MINUTES - Council - 19430405~--·~~·~·~···~.,~,;;;.:. ... ~ .. "' April 5, 1943(Sixth meeting} / The SIXTH meeting of the· Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Evening, April 5th.,943, at 8 o'clock, with the 1\riayor in the Chair and the following Members present;-C.A.M?.lloy, C.E.Sparks, R.Linton, Dr.Gunton, F.Rowland, A.n.Fisher, end A.A.Cook. The minutes of the FOURTH·and FIFTH meetings were adopted on motion of Sparks e.nd Rowland. SPJUlliB, LinTON. That the following accounts be orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that paid, that the 1\riayor issue the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Aurora Greenhouses Frankcom Garage Ough & Son 11 Taylor & Son Fire Dept. 11 Fyr-Ji'yter Aurore. Building J .E .Buchanan A.Closs Earl Lloyd Dorr Company Taylor & Son S:toutts Garage Stiver Bros. O.D.Hess Williamson T.E.Fice II II Bros. co. Phone #65 $ 12.22 #135 2.79 \$305 2.50 #314 2.50 #326 A 2.50 Flowers A 5 .oo Gas. A2o.w soap &c. A28.00 Nails &c. A 5 .10 Charge Battery &c. A 2.15 Rubber Boots &c. Al9.65 First Aid Course A 16.00 Cannisters &c. A 66 .so Lime &c. A 2.80 Gravel A 26.25 Ticket Sales A26.00 JP:Lowing Snow A 52.50 Packing A 7. 37 Oil A 1.40 Towing A 3.50 Coal(new building) Al6.65 Towels A 1.50 Coal( va.ridus buildings~85 o25 Fire Dept. :.a 5.45 Mechanics Hall 10.77 " A 23.83 Sundry freight Hart & Co. F.Dunham &c.(Insurance 6.15) 9.03 Ledger leaves A 19.30 Trips &c. A 10.00 I Hospi taliza.tion 1l.. 19.25 Fire Dept. A 8.75 County of York Dom.of Canada Ins.co. S1'i'.JlKS,ROWLAl'ID. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is Carriedj hereby confirmed, and that the see.l of the Corporation be attached thereto. 1[arch 6 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 A.Higgins " 20.00 w.surnmers " 20.00 J.l'eters " 16.80 T.Collett 11 20.30 A.Bunn E.L. 25.00 \ l'ostmaster E.L. stemps 17.00 13 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 A.Higgins •• 20.00 w.summers " 20.00 J.Peters 11 14.00 T.Collett " 14.00 A.Bunn E.L. 25.00 20 L.Hodgins Corp. 20.50 A.Higgins 11 23.00 W .sunnners " 23 .oo J.l'eters " 17.60 Hydro Electric !'ower for Feb. 2629.26 A.Bunn E.L. 28.00 27 L.Hodgins Corp. 20.50 AoHiggins 11 23.00 W .summers " 2·3 .oo _.,,,-.--~·-··· I I I i l ! I fYI~ A L11riqt~MI .... '\ . Page 2 6th.meeting-Apl~5/4~ J.Peters Corp. 20.00 A.Bunn E.L. 28.00 Postmaster Corp. stamps 9.00 A.J.Annan Waterworks 18.00 s.Edwards " 11.60 31 Postmaster " stamps 18.00 Carried. LINTOlir,SJPARKS:. That the following accounts be paid, that the ]Jiaycr issue orders on.the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. JPhone #240 T.K.Fice Wire &c. Can .General Electric Sleeves &c. Can.Lace Lam~s Bulbs 2.50 28.60 10.35 ROWLAN.D,GUNTOl\r, That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer for the same, and thatvthe seal of 18.36 Carried. the Mayor issue the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell :Phone Co. Aurora Building Co. It Phone #12 Broom Shellac &c. J.E.Buohaman Stove 3.80 1.25 5;25 5~00 B.F.Davis Wood 3.50 Fyr-Fyter Rings 4.00 Can .Brass Co. Couplings &c. 16.15 Carried. GUl\rTOlir,MA.LLOY. That the following a.ccounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Mrs.Traviss Estate B .F.Davis II Stiver Bros. Cousins Dairies General Store F.Morris F.D.Lacey Williamson Bros. F.W.Teasdale 3 X o50 Rept " Coal It Milk li'ood Meat Food Coal ·Food 1fr.Rothwell, l\fu.Lawlor, e.nd Jt,fr,Hanna of the Hydro -ission attended the meeting of Council to discuss Power Contract. 