MINUTES - Council - 19430503~\ .... ('' -, \ May 3, ~943 Sevent_h_LD:.e_e t in_g_. The SEVEUTR m.eeting of the Council was held in the New Council on Monday<ffievening, :May 3rd, ~943, with Mayor Underhill in the the following Ivlenfoers. present, Deputy-Reeve Sparks, Councillors Row~and, Fi,sher lK Cooki,@ ). o'., T·,.,. Chambers Chair, and Gunton1-..I!INTqN: The minutes of the. sixth meeting were read and adopted with the following correction, "That the Hydro Bylaw now before the Council be read a second time, e,nd tbat the Council resolve itseJ.f into a Co&llL'llittee of the \Vhole for tbat purpose 11 • A Deputation from the ]'ire Committee composed of Chief Jones, J .Browning, anCI. S.Patrick, attended the meeting to discuss several problems of the ]'ire .. Department. Chief Jones complained that e,t times the Hall was left unlocked, and t}l.at they were very cramped at this time for space• SPARKS,LDTTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the 1\!Ta.yor issue orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the same, and that the seal of the Forporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone ~!65 #135 //305 #314 #326 $ llo44 Ough & Son 11 Broom &c. Oil " Oil &c. Chas<Davies G~ass &c. Fyr-Fyter Co. Hose B.F.Davis & Son Coal Tiilliamson Bros. 11 (Town Hall) 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 29.38 .35 1.!50 25.60 260<00 33.17 31.00 F.Dunham Outside Trips 10.00 York County Rospi ta.l Rospi taliza ti on 27.12 Aurora Bui~dine; Co. Pa.nia Bolts &a. 59.05 Davis Garage Gas &c. 41.28 Carried SPARKS,LDT'ron. That the action of the liiayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and t}l.at the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Apl.3 L.Rodgins Corp. 20>50 10 17 20 22 A.Riggins 11 23.00 w.summers tt 23.00 J.Peters It 16.00 A.Bunn E.L. 28.00 L.Hodgins Corp. 20 .;50 A-Riggins It 23.00 W .Surnmers II 23.00 J.Peters " 17.60 A.Bunn E.L. 28.00 A.J.Annan Waterworks 13•20 S.Edwards It 7.20 L.F1eury It 4.80 L.Hodgins Corp. 20 •50 A.Higgins II 23.00 W .summers tt 23.00~,~ J.Peters " 18.80 A.Bunn E,L. 28.00 Hydro Electric Power for :March 2698.96 L.Hodgins Corp. 20.50 A.Higgins It 23.00 .. ) \ __ ... ,•. " . Page 2 Ivlay: _;5_t,_l9 _43 w.summers J.Peters Corp. II A~J .Annan We.terworks A .Bunn E .L. Postmaster Stamps, Corp. COOK,ROWLAND. That the following accounts be paid, orders_ o_n _the Treasu:iler for the same, and tha_t the be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Williamson Bros • w.:n.spragg Ough .. & Son Phone #12 Wood Welding Shovels 23.00 14.40 12.80 28·00 33.00 Carried. that the Mayor issue seal of the Corporation 3.80 3.25 2.00 2.75 Carried. GU])JTON,FISHER.. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on .the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of tlo_e Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. :l!Iedical Assn. lftts. Traviss l!is. te . .te B.F.Davis ,, 3 X o56 Rent " Coal lo68 7•50 4.00 4.80 J!'.W.Teas.dale :B'ood 4~62 General Store " 11.79 Carried Lil~TON,SPARKS. Tha.t the following account be pe.io_, that the Mayor issue orders on ... the Treasurer for the swne, and that the seal of the Cpcrporation be attached hereto. Phone #240 2.50 Carried. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. GUNTON;COOK. That the Na~J League June. tit1L.. J_943. be granted leave to hold a Tag Day on .Carried. Correspondence from the Collis Leather Co. & Department of a site for the disposal of the Tannery waste, was referred the hands of the Sanitation Committee. Health, regarding to and left in Correspondence from the Canadian :!Peat Fuel Committee was ordered filed on motion of Dr.Gunton and F.Rowland .. COOK,SPARKS. That the petitions ree;a.rdj.ng the closing of the business shops be referred to the Solicliitor for further information. Carried. Report of the Electric & Water Conllili ttee. Teh Oommi ttee respectfully submit the following;-That the Chairmen met with il!Ir.A.Bunn on Tuesday Mrrning, April 27th. a.t 10 o'clock to discuss the matter of Mr.Bunn working for the two Depts. for the balance of the year. IIU'.Bunn de.cided that he would not work for the two Depts.and so gave the Town his seven day notice of leaving. It was therefore decided that for the present we carry on without the services of an Assistant. Signed R.Linton, A.A.Cook. Report of the Electric Light Committee. The Committee respectfully submit the following;-That i\!Ir.R.Rank, due to ill health, is unable to continue his duties of reading meters. This coupled with the fact that lvir.Bunn is not employed by the Tovmat the present time, has put additional duties on the shouJ_ders ofE our Superamtendent. I:t is therefore recommended that the following changes be made;- lst. That one-half of the Domestic Meters be rwad ee.ch month. 2nd. That the Commercial & Pow-er meters be read each month. Signed R.Linton, C.E.Sparks, A.N.Fisher. GUNTON,ROWLAND. That the Property Committee purchase an illuminated sign for the Police Office, a.nd gold leaf signs for the lVfunicipal Clerk's Office, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUl'ITON,FISJ:IER. That }Kayor Underhill, Deputy-Reeve Sparks, and Councillor Linton be a Police Committee for the Town of Aurora., and that the Proceedure By-la:vr be changed to confirm to this motion. Carried. SPARKS ,.LUTTON. That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to strike the rates in the Town of Aurora for the year 1943 end that th ' · e same be rea,d ,..·· Page 3 liJay 3' _,]-9 43 a firs.t time. Carried. SI'ARKS,LINTON. That the By-law now hefore the Council be read a second time this day, and that the Council do now resolve its eJ.f into a Committee of the Whole for that purpose. Carried. RO\YLAND.SPARES. That the By-le.w now before the Council be rea.d a third time this day a,nd that Rule 22 of By-law Eo .862 be suspended for that purpose. · Carried. The By-law was then given its three readings and passed. LilifTON,ROVILAND. Ths;t the application for sewer connection from the Factory Equipment be referred to the Sanitation Committee. Carried. On motion of Linton & Cook, meeting adjourned at 11.50 4 J. J .. J...1 ~6 · -Iilfayor. ."":";-... •-.,-... -.·-~-,-----,;.~-------::::;:-,-;-.•;;, ... •. .-., ···---~---~-