MINUTES - Council - 19421205(' .. ) ..1 __l._<q 42 ~ r:ehe 1!,Il?':PJI;E1>TTII meet)_ng of the Counoil fo:e the year 1942 3 we.s held in the ·Council ChCl_.Elberss; on :Mondo.y JUvening OctolJDr .5;the!) -r.ri th T.I2.yor Underhill in the ChoJ.r, and 8.11 Members rresent. 'l'he minutes of the fourteenth meeting were ad011ted on motion of Deputy- Roeve Sparks ;md Counc:cllor Cook. l/.[oved by 0 cE .,S~_larks, seconded by .A ~H ~J?isher, That the invia.tation from the u. bli ~ ··'chooJ I>r<~c"n~J (1i•i"r T r, J,-lc')onP1 d) to ~he oif.o•ro,. "Jld Membe-r>~ of .... ttl .... l_j <) • .l...i.J. .t.._,_G-'.o. ,J-.•-11-~, ~7Q __ J __.,,_ 1_,.._ ' ~···C"J -Co ... _,._ ~.0 Council to o.ttond the I'uilli.c School }.'ieJ.cl_ D2.y on October 7th., lJe P.coepted and a.cknowledc;ed. Carried. Correspondence f.-rom Consolidated :8Jngines & 1Io.ch5.nery Co. was refer-red to Water Commi. ttee, on motion o:f Holloy & RovrJ.o.nd. SPARKS,LilifTOlT. That the following accounts be pc.id, th\'\t the Iilayor issue orcl.ers on the Treasurer for the soxae, o.nd that the seo.l of the Col"llOra.tion be attached hereto. CORPORATIOn. Bell. Phone Co. Phone fl65 ikl35 //305 6 4< 3<1: 3.86 • Aurora Greenhouses Waite's Service Auro1•a. Building Co. It Ough & Son " " J\U.nga.y Service .J "'E oBuchc:r_nnn J.Goulding F.Dunha.m De~)t.o~ HeaJ. th _iL'Xl ll ?t,)-'-;; 2.50 2.50 46.95 4.75 Di?posal 5~:.00 35.25 Plo.nts &co Grease Trucking, Tile &c. Bs.tteri.es Broom &c~ .90 1.00 C 1eo..nj_:ns ],urnac e Ga,s E:c If, Grf~.vel Use.of car Outs i.de tri.:ns Insu15.n 3.50 15.40 33~75 4.00 12.00 o44= Ce.rrieclo SP;'J:1KS ,ROY!:tAlill. ·Th2. t the a,ction 1(llf the lJb.yor i.n issuing orders on the Tree.surer for the :9a.yment of the follovri.ng sums be, and the ss.me is hereby confLrmecl, and that the seal of the Cor})ore.ti.on be attached thereto. Sep. 3 Pos tma.s ter 51 StamlJS Ii 41L Q 19.00 5 A.Bunn " 25.00 12 19 26 L.F1eury Waterworks 6.30 L.Hodgi.ns Conl• 17.50 S~:i-·~0Morris 11 13900 A~Higgins 11 20e00 YJ eSurnrners " 20 (100 ~T "Peters. L.Hodgins S ... J..r <'IJ!ilorris A,.Higgins W ~surmners J QP.eters A.Eunn L t~Fleur.)r A~I3unn L~Hodglns. S~ .,J/L<»l\.Iorris A*Higgins 'N eSum:rners ,J .Peters Hydro Jl11ec tri. c .~'>. <llBunn I.lwHodgins S "J\D: ~Jio rr is A~Higgins ~r! -aSurnmers ... TIll-Peters II II II II II " BoLe- 15.40 17.50 l. 3 ~ 00 20.00 20.00 15. ~,o 25.00 Vc.tervrorks 6 9-30 25~00 17.50 13.00 20.00 20.00 15.40 1~ 1¥LQ Carr~ II It II 11 POYICr IJ .L .... Corp • It II " II for /''"nr_';v.::3 t 2777 ~59 25 .. 00 17.50 13.00. ~;o .oo 20a-OO 15.40. Ca.rried I / . ./ Page 2, (Oct.5/42) COOK,HO.:'lLAlfD. Th<:ct the following a.ccounts be p<J,j_d, that the li\ayor issue orclers on. the ~Cree,surer for the ss.me, ancl the.t the fJ ec:.J. of the Oo:r.11ore~tJon be a.tt&~ched hereto lj ViATEHY/OHKS" :Be1l Phone Co e ~::.-1~ JL] 0 J..u.one i't~-;::... 