1.50 A 7.50 A 4.00 Al2.55 A4.80 Al.32 A 9.00 Alo28 A 4.30 A4.80 AI: 2.97 Carried. Electric Power Gorum- the signing of the Report of Property Committee. Repairing and replacing conductor pipes on Mechanics Hall. The Committee respectfully submit the following;-That lost sections and elbows of conductor pipes on Mechanics Hall be replaced at approximately cost to be $12.00. Signed F.A.Rowland,A.N.Fisher,R.Linton. Lill.TTON,GUNTON. That the report of the Property Connnittee be adopted, and the seal of the Corporation be attached. Carried. Report of Electric Light Committee. The Committee respectfully submit the following;-We would like to mention and thank4 for his offer of co-operation and the suggestions made to the donmuttee that he would assume responsibility for both Departments for a period, or until a suitable man could be obtained • This suggestion was gratefully received by the Chairman, and it was thought that this would be a satisfactory arrangement for the duration, as suitable arrangements were offered by the Hydro in case of a serious break•. Also taken into account under such an arrangement was the fact that we have Electricians in Town who are having difficulty in getting supplies and as a consequence were willing to work for the Town when needed, or for the duration. However, the Committee felt that due to the ill-health of :JJTr.A.La,ngman that a suitable man should be procured at once to assv~e the position of Town Electrician and· e.s a consequence the ma;tority of the Committee recommended Mr.C.Copland of Welle,nd now with the Hydro E.P.c. as Lineman, formerly in business at Harriston, In view of the fact.that the position of Town Electrician has been filled in accordance with the wishes of the nmyority of the Electric Light Connnittee by Mr.C.Copland at a sale.ry of $2,100.00 a year, we therefore recommend that the Electric Light Dept. and the Waterworks Dept. be amalgamted into one Dept. with Mr.Copland as Superentindent responsible for both light and water. In this way our present helper,Mr.A.Bunn could be retained to assist. -'""'"" L ·-\ / -\ Pag·e 3 -" 6th.meeti1'1g-Aplo5/il3 in either Dept.wherever help was necessary. Unless some such arrangement can be made, the Electric Light Dept.cannot operate at a profit nor should it have to maintain two men~ one at $40.50 per week, and one at .1~28.00 per week under present conditions when there are no new lines nor alterations being undertaken. Under :;.. combined Committee of Light & Water, l\fir.A.Langman could continue in an advisory capacity oh both Utilities, operate the pumping s.tations, and keep a continuous record of our supplies, also act as stock-keeper, JA4 order to facilitate the work of the two Depts. 1st. The old Town Truck should be overhauled and made axailable to the above Depts • 2nd. The Garage and Storehouse at the Waterworks ,should be re-modelled in order to be used as a sui table s tockrollm and garage, and locks should be attached so that one man could keep comtrol over the merchandise on hand. 3rd. Definite arrangements made as to responsibility during week-ends and holidays so th~t there will be no question as to who shall repair any breaks that may occur';· In this regard we would suggest that llfir.A.Langman be in charge in 1\U>.Copland's absence with authority over any other help working for the Depts. And in case of any additional help being required that he get in touch with the Head of the Committee. · 4th. That Mr.R.Rank be retained as meter reader at a fee of $25.00 for the job each month.(There are approximately 800) In doing this it is not necessary for the Superintendent to lose six days productive labour in reading meters. 1'hen there is the disadvantage of there being no direct supervision over the Depts. for that period, i~ we revert back to the old plan of having our Superin~endent read meters. 5th. That the matter of segre$ating the Office be left until a survey can be made to deterTiline the most satisfactory arrangement. Signed R.Linton . C.E.S~arks A.N.F:~.sher. ~~Y,GUNTON. That the report of the Electric Light Committee be adopted as ·presented to Council, that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Report of the Streets Corn:mi ttee. The Corn:mi ttee respectfully submit the following;- 1. The Clerk has written the Jupp Construction Co.cono-ernin~ the necessary supply of Asphalt Dust Layer for the Streets, and has been J.nformed there is not sufficient oil this year, therefore it will not be necessary to make the ltl!l'cU