nieipal Of'ficre, and that the seal of the Corpor- ation be attached. Carried. GUNTON,.FISHER. That the question of the Winter storage for the Town Trucks be referrE!d back to the J?roperty Committee with power to act. Carried. MAL __ LOY ,c_ OOK. That the Public Liab:i.li ty and Property Da.m:;t Insuranc:e covering cars when driven on Town busines.s be referred to the.Fi. oe Committee to report at the next mee'ti;:i,~ regular Councril meeting. Carried. GUNTOlq·,MAIJLoY. That the secrond part. of the By-laws Committee report of the February )ll[eeting be decided upon by Councril a.t this meeting. Garried. GUNTON,li'ISIJ:JllR. That the second part of the report of the By-J..aw Committee dated Feb.J.., 1943, be adopted and that the By-J..aws Committee be, and they are hereby instrucrted to prepare a By-law covering the same. eJii!I:Jit&; MAIJLOY,COOK. As an amendment IIlli! the motion now before the Chair, That this Councril. give the Taxpayer an opportunity to express their opinion croncerning relllllneration to Members of Councril. by ballot, a.t the next general election. GUNTON,ROWLAND. That as an amendment to the amendment this Council fulf'Iil. i;Js duty in. settling the question of remuneration by voting on the issue at this meeting. Carried. GUNTOl'f ,MALLOY • Moved by.R.Linton, seconded by A.l'f.Fisher, tha.t the l'own Truck not in use be advertised for sale in the A~roraBanner and Newmarket Era• Carried. According to Proaeedure By-law. #862 the Council a.djourned at 12 midnight. c, Moved by Gr.Gunton, ·seconded by ll'.Rowl.and, that Councril continue with unfinished business. Motion defeated. . -----_____ , ____ .-... ,..-. -.--·,····:-:;..----:·.~;;· --.-,. -~-:~-.. ·--,.~,-;,----.---------":";'"'''' -*~ --~.))/- • ~· ~1-;_ {-_-·_ -_---.. . . ]\[ 1, --ayor. _ ,.,,,,_,,. _ .. ,.,......_, __ ._~ ·-:---.. ---~-----.-..-~--..:___,.-.-~,..,-,-----.--c--------.----·-----~ ------· I