MINUTES - Council - 19430607I I 1._ ( I June 't, 1943 Ninth. -Meeting• -~ ~ ,, .~ ~ ' The NINTH meeting of the Counail waa held in the Counail Chambers on Monday Eev:ening-, J-une 7th, at s.oo o' aloak, with the Mayor in _the Chair and the following Membera present; Reeve C.A.Ma.lloy, Deputy-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Coun- aillora R.Linton, Gr.aunto~ A.A.Oqo~, and A.N.Fisher. _ --- 'l'he minut~:;t of the .se;venth and_e~ght meeting:;~: were adopted on motion of R.Linton & O.E.Sparka. ~.Hardy of c'l;h~--Hydro Eleatria Commiasion attended the meeting to disauss the-.posaibility of the-Town using Hydro lamps. SPA.RKS,LINTON.. Tha..t the:-following aaeounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders en th.e Treasurer fo.r the same, and that the seal of the Corp<?ration be attached hereto. · GORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #on $ 9.68 ----------#135 3.08 F.D.Lac:ey ;r ~E.Buchanan T!K!Fiee T~~or & Son P .JilL. Thompson At-tridge & Son Tayl.or & Son Aurora Building: co. #305 2.50 #:U4 2.50 #326 1.0.0 Les.a c:redit /1326 :Brooma &a. - Sand & Gravel Cleuer .. rental Gas.(Fire Truc:k) Window shadea - Lumber Gaa &a. Work & ]l[a_terials · 18.76 !.!!! 3.;27 3.7o50 1.25 1>41 7.75 31.02 19.00 {nE:~w bu~lding &a •) 154.11 Chas.Davies Window signs :u.oo W.H:.Spragg Lab.or &a;. 4.00 WeJ<ite's Serviae Grease 4.75 Ough & Son Oil &a. • 79 •• Paint &a. 7.50 tt Hasp &e. 7 .oo u l!'lashlight 2010 J•GouJ.ding Use of Car 4.00 Evening Telegra.ni .ltdv. 1.81 Guarilian Ina.co. Bond(Willia) 20.00 Casualty Go.; Bond(Large)-20e00 Dept.og H:eal.th Insulin .87. Township o~ King Times 'le59 County of York Hospitalization 35.87 Irene Keath Typewriter(Po1iae) 20.00 Banner Press Printing& forms-75•87 17.61 F.W•Oaul.field Repairs t.o Truak 179.60 Carried• SPARKS,FISHER. Th<t .. t the aation of the Mayor in issuing orders on the TrE:~&aurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the salllle is hereby aonfirmed, and that the seal of the Oprporation be attached thereto. May 1 L.H:odgins Corp. 20e50 6 8 .lt•Higgins tt 23o00 w.summers w 23.00 J.Peters ~ 17o60 M~Robinson A.:Bunn :Postmaster LoH:odgins A-Higgins -··-.. ·--· ... ,,,.-, .. ,. I! E.L. tt_ 'stamps Corp. " iooOO 28•00 24.00 20.50 23.00 -i i ;r:-~-~·_,,,.~~~-~~"""'.~"""'-.,.,_;.,..,_,~·-.:~ ......... ~~~-~~.......... ~. . -~---'--~""""'----'--'-~ i : •,,.,:-,----:'' ''i' i .' ( , _ _/ 4 l!i 22 27 22 29 Ninth meeting ··w.summera .J.Petera M..Robinaon AoJ.Ailnan :{..~Fl.§l.ury A ;Blinn A.·..T·Annan L~Kqdgina A~Higgina WoSummera .J.Petera M~Rol:lirlaon Pqatma.ater LoHodgina A. •. Higgina w~summera .J~Pet.era A..J.Annan . . . P0 ai;;maater Hydro Electrie Loneury P...!J.Annan I. .Koligina AoKiggina w.summera .I!Petera Page 2 -June 7, ~943 Corp~ II II Waterworks li E.L.(Final payment) Yiatel:\1[orka ,. Corp. II II It !! li ll II. . 'ai .. stamps Waterw:orklt Corp. Stamps Power for April Baterw:orka_ ·-· ... Corp-. II ! II 23.00 ~7,;60 ~5.00 22..80 4.80 4o67 18.40 20o50 23.000 2.3.00 17~60 ~lioOO 12.00 20.50 a:a.oo 23o00 1.7 ;;6.0 20.40 ~o.oo 2783e92 5o60 15.20 20;50 2:a.;oo 23o00 14.;40 M~Robinaon " 15.00 Car:&ied• COOK,,MALLOY. That. the following aaaounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be ~---·-·-~ .. ---· . attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Coo Phone #12 3o80 W•S .;Gibson & Sons Surlrey-25.00 Can•Braas Co... Plugs &c. 60.54 · · " Packing 9.oo ~ Saddl.ea &c. 12.38 Grinnell Co. Pipe 414.18 " Tee &e. 6•57 E.C .Mingay Oarta.ge 2e50 Ban11er Press · Adv. 3o30 Oarried GUirl'ON,.FISHER. That the following accounts be paid, that the Jllfa.yor issue orders on . the l'reasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. lllfedieal Assn. 3 :x: •56 1.68 Mrs.Travias Estate Rent 7~50 B.F.Davis " 4.00 Johns Groceteria Food 7.95 Dominion Stores " 8•95 ' F.D.Lacey ~ 5.30 General Store rr 33.66 Aurora Dairy tilk 2.31. Cousins-Dairies " ~.32 A.urora Meat Market Mea.t · · 1.28 Carried• LINTON.FISHERo That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Coo Phone #240 5.75 It " (old account) .;73 Banner Press Bills'&o. 18.59 Carried GUNTON.FISHER. That the account of Dr.G.W.Williams amounting to $44.o0 l I I ' /\ . \ Page 3 Ninth lll!eeting -;fune 7, 1943 for the treating of Indigent Patients, be pa.id, the Treasurer for the . Sa.llle, and t.ha.t the aeal. ef there.te. that the Ma.yor iasue orders on the Corporation be attached Carried. GUNTON:,LINTOli[. That the q_uea.tion of Audit and charges be referred to-the Finance,CC~ll)lpj.ttee and. tha.t the Committee report baek to Council a.t their ea.rlies:t,·convenience. -, Carried. t;j:;(:ftj1fit"i~· Report ef the li'ire Committee. 