3~t80 ~~ .,K ~l!'ic e Wire &c. 9 eo 12 Our.:;h& Son Pipe o 70 Carried JYii3:trH;I~?Ho-v;T.J:J:.mo ~ehe.t the fo11ov{ing accounts be ])2.id, tha.t the lTayor issue ord.erA on the ~Prea~.:;u:cer fo:r the s2-111e, 2.nd t}.1.s.t the seal of the Corroration be attached hBreto. P.::GLIEFe l.Iedi cc;>.,l fi..s Bn ~ B'..rs., ~Pre. vis s JEs t2. te 3 ~~fJ ~D2.v i fJ General Store Johns Grocetoria Do:minion f:3tores F .,1:/ aTea.scle..le J\urora. L'Iea t Hc.1·ket C ous :fn:::; D2.lry Williams on Brose 3 X .50 l:i.en t " Food " " " JVlea t Jii J.k Fuel 1.50 7,50 !\.00 7 0 65 3.65 2.65 2~97 :;..12 1~32 4e80 Carried. Lilr'rOJ:J ,FISHER~ That the follo-wtne: accounts lJ e pe,id:; that the lTayo:r is sue ord.er::-:1 on the TreBJ3urer for th-e scJne, e,nd that the seal of t.he Corporation be attached hereto. ~B~I,EC ']_,:RIC I1IGHT a :Bell Phone Co. Ough & Son Ce.n ~Lac o IJC .. :ul~_Js 11 " Pl)_o:r.e }2/.:0 Bushtn13s &c$ 11n1"bs " " 2.50 LJ~ ~ 75 47.98 9&33 23~99 Cal~riedo IJIJJTON",RO"JI~A.ND, 'J~J.12.t the accounts of the Yo:::-k Oo1.u1_ty Eos:Qi:"'cc.1 -be returned to the County Of:fice) e,s this Counc11 does :not consider any o~f the· Patients B:.s Indigents. Carried. I~IlYEONsFISEERo That the acconntz of t.he H~rcl:r.o-Electric :Pc·,_r.rer Cor:lrr .. is::d.on :for rental of Pole Atte"chments for the yee.r ending Octobel' 31/Ao2 5 1Je paid, that the 1vi&yor lss1.J..e orders on the Tret:unu:-·er for tlY~ se;ne~ and that the seal of the Corporation be attached heretoG Hydro Electric " 75.50 126.25 C:a.rried. 1\H...:LI~OY,SPAHKS" That the foJ..J..0\7i.np; e.ccollnt be paids that the J..Ta=ror :Lssue e~n ord_er on the T:reB_surer for the snme~ and thcvt the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. Cocn1ty of York Lcvjr for the Year 19·12 6483.70 Ca:cried LI1\f~P01:r 7 FISHERa Tl1:c\t the foJ.lo-nine: account be paid., tl1at the 1Iyor in~)Ue orders on the Treasurer for the same~ _e,nd that the seal of the_ Corporati.on be attached hereto,., Dr0G~WoVTillieJns ~ treatment of Indj~~ent P2.ticnts 132"00 Carried~ cnJU~roi<r,Y!lJ..LOYo T~hat tb.e Clerk, ~.7tt.l·l the D.ssistance of the ClJ.s,irm.:.\n o:f the DepGtrt:ro.ents affected, clra1v n~p a -riork end SUlJ:Plies che.rt, for thO usc of the Forel'2!lln of t.he d.i.f:ferent Departments, a.s 2. cl.aily recorc1 report. Ca.r'riecl .• Report of tbe Prorerty Committeel!l Renting of 1Tocr.:.anics Hall to JPi:remen,. Tl~.c.t the J\!Jcchanics Hall be rented to the Firem.an for the s1un of ~~3 mOO per night 5 to start October l?th& That a fence be erected. on East Side of H2.ll to block entrance to side lane. ~rhat re}_)Bj.rs be made to shut off toilet from lo-:.ver basement-t~ rrhe:y· l'J.ave agreed to have a SlJeci~).1 CorJstable to l?.:eep order during each night the Hall is uSed~ Stgn8d Jil .. I .. "Rowle,nd ~ R .Lin tun;~ A. ~l\f "Fishel"" 1\l.A.IJ:.OY,OOOK$ Tho.t tb.e report of the Property Co:::t:r<J.i ttec be_ adOJ:,Jtedj> t.he.t the soc-1.1 of the Corporgtion be attc::,,ch.ed hereto (f Ca,l"l"'ied. ·J'''',T;T.Q~I' GTT1\T 1PQj\T 1 i~h,.,+-""'·hp f.11J"'r"O-,...., 1T1Ct"'"i1 rp-r,lQk -~)n c-J'"'1'"..-.ir.c,--1 ·f'nnd0"l"c< lJ-::. c-<·f-~0.:,~11tnnod ,l.h.