MINUTES - Council - 19430208'-,.......__/'
( ad.j ourned from February ~st.)
Tb.e THIRD meeting of tb.e Council/was b.eld in the Counci~ Cb.amb .. ers on
Monda.y·Evening, :&'ebruary 8tb.. at 8.~5, witb. tb.e Mey-or in tb.e Cb.air, and
tb.e following Members present;-Reeve Malloy, Deputy-Reeve Sparks,
Councillors G•A·C.Gunton, F.Row~and, A.A.Cook, ·and A.N.Fisb.er.
GUNTON,MJILLOY •. That. Council be resolved into a Committee of tb.e Wb.ole for
discussten·ef Tenders on the Hu~se Estate Property, with Councillor
Row~and in the Chair•
GUNTON.SPARKS. That the offer for the purchase of the Hulse Estate Property,
on th.e North.side of Wellington Street, by D.Williamson, be accepted, on
the conditions. that the said D.Williamson execute an agreement for the said
purchase within two days., in form satisfactory to the Town So~icitor. If .
and when the said agreement is executed by the liaid D.Williamson, the Mayor
and Clerk be, and they are hereby authorized to execute the said agreement
on behal.f of the Corporation, and that the seal of the Corporation be
attacb.ed hereto. · ·Carried .•
The Committee arose and reported tb.e resolution passed.
A discussion on the collection of Salvage was held, and on motion of
A.N.Fisher, seconded by F.Rowland, the matter was left in the hands of
the. Sani ta.tion Committee to study and report at next meeting of Council.
Carried •.
Dr.!Gunton requested the use of the Arena for the Baptist Young/eople's
Union, on Tuesday Evening February ~6th. from 8 to 10 o~c~ock:;ta.s
referred to the Property Committee. This was immediately attended to and
permission given-at tb.e same rate as last year($5.00)~
Council adjourned at 9.55 P.M.
-~ ..... ".1·.'d . .