MINUTES - Council - 19431101. (··· -¥ :cv .. ·' ' ·-,' :'!: .. ~·- FOURTEENTR :M:EJETING. NOVIDi!BER bt. -.l-945 The FOURTEENTR meeting of the Council. was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Evening, No.v.J.at.a ... t 8.45. P.M. Mayor Underhill ocnupied the Chair and aJ.l Memb.ers were pre.aent •.. _. The minutes of .. the thirteenth meeting were adopted o.n motion of c .A.J\ILaJ.l.oy and R.Linto.n. SP~"RQWLANJ). Tb.at the fol.lo.wing accounts. be paid, that the Mayor is.aue orderei on th.e-Treaaurer for the s.ame, and that the seal of the. Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORA.TI.ON • Bell Phone Co. Phone #65. 14.09 #l:i5 :i.05. ~305. 2.50 314 2.50 326. leOO #361 3.24. Fyr Fyter Co. Hoae Reel &c. 73~25 w .c .waite . Greaa~ 4.5o ;Qayi_s. Garage (}as.. 1•32 B ~:&'~Davis & Son . ¥~u:b Coal( Office) 43..87 Ough .& Son. Toil~t se~t &c.. 6.10 .... .. Belt d.reasing •60 ~~ .Gun shella 2.60 Shell Co. Gaa. l.2e95 F.w.aauJ.fiel.d Oil,Grease &c. 6.00 Gr~ci & Toy ~edger Lea.:vea 3.46 Stiver Broa. Sto.ve Coal(Town Hall) 36~80 J .Ec~uchanan Sand·& Gravel· 33 .• 75 R.J;lelahaye Repa.:&'lfn::e aa,rt 4.50 _ • • 0 11 Mower,Picks ,Sharpd. l.5-.SO Minnea;polis•Hone~e:Ll The~oataj; 0 10.i74 P.M.Tb.ompson Chairs 120;00 .I :I i-" J .Goulding 1Jse of car 6~00 1 F~DUnham Trips & Special Po1icel3.00 Carried~ SPABKS,LINTON. That the· a.ction of the Mayor in ia~;~uing orders on the Treasurer. for the payment of the following s:ums be, and the same is: hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Oct.l Pos-tmas:ter Stamps, Waterworks: 2:5 .oo 2 LoHodgins Qorp. 20~50 9 ~6 19 15 23 30 A..Higgimr ._tt 23~00 W~Sunnners: tt 23.00 J.Peters: 11 17~60 M•Robinson 11 15.~00 AoJoAnnan E.L. 21~15 " " 22;50 L.Fleury Wa.te:i:worka 4.80 L.Ho!Jgins Corp. 20;50 A~Higgins " 2:3~00 W~Summers: 11 23.00 ~~Peters. tt 17.60 M;.Robinson " 15 .oo L.Hodgins. " 20 ~50 A•Higgins. " 23~00 W~Sunnners " 23;oo j•Peters " 14;40 ll!t•Robinaon " J,5;oo A>~~nan E~. 18.45 fjydro Electric Power for Sept. 3322.13 Postrna;ster . Stamps Corp. 15.00 L.Hodgins Corp. 20~50 A..Higgins ~ 23~00 w.summers ~ 23~00 J~Peters 11 17;50 MoRobinson 11 15~00 A.J.A.nnan E.L. 19.80 ft " ~.80 t.Hodgins Corp. 20.50 \ ! r \ I ( Page 2. FourteentlJ. llieeti~J~g. Nov.l.,l.943 A..Higgins Corp. 2.3.00 w.summers ~ 2.3•00 J ~Peters '~ n .60 Jl!14l,obinson '.' l.5 .oo Carried. C.OOK~LI.NTON. Tliat the following account be paid, that the Ma.yor issue orders .on the. Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation -~ ~ " ---~... . . -' " - be attached hereto. WATERWORKS• Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 Carried. GUNTON.FISHE:E!i.; That the following accounts be paid, that the ].['ey-or iasue ord,.er!:l, an .. :tl;lt'l ~Treasurer for the same, and that the aeal of th~ Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 4 :X: .56 2 .• 24 7•50 Mra.Tra.visa Estate Rent B .. F .Davis. .. 11 .Johna Groceteria Food 4.00 8.95 Gemiral store 11 l.5 .85 Dominion Stores t_~• 2~6.5 jt.w.Tea.a4l.e '.! ' 9.56 Carried. LINTON,BPABKS. Th<l..t .. the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders. Qti.:liht'l Trealiurer for the same, and thai; the seal of thE! Corporation be attached hereto. · · .. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 2.85 Red Ip:dia.n Station Gas. & Oil 4.55 can.Gen .. El.ec.tric Anchor.rods &co 18.60 n Wire &c.o 1.21 :Hydro .Electric Power Qo. Lampa 24.12 " . Cards 1/:536 l.3.95 11 Sheeta .. & Pads. 2.7'2 II ~heets & ~inders 11.47 •! Loose Leaf Index 1.86 Can.Line Materials Arreators &c. 91.67 :M:Qloney El.ec.tric. Winding Transformer l.~8.75 Mingay Service Qas.. .·. ··. 3.15 Hydro EJ,.ectric :El.entals/1921•969 126.26 . u It #885-920 75.50 .Attridg~ &:. Son Lumber for atand 34.l.8 Carried. LINTONtCOOK. That.the account of L.C.Lee for $24.90, searcih of titles &c. be paid, .. and that the seal of the-Corporation be attached. Carried. LIN'TON,.ROWIJJ:ID. Tha.t the corres.po:r;tdence from F.P.][offatt with regard to removing al.arge popl.ar tree from the property which he now occupies, be referred.to'the Streets Committee. The Cl.erk was instructed to consul.t the Owners of thE) above property before any action was taken. Carried• SPARKS.LIN'l'ON. That the notice to terminate the contract for the collection and disposal. of garbage in the Town of .Aurora, be aqtliepted, and the Clerk be and is hereby ins:tructed to advertise in the Banner & Era for Tenders regarding same. Terms and regulationa for same :IDa.V be had at the Clerk's: Office. Tenders to be in the possession of the Clerk not later than the 2:0th,instant. The loweat or any terms not necessarily accepted. Carried. GUNTON,WSHEJR. That the correspondence from the .Aurora Building Co. be referrect .. bac.k to the Property Committee with instruction~~hat Committee to bring in a report a.t the next meeting of Council. · Carried. SPARKS~FISHER. Thlili.t a· bonus of $50.00 be allowed and paid to our Assessor on account of the increased Assessment, and the efficient manner inwhiah assessment was made. Carried. LIN'l'ON,Ji'IS!ll!1R. That the Electric Light Committee be authoriz:ed to purchase a.rubber coat for Mr.C.Copla.nd, and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. Moved by C.E.Sparks, seconded by R.Linton, that the Council resolve into a. Committee of the Whol.e to discuss the proposed aontraat between the Corp- oration·. and :MlloLeslie Beazer. · The Committee arose and reported the contract accepted subject to some minor changes. Council adjourned a.t 12 o'clock midnight • . ~ .•... ~. ~ · , ~.·-c~. ~~-~[ · · · · tin '''I •• ,c.. .,., •• '" , ,. ·• ··--, ~-. ~ • ·n n1ol'l -·---.' >"<':->:···-·-·----··.·-,:--; .-"'-~·-··, ' --. ·:·,'-:<:'~"'': tl ~---:~-~:-~~+-~-------... , '·~ f .