MINUTES - Council - 19431004~~·~-.·· •-~"-~'·'"~'•·'-·><='>'~•·<'"•~·"'-''M1;_,;_~.;-..>.....;~.:~~--•·•--' ,..+.,__,:.::,_;:~~:...~~;::~ . .....,""'-"'__.;,~,~--~·...,~.=o-.v........_..--~~ •• :~•-'-"""~""""-"i==\,..,,'""""'-.i=·"C-~T'~~~'-"'-• ~.,...... =~-~-= i I ( \__.- • October 4, 1943 Thirteenth Meeting. Tne THIRT.illENTR Meeting of the Council was neld in tne Council Cnambers on Monday .Evening, October 4th, 1943, at 8 o' cloak. Mayor Undernill occupied the cnair and .tne following Members were present; .. Deputy-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Councillors R.Linton, Dr.Gunton, F.Rowlru1d, and A.A.Cook. The minutes of the twelvth--meeting were adopted on motion of. R.L __ inton ---. . ' - and ]'.Rowland. Mr.Tnqs.Spence appeared before Council requesting that wire or some kind of protection be erected <J..t tne bridge on 'lyler St., to prevent cniJ.dren from falling in tne Creek. Mr.J' .E.Bucn?.nan a.ttended tne meeting to discuss the questliton of Garbage Contraci;.• The Assessor, IV!i' •. W.H.Taylor, presented nis Asaessment Roll for 1944, Summary aa followa; .. Land• Buildings Business. $ 433326.00 1124870.00 64075.00 $ 1622271.00 Public & UntaxabJ.e Town Lo ta_ .. Town Buildings Population school Cnildren :8-irtns Deatna Dogs "0 .;_""" --"J........-..-----;g.,.._ 0-0J;J.'I;;iW 192300.00 5845 .oo 8ao.oo 2990 529 46 14 /Lt) ;E&O -S-o .S]l~a:yed: 0 Signed. W.H.Taylor. 66.65.00 -3:-0e COOK,LINTON. That tne Assessment Roll presented to Council by Assessor w.H .• Taylor, be received. 1'11at tne Court of Revision.to consider appeals be neld lifov.l/43 at 7.00 P.M., and oomposed'of the following; Mayor,Reeve, Deputy~Reeve, and Councillors_ Linton & Cook. Carried. Mr. Trapp and ~ilr.Lambert of tne-Victory Loan Committee, attended tne meeting to solicit tne support of Council in bringing tne lifew Loan to a successful climax. COOK,LINTON. 'l'l:lat tne following accounts be paid, tnat tne Mayor issue orders on tne Treasurer for tne same, and that tne seal of tne Corporation be attaoned nereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. B?.nner Press Davis&.Son Aurora Building Taylor & Son S.Hugnes Can.Bitumals Co. It IC.Forsytn Miugay Service Newmarker Era co. Ph.one #65 #135 #305 #314 #326 #361 Paper & Printing Tile Sewer Pipe &c. Grease &c. Gas & Oil BitU!llUls HX " Glaz:ing.&o. Gas. Adv. 15.22 2~75 2.50 2.50 1.00 3.99 29.29 2.70 2.45 4.50 10.15 38.92 15.57 4.25 .. .,_._, 20 .oo· "•50 I I _, /·- ~ ... · ( \ • Pag,e 2. Thirteenth meeting -Oct.4/43 Ough & Son u II R·Rolder :a .G oWhi t elaw SheJ;J.: Oil Go • 1'.K.Fice J" •F • Willis Sundries J•Goulding ll" .Dunham Selection o:f J'urors l!'urnace Reps. :;;hells Qil &c. Signs paimted 0ffice Supplies Gas. Hotshot &c. JPirst Aid Gorp.,E.L,& Water Use of.car Outside trips \ 5.89 2.70 2.93 6.50 7.53 1.68 3.30 2.80 20.79 4o00 4.00 15.00 / E .a .Minga.y Cartage a.oo Carried. ROViLAND,GUliTON. '1~ t .the action of the _lliayor in issuing orders on the Treaaurer .. for. the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Sep.l Posttmaster Poatage, Corp. 12.00 4 L.Rodgins: Corp. 20.50 7 ll 18 25 21 27 COOK,GUli!TON. That on the Treasurer attached hereto. WATERWORKS. ._,,., .. ·.