~""'"-'-;;'-:l> L· ___ ,_ .• a ··-··-o·'-' v~.·--· _._ __ ...... ·.r.·, -·•-· -~,___,._._ , ._. '·'.i:'--'"'-',..' .._.v .. 9 ........ "' .......... ,_, ·~'-' •-::> ,,...,<,;e,,.L,.:;, ... '-'-~'-' ., and the CQ,l.) door De lettered 11 Tovm of .Auror8 .. n e :T.'J::..D,t tJ":..2 ~,-ror}: De clone Dy ·p..-.·;J·ifi \:f-i111"~r]C! ,...I • .-, nr-,c:•-1-Qf' .~~011 ('!() +1'"1<:>'!· thP 00'"'1 nf' -.'-he. f!fl!"~'"'Q""'~~+-in]' '08· .~fc..,· --· '''"'----;--c:.t! ..... J c . .-~.V c· . .._.,.,,,.) v ~ ·);:...,'.;;'i'\..-''-· :!J ,J-.:.<~·.v ·~'-'""" o,l,_,..,;.,,..,_, ,,__ V.d.;.., -..1-·-;:' J.o.'-'-'--\~! .. o_, tt.e.chec1 heretO.. CB,l"riecl ~ n:::.··lo-,...t c•·f s ~~ ...... _~· ,\, w_ <, '-87iC.Y. l)i s·nosn] '-"-· .-__ , -~·· '--'·-:(! ". _·:~ .. (/. -..__ ,,::;·;:::-: P2.c·e 3(0cte5/42) A resolution passed e.t the lnst regu.lar meeting of CounctJ. to obtaln t~--~e se:r.Yice of Engineer \7QP, .:Hed.fern concernjJ1e; the sevier connection from t.be mB.nll.ole o.t the corner of E~~v.rard Dt,. and Connanght .Ave.~ to the AtJ.roro. T~ngineer:i.n~ Co'~-As yet "'i!'le have onl.y his verbe.l report as folJ.ows;- Tl-'.E,t a suitoJ>1e connection of sn glazed. tile o.t an estj_meted cost of ~)2a00 lJer foot vrill-give suitable service to the .Auro~CE\ Engineer:lng Co e Signed by C lo}Ji .. <~~l\falloy, A."'.l\.10Cook, R0Linton~» liJruHed.fern e .. J.so advised the follo-:.vine; che.nge to be m.e,de o.t the COI'ne:r of V <~to~J·, 0 7·'1-osl~v ''tl"c~t~ tJon·'· ·'he 9" tl·]~ '"d 8 11 ~ile "'Jh"~lo t"'·os the ..._,_,__, J .•• C·.• C.O: .<'! o-<:::._; 0--'-'-"'-' •.), .. .:...O,i.J f.J.... ' -'~~l' a,_,.~. t,, __ , 1 •• ~~-J_._. __ ,. ~,.t\..._,,,, . surface water into the ractnho1e, be tl)_rned j_nto the storm sevrer, and thus prevent the floodins of basements during hee;vy raino '"Ll->l"o '7n··1r '0 ,~ alr~ d•r "oeon d011C q·'-" co~~ of ~'27 JO for• "la'-e-~J·nl 0 · "'A" P.Q fo· . ---· •. 1 1. ¥•~-~-" L'.c;.,>:J V>~-•• <:::8. ·J ~· . .:;"G ,;,;<, >-1 l.o • <;/ S. · .d ~ u ~-.(;.;_ CS ·1r·~v 11>,__) r labor<~~ Sizned by Cef...alVLalloy, A~A.Cook:J R~Linton~t lfiSHI~R,LIHT01I ~ Tho. t the re~port be received and a.dol1teclli'-Carried~ ROW:C,Al'ID,SPAHKS. Tlc.at the roof on the Hechantcs Hall be re-shtngled Yitth 1er..-..oo., cohi n'rl e-0 nnd t1"~ + t11e +e:nde~ of 'F.i:>l i~r...,.,_ T)ll]l.Ili:no· bo 8r>contorl fOf' C'.-:,1'YIC . '.v ."'--'-·-· G·--,.__,:; o.-. ~ ----~~ .. v ~-v ..l. • ,,.._.,_-';;?;__ ~-.. ··A·-·;J.;-> "/.c''-' ''-'-'; .._.,. _ ~-~Jc.·,·-~.1.'-·11-. Slc.inc;J.es to be laid 4 ~-" to the weather., tt~n 1 t1~"( -(rle St~L v,< 1 HE Cottrote¢(f.:;t-~'f:tJ C o.rr i ecJ., GUJTTOH,HJ'J.,I.{)Y ~ That the 1-lD.yor De authorized to :flurchase 2.n ove~coG.l for Co:nste,ble Gonlcli.ng, a.nd. the seal of the Gor:rorEJ.tion be attached hereto.C2.rriiled.. SI)AHK:S,LI}T~:oJ:JQ That 2. letter of.' S'~TT:1.n8,th-.r ~IJe vrritten to Assessof' Yl*F~T2.vloY• . ._, -... . -~-. --. . ._; ~. ... Cal~ricd. ]ifeettne; aclj ournecl at 11.30 on motion o:f T"inton & Rowland. l'To.:;ror (I