MINUTES - Council - 19421207I t-:--., ) ····~ J.942 The SEVENTEENTH meeting of the Council wa.s. held in the Council Chambers on :M:.o:oda;v<Evening, Decemiber 7th, 1942, at a.oo o 1 cJ.ock,-with the Mayor in the Chair and all. Mem.bera present. Tne minutes of the a~teenth meeting were adopted on motion of Sparks & Linton, SPA.RKS,LIN'l'QN. That the following accounts be pa.id, tha.t the Mayor issue· orders. em--the Treaaurer for the aa.me, and tha.t the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORA.TI.Olir, -~,.~·-····--··· ---- Bell Phone co. Aurora B.uilding co. w .A.Galbr&i th ~oronto Sal-t Works n_ Can oindustriea w.H.Spra.gg P.B.:Milne Dav1.s Garage James Tailoring Co. Ough &·Son ILc Attridge & Son M.Graham J •E .:Buchs nan J1 -.• . ' · K.Forsyth E ~a .:w.nga;v F.Dunha.m ·· J.Goulding W~ll.iamson Bros. Banner Press Davia &:. son l~U:mieipal World Remington Rand • Bank of Commerce Sul1!1dry Freight &c. Dept.ai" Helath Selection of Juror& Phone #66. #l35 #306 #314 Cement·, Tile &e. Gu.&c. saJ.t n CaJ.•Chloride Truck Rep. ilfa.s..&c. Battery &c. OvervCla.t- Hooks &co Wire _P Lumb-er Teaming Gravel &e. ... Gl.asing Cartage OUtside Trips Use of Car Coal.(M.Hall) Printil}g & Supplies Wood(T.Hall.} Declarations Ribbons Rente). Insulin $ 5.43 4oll 2..50 2 .• 50 29.25 20.95 3:5o20 33.20 20o8l i7.00 23.17 16.15 38o50 1.05 lo79 16.64 17•60 ' sor.5o oat. I 101.25 Nov. [ 2•25 l8o40 7oOO 4o00 ··::n.oo 270o99 3·50 2o02 2.00 13.00 4.37 .87 15 .oo Carried' SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the action of" ·the Ma,yor in issuing orders on the Treasurer f'or the-paylll4ll:ir of' the following sums be, and the same is hereby coni"irmaed, and that the seal of" the Corporation be a.ttached thereto. Nov.3 Postmaater, Stamp£ crorp. 15.00 6 11 " Wa.terworks 17 •00 7 L.Hodgina Corp. l'le50 S .:M:.:M:orris H 13,;00 AoHiggina • 20,;00 w.summers It 2o.oo J.Peters " 15,;40 A.:Bunn E.L. 25.00 L~Fleury W~terworks 5,;95 14 L~Hodgina Corp. 1.7.50 SoM.Morris It 13.00 •.-.-· -----~~~~-"...:..N_..,,,......,.·,.~,_~........,~~·,;.,;,-.,~-· ·-~-·~· ,•._• ·._.·_., .... ~",.;,;.~'*"~'"'~'~'''=""".C.>-~;.:.J.._""--'";.__ __ ~;:.:,;:~~----__;:._•_·,~·--~--·-~-~--~_.~.-:.:;._.,;,,..:.,;i;.:k.~~-;~~~----• . ..:....A.-.,__:_:_•,~ .~••,1 / ~. ' \ ·~ . I ~,_'-....___ . / Page 2 (~942) l.4 A·Higgins Corp. ao.oo WoStlllllllers II 2.0.oo J.Pet.ers ll Uo40 A~unn E.L. 25.00 2J_ L~Hodgins Cerp. J.7o50 A..Higgins II :ao.oo W oSUllllllers ll 20•00 J,Pe'ters ~ ~5.40 A.Bunn EoL. 2.5o00 LoFl.eury W~t~rworks 5.95 l'J¥d.ro El.ectric Po-.er for Oct. 27:L4•69 28 LoHOdgins Corp. n.so A.,niggi:ns II :ao.oo w.s'ummers II 2.o.oo J.Peters II 15•40 A,Blinn. E.Il. 25.00 Carried COOK,ROViLAJID• That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders .. ol'L tk~ Treaaurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached kerete. WATERWORKSo ----~ ..• ~ --~----. Be~l. Phone Coo Phone #12 3•80 W•HoSpragg . Repairs 8o75 ~1:1er Press · Printing & Supp~ies 6.2.7 Frankcom Gal!ag:e Greaae & Oi~ · 4•85 Attridge & Son Lumber ~3.40 Carried FISHER,GUNTON. That the following a.ccounts be· p&id, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of .the Cor~oration be at t.ached hereto • RELIEii' • Medical Assn. · Mrs.Travisa Eatate B.F.DaviS. F~W!'leasd&l.e F.]ltorria General. store Cousins Dairy Stiver Bros. B.F.Davis Williamson B,ros. Domini on Stores Sohns Groceteria 3 X o50 Rent ·. ll Food Meat. Food Milk Coal .. II Food ... LINTON'tROWLAND~ That the following accounts be paid, that orders on the Treasurer :for the same, and that the seal of be attached hereto. lo50 7.