·· A.Higgins W .SUllllll:ers .J.l?eters 1\ll.Robinson A.J.Annan Postmaster L.Rodgins A-Higgins W oSWlllllers .J:.l'eters Jll[.Robins.on A.J.Annan L.:E'J.eury L.Hodgins A.Higgins W.SUllllll:ers J.Peters M.Robinson A .J· .Annan Iul!"'l eury L•Hodgins: A.Higgins WoSUllllll:ers J.Peters ·M.Robinson II II J! rr ~ Postage, E .L. Corp. II t,~' u I! 1i: .L • w·aterworks Corp. II ,, !! It E.L. Waterworks Corp. II tJ ,, ' " 23.00 23.00 17.60 15.00 19>80 15.00 20<50 23>00 23.00 16..00 15;.00 16>20 4.80 20o50 23>00 23.00 19.20 15>00 22.05 8.80 20;,50 23<00 23oOO 17~60 150.00 A.J".Annan E.L. 19.80 Postmaster Postage,Corp. 18.00 Hydro Electric Power for Aug. 3188.03 Carried. the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 Can .. Brass Co. Valve Boxes 22•99 It Meter 69.77 Aurora Building Co. Coke $c. 97.80 Grinnell Co. Pipe 144.87 It Pipe &c. 63.53 E.C.Mingay Cartage 2.25 ll" .Caulfiel.d T=ck reps • 18.60 Carried. ./ "······ ·~-"' ~~~-~~~· ... -· ---...........,~-·-·_· -•.-·~-•-.-, Pag.e 3 Thirteenth meeting -Oat.~43 GUNTON,LINTON. Thq._t the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders oR. the 'freaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the. Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 1~s.Traviaa Estate B .l!' .Davis Dominion Stores General Store 4 x.56 Rent II ll'aod " 2.24 7o50 4.00 5 .• 30 17 o66 E' .Morris_ .llilea t lo92 Co:Q.sins Dairies )VJ:ilk .99 Carried. LINTON,GUNTON. 'fba.t. the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone #23.0 2.85 3.15 Stoutts Garage Can.Gen Electric It ,, Gas. Solder Links " 2.15 30.00 3.54 l'.K.Jl'iae Clips &a. 1.20 Ough -& Son Rope &c • 4. 09 . , , Robt.Simpson Co. Motor 8.90 lhw,\ , E .c .Mingay Cartage 2.00 Carried. LINTON,ROWLAliD• 'l:hat the account &:f for the County of York Levy for the Year 1943,.pe.~aid, tha.t the liiayor issue an order on the Treasurer for the s~~e, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto.$5617.22. Carried. LINTON,ROWLAND. That the account of Griffith & Griffith be paid, and the sea.l of the.Corporation atte;ched thereto. R.R.Smith ~~14.49. Carried. N~r.J" .H.Knmvles asked that a Tag Day for Chiaese Relief Fund be set for Oat.23. A.A.COOK,DR.GUNTON. Tha.t the request for.a Tag Day for the Chinese Relief on Oat.23/43 be granted. Carried. REPORT OF,l!,D~AJ5fCE COJiJIMITTEE. Your Finance Committee delegated to repor'j; on Publ.ia Liability & Property Damage Insurance covering cars when driven on Town business, beg to submit as follows;-On eng_uiry we find that when an Employee of the lviunioipali ty is delegated by the Municipali tyto perform some duty for the Jl!funioipality whiah requires the use of a car, and in the performance of said dut:T an accident occurs, that the Municipality as well as the Employee may be held liable, therefore, we would recommend that the Counciljissue an Insurance Policy in this connection,. All of which is respectfully submit ted. Signed C .E .Sparks, A .A .• Cook. LINTON,GUNTON. That the recommendation of the Ji'inance C:.ommittee, re Publii!l Liability Insurance, be adopted, and the s.eal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried• SPARKS,COOK. That leave be given to introduce a By-law to authorise the borrowing of $10 ,ooo .oo to meet current expenses until the taxes are collected, for the currnet expenditure of the Corporation for the year.Carried SPARKS,LINTON. That the By-law now before the Counail be naw read a second tiJne, and that the Council do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose. Carried. Lil~ON~COOK. 1~at the By-law now before C~unail be read a third time this day and that Rule 22 of By-law No.862 be suspended for that purpose. The By-law was then passed. Council. adjourned on motion of Linton & Cook at 11.30 P.M. J j'j ~ ..... -A··~ ~' .. llfayor.