MINUTES - Council - 19430803( \ August 3, ~943 Elevem~ Meeting l'he Eleventh meeting of the Council. was held in tha Counci~ Chambers On ~.esd.a.y Evening Auga3rd..a.t 8 .. o • a~oak. :Mayor underhill occupied the Oha.i,r, and !;he fo~lQ""ing Members were present;--Reeve C .A.Ma.l~oy; Dep. Reeve C .E.Sparka, Counai~lors A.A.Cook, A.N.Fisher, G oA~C !Gun ton. The minutes of the. ten,th meetiug~""ere a.dopted on motion of Sparks & Ma.l~oy • SPA.RKS~FISH.ER. That the following· aaaounta be paid, tha.t the Mayor issue QrQ.er::'! on_:t:Q:e Treasurer for the same, and ;t;ha.t the aeal of the Corporation be attached hereto. COR!>ORATIONa Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 14.02 #~35 3.33 #305 2.50 #3.14 2.50 #326 leOO #36~ 2.95 Aurora.. Bui~ding co. Cement .. &c. · l6o40 Ough & Son Bake &a. 2..35 n ~oak a.oo Ta;vlor & Son Gaa.&c. 2o25 Shell Oil .. Co. " 1~75 lli):.Graham . Cutting Grasa 9 ~00 .J .~.Buchanan Sand & Gra'i'e~ · 33.75 :&' ~w.ca~ield Truck Reps .&a. 26.25 J •GO~ding l:lse o:r car 4•oo l!~~nhalll Outside trips 18.00 Carried.! SP.ARKS.FISH.ER. That . the a.ation o:t' the Jilla.yor in issuing orders :for the payme~t .o:t ~e :following sums be, and _the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. July 3 .L.lfodgins Oorp. 8 3 ~0 17 20 21 24 31 A .Kiggini:t n · W~Summers ~ J.Peters ~ l'it.Robinson' '! A..J'.A.nnan Waterworks L.F~eury "·. . . .. ::Postfuaater Corp. Stam~s u Waterworks A..:r.;Annan J;..Ko~ins AoHiggins W: .summers J~Peters liii:•Robinson L oliodgil:lB A.Higgina W .SUllllllers .f.Peters MoRobinson A.J•Annan L.Fleury Postmaster HVdro E1eotrie L.Hodgina AoHiggina WoSUllllllers ;r.Peters M~Robinson A..J.A.nnan It " Corp. " ~ If " it- ! " " II Waterworks .. Corp. Power Corp. .. " " u Stamps :for June Wa.terworks " " " Corp •.. ... ... u 20;50 23.00 23~00 n;so 15~00 22.40 16.40 12.00 24•00 20.70 20.i50 23•oo 23.00 17~60 15.00 20.i50 23.00 23~00 17.60 15.;oo 20.25 3.60 l2o00 3040.20 20.50 23~00 23e00 ~7~60 l5.;oo l9o80 19~80 ·4.80 • L.Fleury LoHodgillis AoHiggins w.summers ;r.Peters M~Robinson " 20.o50 23oOO 23~00 17~60 15.00 carried. --.. --~-<.-., ... -o----,...,-,~c--·:~-, -• ·--~~~,-.--·:·:.-:-:•c-:-:-.-.-.---co-~---;···..,-,-·o·-"'-· -.-, ~-r \ ' Page 2 , Aug.3, 1943 Eleventh Meeting. COOK.MALLOY. :J.'hat the following accounts be paid, tha.t the llifa.yor iasue ()rd.era.on.the.Treaaurer for the same, a.nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. • WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Coo P.hone #12 . 3.80 12~18 lo7fl 60.57 355.12 Clilville Transport Cartage E .a .llting!;l.Y · " C<tin.Erass Co. Service Boxes &a • Gr:b.trleu c <>. J?ipe &a •. .. . couplings &a. 15.74 ea.rried. l!'ISHER,COOK. That the following accounts be paid, that orders on. the Treaaurer for the aame, and that the seal the Mayor ialjlue of the Cqrporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 4 x o56 Mrs.Tra.viss Estate Rent ]3 eli' .Ila.cvia .. 2.24 7~50 4~00 F .w .lfeasdale l!'ood 3.01 Dominion Stores 11 6.95 Johns Gro(leteria ~ 5 ~30 General Store '! 15.58 Couains D~:tiries Milk .66 Carried · FISHER~SPARES. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECmrc LIGHT. Bell Phone co. Phone #240 2.85 Ough & Son Fis:h.Pole &a. 4.01 C •Copland · Use of car(6 weeks) 15.00 Aurora Building co. Emery Grinder . 11.50 Cail.Gen.Electric Washers &a. 13.17 · " But tins 7.50 " Bulb 5o50 Northern Electric Wrench 7.00 , aope1.ami liliilling co. Poles . 130 .oo Carried. COOK,MALLOY. That we pay the expenses o:f the ]'ire Chief to a four day convention to.be at St Catherines,Ont. on August 24th, 25, 26, 27th.at a cost o:f j35.00• · · . Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. That the application of AJffiartsman for a license to carr,1 on the business o:f a junk yard and dealer in second hand goods be referred to the By-lawa Committee to colllf'er with the Solicitor re preparing a By- law respecting the same if necessary. Carried. COOK .. 1 ~0Y· That we purchase a l-l/2" water meterfor to be connected at the .IU:'!l\Y Ordnance Plant, and tmt the seal of the Co,rporation be attached hereto • · · ·· Carried. SPABEs,cooK. That the diamond at the Park be enl.ar~;ed by grading the sides back. and putting in proper shape for any Organizat:Lon wishing to promote a Hard-ball Team in the Town or Aurora, Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. Whereas the cost of travel llias increased considerably, and whereas the Milk Inspector has to travel much fUrther afield to perronn his duties, a.E.d whereas his duties have increased to some extent since his appointment, be it resolved that the Millt Inspector's salary be increased the sum of Fifty Dollars, and the seal of the Corporation be attached to this resolution. . Carried. Report of the Streets Committee, Sidewal.ks. The Committee respectfully submit the following;-That the l!'oreman be authorised to lay the· following sidewalks. le '470ft. o:f 5fto on the South side of Wellington East. 2. 348ft. by 5ft. on the l'forth side of Wellington st.East. 3. 298ft. by 3ft.lOin.on the South side of TYler st.from lot 25 to lot 31. Adopted on motion of Sparks & Fisher. Carried• . i Signed c.A.Ma;J.loy, A.A.Cook. I the proper Authorities be illJStructed to enforce the Pplfi!j tha.t the neceasary signs be erected by the Streets GUNTON,FISHER. That Parking By-laws and Committee. FISHER,SPARKS. That the Women's pemnies day be gra.nted. Meeting adjourned a.t 10.45 P.M. Carried. Institutets request to :hold a mile of Carried. on motion of Fisher & Cook. -~1f~