usual assessment for the cost of oiling. This will make a reduction in the· general levy of $200.0Q. 2. That the Town Truck be equipped with new eight ply non-skid tires,size 32 x 6", also heavy duty tubes. The Clerk to obtain prices for same from all tire Dealers in Aurora, and report at next regular meeting. _ 3. That your Committee be em].Jowered to engang a man to do the Street cleaning for the coming season at a weekly wage satisfactory to all Members of the Committee. Signed C.A.ll!Ialloy, AO'A.Coolc, R.Lintom.. FISHER,ROVILAND. That the report of the Streets Committee be s.dopted as read, and the seal of the Corporation attached. Cexried. Report of the Finance ConMittee •• The Cormnittee respectfully subnlit the following;- In making a retrospect of the revenues received and the disbursema.nts made during the year 1942, from our Auditor's report, we deduce the following observations, and submit statements and recommendations for the careful consideration of Council. Disposition of Revenues. . All C8.sh receipts are deposited daily in the Bank, and verification as to balances are made from time to time during the yes.r. Arrears of Taxes. Our total arrears to 3lst.December 1942 are $18.554.70 w:ij.:i,ch amount includes ~~7 ,886.79 for the year 1942. We also note that there a.re ~p2,883.65 arrears which are liable for tax sale this yea.r 9 : Uncontrollable L~ : The Public and High School Boards of' Education expended $1,150.00 more last year than their appropriation, which amount will require to be levied for in addition to their regular levy. Debenture Debt. The original debt of the 1\i!unicipali ty for the various enterprises as sewers, education etc. was ~i365,500.00 raised by debenture, of which 4Pl93,300.00 has been pe.id, leaving an unmatured. principal of ~~172,199.13. Watervrork_~_,P_EJpa_:r:tment. Schedule l'!o .1 shows our receipts over expenditures in t]>.e W .·w.Account during "<·:··· :;. .. ~ 1' .. \._/ ~ ',Wf •· ., / ··~' ···-~ :;:.· ·- --.~:- 'Jl,._ ___ • _.,.,.. 6th.~~tiftg-AI?.f..5/43 the past five years amount to $19,241.39 of which amount ~?8,500.00 was transferred to General Account, 1!2,500.00 and $3,000.00 were invested in Victory Bonds and War Loan respectively, and $5,000.00 loaned to Corporation, leavihg a balance in Bank of $)110.45. Electric Light Department. Schedule Uo.2 shows our receipts from the E.L.Dept.during the past five years exceed the expenditure by $5,132.52 which was invested in Dom.of Canada 3% Bond of $5,000.00 in 1941. The Dept.a.lso sold a w.w.Debenture for ~~3,078.07 in the same year • Lessenin( of Assets. Schedule No.3 shows that during the past five years the received from Arrears of Taxes $61,719.43 approximately for which there was no immediate levy, conseQuently our by. a similar amount. Allocations. Corporation has $12,000.00 annually assets are reduced We would suggest the following allocations for the various Departments • Police $2,700.00, Fire ~il,ooo.oo, Insurance $l,Ooo.oo, Garbage $1,500.00, Streets ~~3,000.00, IVIaterial $1,000.00, Library $1,050.00, Street Lighting $2,000.00, Relief $400.00, Indigent Care ~~400.00, Sanitation $l,OOo.oo, Horticultural Society $25.00. The Public School requires ~~15 ,890 .oo, and the High School $8,850 .oo which amount includes the $1,050.00 in excess over Levy of 1942. Recommendations. levied and collected our Bank Loan 1. That as Debentures mature ancl are paio. the same re.te be in taxes, a.nd the sm.ount thus collected be applied against until such time asc.the loan is completely clee.red off. 2. That the amount of $2,500.00 be transferred from tee Electric Light Dept. , and $3,000.00 from the Waterworks Dept. to the General Auoount. 3o That the over-expenditure of $1,050.00 from the Public School and High School Boards be included in the 1943 Levy. 4• That the General Rate of 40 Mills be set, anel. we strongly suggest that the reoommenda tions as set forth be approved and strictly adhered to. 5 • That the ProvinciiU SOubs:i,dy of one mill to Iviunioipali ties be apportioned as formerly. 