-50 4;,00 3.;29 1.84 ~2.05 .66 4•80 !?o60 9.60 2.65 3o6i> Carried • the Mayor issue the Corporation ELECTRIC LIGH'lo Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 2o50 Line & Cable • Grips &e. 29 .oo Northern E~ectric Wire 29.70 Can.General Electric Tape 8.60 Carried. SPARKS ,LINTON' • That the PremitullS on the various Policiell(Insurance) be paid as-they·become due, and that the Insurance on the Arens be increased from $6000•00 to $~oooo.oo, and the :four Policies now held on the Arena b·e increased by $~ooo.oo ea.ch to cover this amount, al.so the Fire Equipment be !i.Re:Pea•ei insured for GSOOQ.;oo. Carried. Moved by Deputy Reeve Sparks,seconded b'\1 R.Lint.on, that the Communication from the Wartime Housing Limited be referred to the Industrial. Committee. Correspondence :from L.C.Lee ordered :fi~ed on motion of Linton & GQnton.Carried LIN"l'ON' ,GUNTON • That liirr •~drew cl.osa I I r~~~~----·---··:-~--.... ..;,~"'~-w.-..,..~-r .. ~-..:z~~L;.;._.~~"~*-·~--...:.--~~~~s ::_; ·.-:-: :~s~~~~~:; · ·; ·. --~~"~""-"""-... :lJ.:_ . __ ..__..·-----~...:.~ .... : •. ;;;1~~-~~~~..,..,.~""'""',.;,~- . ( \_ ____ .. · . /'. .. '\__ __ ... Page 3 {1942) be engaged aa Tickeb-Seiler for the Arena for the 1942-43 season. Carried. COOK,MALLOY. That the request of the Firemen for the usu~ annual grant 0f'·ISG'~~-e~,: and $:afi.OO for Mechanic, alao one-half the amount received from the Local Townships, be gl!'a.nted,and the aea.l of the Corporation be a.ttachedhereto. Carried. FISHJIDitLINTON. That Cha.aoMa.lloy and Dr.Gunton be the Members of Council to us.is.t the-.S~vage Collllllittee with their work, and that Mr.Le.rge be asked to act as Treasurer. . . . -Carried • .. Adh COOK,LINTON:. Tl!:!a.t the Firemen's request for repairs :'!1'-.ee.rburretor·for fire truck-be· granted, a.l.ao -that $2;.0Q. &1: tha st John 1 s Amllulance Fee be paid, i a. total coat of $16.00, that" the aea.l. of the ·Corporation be a._tta.ched hereto. · · · Carried. Gtr.N'TON.FISHER. Tllat wheree.s the Corporation of the Town of Aurora-has. been pl.a.eed o:rL-th.e l.iat of approved MunicipaLities by the Minister of Finance for the Home Extenion Loan Pl.an., and where&a the dem.a."nd for houaing a.coom- oda.tion is e.cate, :Be it therefore resolved that this Council recommend that all Home Owners of,.large houaes who can 'feasa.bly eo-operate do so by enquiring-of the Loc~ Banks and Contractorsoo»eepee•t.•elo~ reapecting the alteration of auci. hOmes into apartmenta for the uae of War Wor~ers. Carried. SP.A::Bm,LINTON:. That the a.ceounts listed below be written off th~-'frrears ' ' Ledger•c ·. . Fie~ding & Hurst, collect~on fees. RoVlard 1 :Business Tax, moved away co-Operative store, :Building empty for short period. $ 3o83 -50.09 2 .• 77 A.'J .Feren Estate, e.ssessed in 1940, but not in business 1941 4•16 C•C .MoDonal.d,Business Ta.x,moved away 4.16 A.J.G.Wi~son,-a.ssessed·in 194l."for 1942', moved away. 4•16 w .H.arosby, Pena.I.ty charged. in error 1.20 Mrs.E.c.Fielding, aasessed for 1942 but not inliusiness 4•16 Carried. SPABKS;LINTON. That leave be granted to introduce a By-law to provide for the Nomination "of Candidates, and :ror the Election of the Members o:r the Municipal 6ouncil, and the required Trustees of the School Board :for the ensuing term o:r office, and tba.t the same be now read a :first time. By-law then given its: three readings and passed. SPABKS,LINTON:. That leave be granted to introduce a By•law to provide for the submission e:r a certain question for the assent of the -qualified Electors o:r the Town ef Aurora, and to a.ppotflt a. day on which to take a vote thereon, and to name -the_places where the votes are to be taken, and to appoint Deputy Returnimg Officers to take the votes at every such place, and that the same be now read a first time. :By-law then given, its three readings and passed. SPABKS,FISEER. That leave be given to introduce a. By-law to authorize· the sale-of Lots 2:6 & 27 according to Plan 1.20 for the Town of Aurora. :By-law then given its three readings and passed. Meeting adjourned at ~2.00 P.M. :Mil'>~Qi~ .,--, .. -.. IL ---.. ·-· ... . '.·.l,_li '1 I