1':tl,~~~:t.~~~~reapectfully submit tb.e following;-Tha.t we recommend the purehase of the following aupplies for th.e Fire Dept.. One reel for ehemical hose an fire truck, one pike pale, and the old 'reel reapiretf. The total cost of approximately Eighty Dollars:. Signed A.A.Cook, G.A.C.Guhton LINTON,,SP.A.BiiS. '.rha.t the repert of the l!'ire~Dept.be adopted as read, and the seaJ. .. of-the-,.Corpor:ation be attached thereto • Carried. LINTON",SPARKS. That the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify Mr.E.E.f;1oarlett t~t.he .. ia.-to ma.ke no fUrther e<dditiana whatever to his garage,Bta.lso .. that the . . . lot on whiah this. building now stands muat be cleared of all buildings by . . Decemb-er 7, 1943, unleas in the meantime a. s:uitable dw-elling be erected in aocordance with plana and specifications submitted to and approved by the Buil.ding Inapectoro llrarried GUNTON~FISHER. That the question of the Tyler St.Eridge be referred to the streets: ·Committee• Carried. LINTON,.FISHER. Ta&:t all properties improve<i or otherwise. w1 th arre!!rs of .. taxes for the Year .1938 and or previous thereto, b•e pla.cell in a tax sale to be held as: soon as arrangemen.ts can be made for s:uch sal. e. Taht there be no tax. sale of properties with arrears of taxes for the Year 1939 or succeeding years. Carried• Report of the Water Committee.1'he Committee respectfully submit the following;- That an agreement has been reached with Chas.F.MaCabe for the grant of an easement an, over, under, and across any ,part.-or parts of the Westerly 12 feet of Lot 39, Plan ll46, for purpose of sinking a well or wells, and of constructi·IM)f· > lQing, maintaining an.d keeping a water pipe or pip. esin connection with the wa-ller s:ystem of the Corporation, at a price of $50.oo. · , Signed A.A.Cook, G.A.C.Gunton •. .lliLALLOY,FISHERo 1. That .the repor~ of the Waterworks Dept.appertaining to the McCabe property be. adopted, and that Chas •. :&'.McCabe be paid the sum of $50 .oo on,a grant of easement being signed by him •. 2. That the Solioitor be authorised to prepare the necessary grant of easement for :Mr.McCab•e(s signature, and that the Seal o:f the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUNTON,FISHER. That th.e Nurses Class of the local Red Cross be granted the use of the old CoUDcil Chambers each and every Thursday Evening, along with the use of the Vault :f'or storage of their supplies, for the duration of the War, or until they need it no longer, whiah ever time is the shortest, or until. Council directs-otherwise. ])r.Gunton aa'ked for a rec~rded vote. NAE3• F,;ReUnderhill, G.A.el!ralloy, C.E.Sparks, R.Linton, A.A.Cook• YEAS. DroGunton, A.N".Fisher •. · Not carried. SPARKS;,LINTON". That the recoil!Dlenda.tion of the Board of Health re increase in salary of j!)O .oo for our Milk Inspector be ·granted, and the seal of the Gorporation be a..tta.ched to this res:olution. Garried. SPARKS,FISHER. That leave be granted to intrGduce a By-law to amend By-law 862 of the said Corporation, and that the same be read a first time. · SPARKS,LINTON". Til,e By-law now before Gounc:il be I,"ead a second time, and that Council-do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose. sPARKS,COOK. That the By-law now before the Council be read a third time this day, and that -Rule 22 .of By-law No.862 be s:uspended for that purpose. The By'"' law was . tJum paased,; · LINTON",FISHERo That leave be granted to introduce a By-law for the sale of part of Lot 23,. plan 9 on th W . • e est S1de of Temp erance st. t· .. ,~ \ Page4 Ninth_meeting -June 7, 1943 to W•A·SambrOok, an~ that the By-law now be read a first time• LINTO.N.SI'ARKS• Tba.t the By~law now b;efore the Council be rea~ a second time thi1Lda.y-" .. and the Counail. reaolve itself int.o Committee of the Whole for that purpoae .• LINTON:,.SPABKSo That the By-law now before the Council. be read a. third time th~a _9,8\\L~::·tha.t Rul.e ~ of By-law No oB62 be 111Uspended for that purpose• Th.e By-law wa.a then-pa.s.aed. -, · SP.ARKS.LIN'l'ON. 1'ha.t a. Committee aomposed of the Chairman of the Electric Light, Wa.tento~~~, a,nd~-Street-Committees be empowered to puraha.se a.. light, used truck for the uae of the Light aJ1d Water Committee, and the seal of the Corporation b-e _a.tta.ohed. -;.' _ Carried. FISHER.LIN'l'ON:. That-· the Electric Light Dept.purche.ae their supply of lamps from.th~,Hydro Commission and a.lao for any Induatria.l Planta wishi~ to use them~ .. Carried. Council then a.dj ourned a.t 12 o 'cloak. --· -,-1 Mayor• ''-~ .