MINUTES - Council - 19430111\ I ! ,---' "'"- '.--·· ( ,, 1943. The inaugural meeting of the Aurora Town Council was held in the Council Chambera on Monday Morning, January 11th., 1943, at 11 0' cloak, according to Statute. The fol-lowing appeared and aubacribed to the Oath of Office. Mayor, F.R.Underhill; Reeve, Cha.a·A•Ma.lloy; Deputy•Reeve, Chas.E.Sparks; Council lorE$, R.Linton; --G .A.C •Gun ton;-Fred.Rowla.nd; A.A.Cook; and_ A.N .Fisher. The Clerk then _declared .. "!;h~ .meeting property cona~ituted, and the .. ~or called upon Rev.Ca.non Fife, who invoked the Divine Blesaing upon the deliberations of.the Council for the Year 1943. The Mayor e.ddressed the meeting and ex.pressed_hia pleasure and appreciationa..t having all Members of .last Year's Council to a.ss:ist in carrying on the affairs of the Tpwn for the coming year. Each Member of CounaiLspoke a few auitable words, and all voiced their pleasure in s.eeing each Member of laat year's Council in his usual place. · Ex-Mayor Wa.l.ton, Canon Fife; and Town Solicitor L.C.Lee were then called upon to a.ddreas t:I;Le meeting. - SPARKS,.LIN.TON. That th.e Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Councillor Linton be .. the Striking Col!ll:ld tte.e for the enau_ing year. Carried. Meeting-then adj ounned unti 1 same Evening a.t 8 J? .M. , on motion. c f Aol:hFial:ier & F .Rowland. The. Council re..assembled at 8.25 in the Evening, with the Mayor in the Chair and all Members present. Reeve Malloy submitted the report of the Striking Committee as follows;- Filii:P.NQEo Messrs. C.E.Sparks, C.A.Ma.lloy, A.A.Cociko STREETS• 11 C·A•Malloy, A·A·Oook, R.Linton. · ElloTRIO LIGHT. R~L:i,.nton, A.N.F:i,.aher, C .E.Sparks. WATER.& FIRE!.·. A.A.Cook,. G .A.C .Gunto.n, .F .Rowland. S.OOIAL SERVICE ---8c SAl.f.!=~TIONe G~A;C.Guntori, C~E.Sparks, CoMalloy. BY-LAVIS-&· INDUSTRIAL. PROPERTY .• - A.N.FISHER, F.ROWLAND, G.A.C.Gunton. F.Rowla.nd, R.Linton, A.N.Fisher • . Sig!lied, C.A.Ma.J.loy, C.E.Sparks, R.Lintone COOK,.ROWLAND· That the report of the Striking Committee be li!;dopted as read. . · carried. SPARKs,ROWl:.AND. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the-Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. ,.,-.-.; ':; Williamaon Bros. Stiver Bros • II Ough & Son .. It Davis Garage Collis Leather Aurora Building Co. Attridge & Son Bell's Service J.Goulding FoDunham Banner Preas- B .G oWhi telaw MoGra.ha.m Coal(M.Hall) " (Rink) . 11 (Disposal) Garbage Can &e. Shovels &c • Gauge Glass Chains: &c. Cinders- Pipe &c. Lumb.er Gas. Use·o:r Car Outs-ide Tripa &c. Frinting& Forma Offive Supplies Scraping & Sanding Filing of Vi tal Municipal World C.ounty of York J.Bl&ck Statistics Poll Books Hospitalization Teaming, from May _,_.-l!":''f<'"o---· · · •· ·c..,---.-~--- 31.00 7.75 10.05 3.75 4.02 o25 3.0.15 2·00 5o45 6.i9 15•85 5.00 6.95 97o87 1•10 95.20 16.25 7.64 17.57 20.60 '•;·,"><;< • .. -.-•-c-·r'>··,...C.----•· '.'.CO:o-;. ( -~ ~943, Jaxhll, page 2 ]' .D oLa.a:ey W oli ~'l'Sii'" l.or H~·Tea.sd.a.le Brooma &o. · Salary Div.court Salary ,Bailiff 3ol7 20.00 20.00 Carried. SFARKS,LIN.TON.. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on-the Trea.aurer for the pa,yment of the following sums be, and the sa.me is hereby confirmed, and that th.e seal of the Corporation be a.tta.ched . thereto. &9RP De a. 5 L .Hodgins Corp. i 7 e50 A~Higgina u 2o.oo 12 19 26 Sl w .. summers J•Peters A.Bunn L.Fleury L~Hodgina A~Higgins w~summera .J.Petera A.Bunn LoFleucy- L.Kodgins · A·Higglhns W oSUllllllera J.Peters A.Bunn Hydro Eleotritl LoHodgina A•Higgina w.summera II ~ E.L. Wa.terworka corp. It ~· It E-.L. Waterworks Corp. II It " E-.L• PQW~?r for Nov. Corp. ll ~ JoPeters • A..Bunn E.L. · L~Hodgins Corp. A•Higgins " w.summers It J •Peters 1t A.Bunn E•L• L.Fleury Waterworks 20.;00 lfi ;,40 25>00 5 ... 60 l7o50 2o;oo 20.;00 15•40 28.i00 3.85 17.50 ao.oo 20.;00 15o40 2fi.oo 2627.78 17e50 2o.oo 20.00 ~5;40 2.5o00 17•50 20•00 ~o.oo 15~40 25;.oo s.85 (25.00) Carried. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the accounti of Dr.G.W.Williams indigent patients, be paid. for treating 5:8.00 Carried. LIN.TON,SPARKS •. That the expenses in' connection with the taking of the Vote, re Hydro-Power Contract, be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for t.he same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Rental o:t Polling Booths Q.ueens Hotel l!Ulgate 's Garage Frankcom House Deputy Returning Officers. H.Armitage W.H.Ta,ylor AoH'Lllse J.B.Greig Cl'j.as.Davies Poll Clerks. R.Delahaye A~E.Q.uinn wm.Powell Bert WilsOlilJ Walter Milgate Constables. Jos •Seagle "·"·"•''''" ., .. _ ... .,_-_.,..._. .