MINUTES - Council - 19430201) 1943. The Second meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on l>fonday Evenibg, ll,ebruary lst.~l943, at 8 O'clock, with Mayor Underhill in the Chair, and the following Members p~esent;-Reeve C.AJ[alloy, Deputy-Reeve C.E.Sparks, Councillors G.A.C.Gunton, F.Rowland, A.N.Fisher, and A.A.Cook. The minutes· of the first meeting were adopted on motion of A.N .Fisher.rC..E-!1"'4~ An Offer to Purchase from the Aurora Building Co. on the Hulse Property · on the North Side of Wellington Stlteet, was referred to the Property Committee. SPARKS,GUHTON. That the request of the Canadian Hational Institute of the Blind to hold their annual Tag Day on May lst./43 be granted. .Carried. A communication from the Kitahener City Council re minimum wages for Women, was referred to the Finance Committee on motion of A~H.Fisher & G.A.C.Gunton. Carried. Correspondence from w.Griffith , 6 Gurnet Street, regarding damage done to his house due to the snow slide from the Arena roof, was referred to the Property Committee on motion of Gunton & Sparks. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the following aaaounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be a.ttaahed hereto.· CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. B.F.Davis & Son Taylor & Son Delahaye Garage W.H.Spragg Ough & Son .. tl " tl Phone #65 #135 #305 #314 #326 Coal (MoHall) Batteries RepsoFire Reps.Town Bolts It &a. Truak Truak l'hawing Pipes &a. Paint &a. Bullets &a. 9.29 3o34 2.50 2.50 5.;42 46.50 2.20 29.50 35.60 .05 .20 3.50 4.85 1.15 M.Graham Scraping Snow 49.60 Red Indian Stataion Gas.&a. 21>08 F.Dul'llham Outside trips 10.00 JoGoulding Use of oar 4.00 Municipal World Subscriptions 9.00 Offi~e Specialty Folders 2.36 Stoutts Garage Use of oar 3.00 Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached therto. Jan. 9 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 4 16 A.Higgins " 20.00 'IV .Summers •• 20 .oo J .Peters " 15 .40 A.Bunn E.L. 25.00 T.Collet CorP• 12.60 J.Lan:e T.Watkins Postmaster, stamps L.Fleury L.Hodgins A.Higgins W .sunnners J.Peters T.Oollett JoLane A.Bunn " " Waterworks " Corp. " It " II It E.L. 14.00 14.00 17.00 4.90 17.50 20.00 20.00 15.40 16.80 3.20 25.00 ·I ."' .. I '\_ _r;J/-IP$ /'111 .... ,y 20 23 30 li'eb .~ (Page 2) ~943 Hydro Electric L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.sumrners J .Peters J .Lane T.Collett R.l?ugh A.Bunn L.Hodgins A.Higgins w.sumrners J.Peters T.Collett Power for Dec. Corp. n " II II It I! E.L. Corp. If It It " 2691.74 17.;50 20o00 2o•oo ~5.;40 17 .;60 16~80 3.;50 25•00 ~7.50 20<00 20•00 15.;40 ~5>40 K.Larue " 18<00 A.Bunn E.L. 25.0Q Carried. MALLOY,FISHER. That the account in connection with the expenses of Miss Black of Orillia, be submitted to that Municipal! ty for payment. Carried. COOK,ROWLAND. That the following accoun~s be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 Carried. GUliTON~FISHER. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Mrs.Traviss Estate B.F~Davis It 3 X o50 Rent It JJ'uel 1>50 .7 o50 4.00 25.10 Johns Groaeteria Food 5.30 Dominion Stores " 5. 30 Aurora Meat Markej; 11 1•60 J.R.Knowles " 3.60 Stiver Bros. Fu.e~ 9.60 Carriedo FISHER, SPARKS. That the fo~lowing aaaounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal o~ the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Be~~ Phone Co • Phone #240 2o50 Carried .. GUl!iTON~FISHER, That the request of the Fire Department be referred to the Fire Committee for consideration, exaept the items of boots, gloves, and gas mask refills. Carried. REPORT OF BY-LAWS COM!UTTEE. The Colllllllittee respeafully submit the fo~lowing;­ That the Procedure By-law #862, paragraph 29, be amended by striking out "and sewerage" in the sentence dealing with the Streets Committee, and striking out "sewerage disposal plant" in the sentence dealing with the Property Committee, and by striking out the entire sentence dealing with the Relief Committee, and by adding the following;-The Social Service and Sanitation Committee shall deal with all matters of direct relief, hospital- ization, public welfare and social service; the sewerage disposal plarit, and the sewerag:e under the contra~ of the Council. Your Committee also recommends that the provisions of Chapter 266, Sec.23~~ and Sec.444, be ado:pted by ~&e Counci~ mf the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, and that a by-~aw be7introduced at the next meeting of Council. Signed A.l!i.Fisher, F.A.Row~and, G.A.C.Gunton. SPARKS,GUNTON. That the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the Vfuole for further discussion on the re:port of the By-~aws Committee, Mr. Sparks in the Chair. The Committe arose and reported both clauses of the report :passed, subject to the following reso~ution. 11 That the second part of the report be left over to our next regular meeting"• Carried. REPORT OF THE PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Hulse Property, Wellington Street. That we have a written offer for the above property from the Aurora --:o-. , ___ ,_~ -,-,-----,--.--,-- "' Feb.l(page 3) 1943 Building Cooi'or the sum of $75.o.oo(seven-hundred-and-fifty-dollars). That we have a verbal ofi'er from Walter Dunning of $900 .oo (Nine-hundred-dollars) payable in cash :for the full amount. Signed F.A.Rowland, A.N.Fisher. GUNTON,:M:ALLOY. That the (lUestion o:r the sale o:r the Hulse Estate Property on Wellington Street, be rei' erred to the Property Committee with ins.tructions that the Committee bring in a definite recommen<la;.tion, and that all offers be in writing, and be accompanied by a deposit of' lO%. That the report &!I be returned to Council by Monday, Feb.8th. Carried. MALLOY,COOK. That an interim grant of $200.00 be made to the Library Bpard to carry on the work of the Library. That the seal o:r the Corporation be attached hereto. Carried. Meeting adjourned at 12 o'clock. ~i'ff'L J ; .1:,.!;! j 1