MINUTES - Council - 19430315l]
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1943, Itarch 15th.(5th.meeting)
The Fifth(Specia.l)meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers
on Monday, Me.rch 15th.,l943, with the Mayor in the Chair, and the following
Meulbers present;-Reeve C .A .Malloy, Deputy-Reeve C .E .Sparks, Councillors,
F.A.Rowla.nd, A.N.Fisher & Dr.Gunton.
GUNTUN,FISHER. That a. cost of lining bonus of ~~3.00 per week be granted to
all employees of the Town of Aurora, on a weekly wage. Carried,
GUNTON,MALLOY. That the minimum hourly wage rate of Jim Peters be 40Ji
per hour. Carried.
WATERWOR..T\:S COMJ\IIITTEE REPORT. We the Waterworks Committee recommend the
1st. Drilling a 6 11 well on Gurnett Street.
2nd. Drilling a 4't well on Billing Property.
3rd. One or tiio wells on Mr.Mc Cab.e property.
At a cost of about $2500.00.
We are hoping that with these addi ti onsl wells there will be sufficient
water for all needs. Signed, A.A.Cook,G.A.C.Gunton, F.A.Rowland.
SPARKS,FISHER. The report of the Water Committee be adopted, and the seal
of the Corporation be attached thereto, and that the work be proceeded
with at once. Carried.
REPORT OF PROPERTY C01~IITTEE.Sale of Town Lo~ on Temperance Street.
That Lot #23 on the Wes-t Side of Temperance Street, be sold to MroSsmbrook
for the s-um of $75.00. Signed F.A.Rowland, A.N.Fisher.
SPARKS,FISHER. That the report of the Property Committee be accepted,
re sale of Lot to Sa.lllbrook. Carried.
REPORT OF THE ELECTRIC r.IGHT COMMIT1'EE. In view of the resignation of
Mr.Eveleigh as an employee of the Town in the Electric Light Department, we
would reconnnend that this-position be filled at once, and this Connnittee
interview Mr .Copeland of Welland, and if s-atisfactory the Committee be
empowered to engase Mr.Copeland at a s-alary of $40.00 per week, which
amount includes any cos-t of living bonus. Signed C.E.Sparks, A.N.Fisher.
GUNTON,ROw.LAND. That the report of the Electric Light Committee be
adopted as read, and that the seal of the Corporation be a·ttached hereto.
Meeting adjourned at 11.20 on motion of Gunton & Sparks.
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