MINUTES - Council - 19430705July 5 -1943 . 'fENTH MEETING. Th.e TENTH meeting of the Couiieii. was heU in the Council Ch?Jllbers on Mond.a;y-Evening, Jy]y 5th.~with the Mayor in the Chair an4-the following Members :preaent;•Reeve O·A·Ma.l:loy, C.ouneillors Dr.Gunton, A.N.Fisher, and F.Rowl.and~ Tl:J.e minutes of the ninth. nl:eei;ing were adopted on motion of Ji'iaher & RowJ.a.nd. RO~,GUNTON. Th.a.t the folJ.owing a..eeounta be paid, that the Mayor issue ordera,on .. the l':reaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the. Corporation be attached hereto. CORPOI\A.T!OH. Bell Phone Co • Phone #65 #).;35 #305 #3:14 f}3.26 #361 • +• ~ '" • ._ , I -~ .-· . JJavia. Garage Ji'yr-Jiyter Co. T.K.Fice Attridge & Son OUgh & Son 11 ~ ~ M.Gra.ham Municipal World Remington Rand B•G•Whitelaw Removing pipe .ttoz:z.J. e · Felice Sign &c. Lwnber Enamel &c. Paint &c. Poliah.&c. 1':ra..ffic P?.int &c. · ·Grass Cutting &c. Assessment Books Typewriter Reps. Office Supplies & Wallpaper Sundry Freight & l!lxpress .. lhR•Ardill. Cu1:tain material J •Goulding Uae of car County of York Hospitalization 12.54 3.40 2.50 2.50 laOO 'lo'TO loOO 56.25 9.64 31.26 ..• 55 rJ 2.80. ·.1.10. 20.70 50.40 28.86 1.50 9./f ,Gl{ rfu( F .Dunham Trips 5.;63 17e93 2~98 4.00 21•00 :15.00 Carried. ROWLAND~FISHER. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treas]J:rer .. for t;he. payment of the following sums be, and ·the same is hereby confirmed, and that the aeal of the Corporation be attached thereto. June 5 L.H:odgin~ Corp. ~Oe50 A~H:iggina " 23•00 w.summers " 23•oo .r.Peters ~ 17.60 M.Robimron " 15 eOO Postmaster E.L. Stamps 12•00 L~Fl.eury waterworks 5o60 A•J.Annan " ],.7.60 12 • ~ l7o60 LoH:odgina Corp... 20.50 19 22 26 A.H:iggina • '23.00 w.summers J.Peters M.Robinson L.H:odgins .A.Higgina WaSWill!li.ers .r.Petera M.Robimron A.J•A.nnan L.li'leury Hydro Electric L.Hodgins .. .... " It It .. !.' .. Waterworks It Power for May Gorp. 23.;00 ],.7.;60 15.00 2o.oo 23oOO 23~00 J.7.o60 15.00 22.o20 9•60 294~l.75 20.50 I . "\ "-. /•"' J'uly !i., 1943, l'a.ge 2 . Tenth meeting. ,Ac.Higgins ClGrp. w.s~ers a .J.Petera q, lVl:.Robinaon q, 23.;00 23.00 l7o60 u.oo A.~J.Annan Waterworks 24o80 Carried. GUNTON,.RO"I/ILAllDo T.h<J.."!;-the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue l)rd..erlil, QIJ..:~e.Treaaurer for the same, and tha.t the seal of the. Corporation b·e at taohed hereto. WAtERWORKS. ·~ * .... ~~ ·~ Bell. Phone co. · W-oH..Spragg Iiu1'fma.n & Son Factory Equi~ent Gan.Braaa Co. .. Hankin & co. Phone #12 Well repairs · Well Drilling. :Well Repairs :Eipe&co Nipple &e • :Reps.to Meter 3e80 lBeO@ 796.27 a..as 2o05 162o24 6.92 s.so earried. GUNTON,FISHEB.o That the following aeeounts be paid, that the llll.a.yor issue orders 01'1.--t.h.e :rreaaurer for the same, and that the s.eal of the Corporation be attached hereto.·· RELIEF. llll:edieal. Assn. lllli'a. Travias Estate BoF.Davia 3 X o55 Rent .. 1.;58 7•50 4•00 F.W.Teaadal.e · Food.. 7-o26 ·Carried. FisHEB..ROWLAND. · Tha.t the following accounts be paid, that thB Mayor issue orders on .the <Creaeturer :ror the same, and tha,t the seal of the. Corpora.~ien be attached hereto. ELEC:TRIC LIGH:T. Bell Phone Coco _-.. _ . -. Northern Eieetrie Can.Gen.Electrie Phone #240 Piiers. Wire 2o85 3o66 25.27 • Washers &e. 13.86 Sanga,mo Co. Cleaner SolutiGn 13.50 u Charts 2.11 Ough & son saw &e. 7 .as o .Brett . Sharpen ·saws 1;.90 c.aopland use·or car 17.50 Waites serv±ee Gas. 3.50 Carried. i MALLOY~GUNTON. That the account ef the Auditor,:M"r .• H:ilbourn, af $100.00 ' be·· paid •. That the seal of the Co-rporation be attached hereto. Carried. Report of· Sanitation Committee. 1'he Committee respectflillly submit the following;.;. Il!l view o-f .the fact that.we are in receipt of a request from the :&'actory Eqlil:ipment Limited for sewage connection, that their. request be granted at a ecis:t of $90oOO. Signed G.A.C.Gunten, C.A.Malloy. ROWLA.ND,FISHEB.. Thait the report of the Sanii;ation Committee be adopted! d . . . Carrl.e • lii!ALLOY~Gtf.NTON. That the '!Own Fo-reman be authorized· to clean the creek bed from Tannery North to Town limits, on confition that the Tannery agree ta pay 50%" Of coat. Carriedo GUN'l'ON,MALL_ · ay. That AlitgUst 2nd. be prelaimed & Civic Holiday. Carried. . . ' GUN'.roN,FISHEB.. That .A • .r .Annan's. salary be .45cents an hour, and that the seal of. the Corporation be attached hereto• Carried. GUN'l'ON.FISHEB.. That the Town of Aurera pnrchase an emery lathe at a cost of appraxilm.tely $12.00, -find that the seal~ of the Corporation be attached hereto. ea.rried. Meeting adjourned a.t 9.55 on motion of Fisher & Gunton. • ~dcr-A, J L)) lira.yor.