MINUTES - Council - 19421215l l .. ·····~') . ,, ... >'' i F I ~ 1. i 1942· The EIGHTEENTH(final) meeting of the Coulillcil was held in the Council Chambers·, · on Tuesda;v Evening, December ·15th, with the Mayor in· the Chair, and with Reeve Malloy, Deputy-Reeve Sparks, Councillors RoLinton, Dr.Gunton, A.N.Fisher, A .• A.Cook, and F.Rowland present. The minutes. of the Seventeenth meeting were adopted on motion of CoEoSparks & RoLinton. Mr.A.Hulse and Lieut.Badley appeared b·efore Council in behalf of the Aurora Te1m Rockey League, in connection with the renting of the Arena. GUNTON,FISHER. That the wood and fuel question be left over for the colllSidera.tion of the 1943 CoUII!ailo · Carried • SP.ARKS~LINTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Stiver Bros. Taylor & Son Phone #65 lfl35 #305 #314 Coal(Town Hall) Charge Battery &o • $ 6o2l 2.60 2.50 2o50 31.35 2.15 Carried• SP.ARKS,FISHER. That the action of the Ma;y"or in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the paym&Dt of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of'the Corporation be attached theretGo Dec. 3 Postmaster Stamps, E.L. 19.00 12 1t " Corp. 12.00 Carried• COOK,MALJLOY. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders.on.the·Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS• Bell Phone Co. Phone #12 3.80 6arried. LINTON,FISHE.R. That the following account/ be ~id, that the :Mayor issue order on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT Bell Phone Co • Phone #240 GUNTONtCOOK. That the acaount of .Tames, Proctor & Redfern, in the amount of $150.00 be paid, and that the seal of the be attached hereto. 2.50 Carried. as submitted Corporation Carriedo FISHER,SPARKS. That a Speaker from the HYdro Electric Commission be invited to attend the Nomination Meeting, December 28th., to explain the new Hydro Power .Agr!ftt~nt · · ·· . · Carried. SPARKS,GUNTON. That the rteute of the Electric Light Chairman regarding the HYdro Pcf'er situation, be placed in both Looa.l Papers, this week & next. · · · . Carried• GUNTON,J'iiiALLOY• Tb.at Boxing Day be declared a Mttnioipal Holiday, and that the :Mayor be authorized to so proclaim. Oarried. SPARKS,MALLOY. Tl:la..t Lorne CoLee be paid the sum ·of Twenty-five Dollars for additional services rendered in connection with matters pertaining to the Tannery ~ Disposal, and the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. VfH5fF Carried. Fire Chief Har:l:y .Tones presented the report of the Aurora Fire Brigade for the Year 1942. The Brigade was complimented on the year's work, and the report was adopted on motion of Sparks & Cooko GUNTON,ROWLA.ND. That fire bolts be installed on the exit doors of the Mechanics Hall, and that the building be examined and placed in eondtltion to meet the approval. of the Fire Chief, and ;jhat the seal. of the Corporation be attached hereto. Oarried. The Treasurer's report for 1942 was presented and read by the Treasurer. MALLOY,COOK. Th~&t the report of the Treasurer as submitted be adopted, the Stat.utory !lumber of copies be printed, and that the seal of the Oorporation be attached hereto. Carried. ("' ··-/·. ) 1/2 Dec:-~5., ~942 per night Moved by R.Linton, seconded by c.E.Sparks that the eharge be $7.00/to the Aurora. Town. League :for the rent of the Arena, and the seheduJ.e and any further arrangements be left to the Property Committee. Carried. The minutes of this meeting were read and adopted. on motion of Linton & Fisher. The meeting adjourned at ~1.20 on motion of Fisher & Rowland. Mayor. '-'-~·-. . -·->:.,.o:-;:,;;:;.: :;·,;;:·:;;: ~-~----~··-".