6. We recommend that the following rates of discount apply to au~ tax bills pf 1943, om payments made on or before l!Jiay 15th. a discount of 210 be allowed, on payments after May 15th. ~md on or before. August 15th.a discount of 1% be allowed. That arrears of Taxes carry the Statutory penalty of 4% after December 14th, and interest at the rate of one-half of one-per-cent per month e-~ on }Jortion thereof imposed after December 31st. in the same yearrjl as provided bj.· by Provincial Statutes • Signed C ..E .Sparks ,11!..A .Malloy,A .A .Cook. • LI}nON,FISHER. That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted as read, · and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. S:!PARKS,LINTON. That a Committee of three, to be named by the IIIIa.yor, be appointed and delegated with authority to purchase suitable furniture for the new Council Chamber, and the seal of the Corporation be attached herewith. . . . . . Ca;rr~ed. Report of Soo~al Serv~oe Comm~ttee. 1'he Comm~ttee respectfully subm~t the following;-At 1?-meeting of the 9onmlittee held on llifarqh 22nd.~n ~he Council 1 Chambers, at wh~oh a representat~ ve group of the :JPubl~o were ~nv~ ted, some : yery. inter~stiog opinions were expressed. . ' The I\[ed~cal O!rrcer o!· Health renorted to us that in many schools exam~ned that I di eases involving the e e ear,~nose, and throat regions were resent in 7g~ of the Pupils, <md tKaf when these defects were oo:e:t:ected tEat an average 1 of" two yee.rs were cut off the length of time necessary for the pupils to ' complete their schooling. The Chairmannof your Committee reported to the I meeting that over 90% of the Public School.Children were suffering from dental , 1 . o.iseases, as shown by the survey conducted by the Dentists of Aurora last year. On the suggestion of the Chairman of the High Sehool Board this .Committee recommend that representatives of the High School and Public School Boards meet with this.Com.rni ttee and discuss ways and means for improving the health of the Citizens of the Town, including the School Children and that the Co~nittee report back to Council with a definite recommendation. We also recomn:tend that the Council Chamber be made available to the Red Cross War Time Nursing Service. Rev.and Mrs .Johnston of the Pentecostal Mission urged that a beginning be made toward establishing a play-ground for the Children of the Town. Your Committee suggests that further investigation be made and the Conunittee report back to Counotil. The M.O.H.reports that the g_uestion of outside toilets. in the Tovm is being reviewed. Signed G.A.C.Gunton, C.A.Malloy, C.E.Sparkse LINTON,FISHER. That the report of the Social Service be adopted. Carried. SPARKS,LINTON. That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to e.uthorize the ( \_ .• • . -~-->.'Jioo"ir .. '---~- ~/ Page 5 6th.meeting-Apl.5/43 entering into an Agreement between the Corporation and the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario for a supply of electric power or energy, and the By-law be read a first time. that SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the By-law before the Council be read a third time this day andthat By-law No.862 be suspended for that :purpose. Carried. LINTON~FISHER. That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to purchase the Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, Yonge Street, Aurora, and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. SPARKS,ROiv.LAND. That By-law now before the Council be read a second time, and that Council do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for which purpose. Carried. Sparks,LINTON. That By-law be now read a third time. By-law was read and · carried. LillTTON,COOK. 1'hat_ the matter of segregating the Wash Room from the Room occupied by the Fire Dept., be left in the hands of the Property Committee. Carr~ed. On motion of Linton & Cook, Council adjourned at 12.15 A.I\fo ~-· c~d e $"" e .. ~~· Mayor •