·.·-c;:.·;_-;:,;-•.;·.·· ·:'"''' ---,--.---_··:·---~ 5o00 5.00 5oOO 5.oi00 5oOO 5.o00 5•00 s.oo 4oi00 4o00 4o00 4.00 4o00 :sc.oo --.-.--:"<-;-"--_.,_., _._, ___ _ ) 1943, January ll, lage 3 Thos .Collett Fred..Hinds Jas .. Hodgins EaCla.rke s .. oo 3 .• 00 s.oo. s.oo $75o00 Carried. FISHER.ROWLAND• That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue ord.er<~ O:tLtl';ie:'Treas"Ure~ for tne s.a.me, and tha.t the seal of the Co:i:poration be attached hereto. FEI.nmr. Medical Ass•· -.. -Mra.Traviss Estate 3 :r. .50 Rent B.F.Da.vis F.W.Teasdale G.R.Ardill B.F.Davis(Motners . " . .•·. II Food Clothing Allowance) Fuel t·. .·-· ll Cousins Dairy Milk • loflO 7·50 4.00 4e94 lo50 15.50 4·80 .66 F.D.Lacey Food LINTON,FISHER. That•the following accounts be ard.ers an-the-Treasurer for the same, and that be attached hereto. 5o30 Carried. paid, that the Mayor issue the seal of the-Corporation ELECTRIC LIGHT. Newmarket Era Adv. Hydro Contract 13.60 2.7 .02 l0o70 . . . . -. Banner Press 11 . 1t .&a. Em T .K.Fice · · Lab or &a. . Ferranti Electrie Meter COOK, • That the following a.eeounts be pa.idJil that orders. on. the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal be attached ha-eto. 2lo40 Carried. the Mayor issue of the Corporation WATEFVlOFKS. Banner Press Water bills 37 •99 ---· ...... · ... 1 J .Mitchell Looks &c. 2.69 Ltrfidvt Can.Brass Co. Nipples &e. 10.84 Carried. GUNTON,.ROU.'i:ilfi;-That the Corporation' of the Town of Aurora subscribe to Membership in -the Ontario Municipal Assn. at. a fee of $l5oOO, and that .the seal of' the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUNTON,MALLOY. That the Corporation of' the Town of Aurora renew the annual subscription 4l!le to the :M.unicipal World, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. GUNTON,MALJLOY. Since the Township of' King has not made any fire protection agreement. with Aurora, then the Fire Chief' is herebY authorized not to enswel1: fire calls from the Towns:hip of King until further notice. C.arried. SFAFKS, ROWLAND. That leave.be granted to introduce a By-law to authorize the borrowing of' $40,ooo.oo to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Corporation f'or the year, and that the same be now read a first time• Carried. SPARKS, LINTON. That .the By-law now before Council be read a second time, ami that. the Council do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpos-e. The By..;law was given itEr three readings and pa~;rsed. _ Carried. LINTON.FISHER. Tha.t l~a.ve be granted to introduce a By-law to appoint a -c·i ' Member of the Board of Health, and that the same be now read a. first time~arried, LINTON,FISHER.That the By-law now before Council be read a second time, and that the Council do now resolve itself' in:f:o a Committee of' the whole for that purpose • · Carried. The By-law was given its three readings and passed with the nall!Je Of l'.M.Thompsoril inserted. RO~,LINTONo;T.hat leave be granted to introduce a By-law to appoint a Member .of' the Hfgh School Board, and that tne aame be read a first time. Carried, LINTON,FISHER. That the By-la.w now before Counail b . e read a. secolild tim e, and -»;:·-~·.,, ' ~-~~··..-'"""-~"'-'"'='~'''~""'''~""'~~~~~·..;~~ ...... , /"" .. -·-~-. 1943, Janllal."Y 11, page 4 that the Council. do now resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for that purpose. - The Committee arose and reported the :By-1aw with the blank filled with the :aame .. of E.Eve1eigh. . The By:-law was given its third reading and a recorded vote was asked for by R.Linton, with the resul.t as fo11ows. Yeas~ :B. .Linton . · A•N.Fisher G:.A .c ~Guntan F.:Rowl~d A~A~Cook The Clerk then decl.ared the By-law carried• Na,ys. F.R.Underhil.l 0 !:EJ !BPM:ks · c .A .MaJ.loy. C..E.J',P;i.eK.f SPARKS, COOK. That leave be given to introduce a By-J.aw to appoint a Member of the Public Library Board, and that the same be now read a first tilme. SPARKS,COOK. That the By-l.aw now befuee Council be read a second t~MefiiB« that the Council. do now resol.ve itself imto a COlllllllittee of the whole for that purpose. . Carried. The Committee arose ·and reported the By-l.aw with blank filled in with the name of Rev.R.Hicks. By-l.aw was given its t:hree readings and passed. G.A.C.GUBTON. I beg leave to g~e notice that the Procedure By-law be amended ·to il:J:corporate the :aew Commd.ttee as provided for by COUJllJCil this Evening. Meeting adjourned at 11.15 on motion of Fisher & Cook. 4-~,~: 1.1 t -