MINUTES - Council - 19420908• (. / f"\ 1942. The FOURTEENTH meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday Evenine;, September 8th., at 8 o'clock. ll[ayor Underhill occupied the Chair, and the following Members were present;-Reeve C .A.]Ialloy, Deputy Reeve C .E .Sparks, and Councillors A .:H .Fisher, F .Rowle.nd, A .A.Cool<, and Dr .Gunton •. Cook,Rowland. 'l'hh.t the minutes of t;he thirteenth meeting be adopted <J,s pres en ted. The request of 1\ir.W.Powell to hav'e a tree cut in front of his Harrison st. property, was referred to the proper Committee on motion of liialloy & F1hsher. Correspondence from the Hydro Power Coxrm1ission in regard to extra :power was ordered to be filed, on motion of Spa-rks & Cook. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the foll.owing accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Taylor & Son II Mi nga.y S ervi c e Aurora Buildine; Co. J'.A.Mitchell Jlli:G!Graha.m J'.E.Buchanan Ough & Sen II Davis Garage Can·.Carborundum Attridge & Son Hart & Co. B .G • Whi tele},V O.D.Ress Grand & Toy J'.Goulding F.Dunham County of York Phone fi65 #135 #305 #314 Gas &c. " It Tile, Cement &c. Paint &c. Cut-tine; weeds Gravel &c. Batteries Oil &c. Gas. F:j.lter Plates Lumber Ledger Sheets Flags &c. Towels &c. Ledger Sheets Use of car Trips Hospi taliza. ticn 5.40 2.60 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.32 8.40 29.05 16.80 19.20 11.25 .45 13.08 1.98 73.47 11.21 9.09 4.65 1.58 2.56 4.00 13 .oo ' 21.00 Carried. SP.ARKS,FisH.er. That the a.ction of the Mayor in issuj.ne; orders on the Treasu:rer for the payment ·of the following sums be, and the aa:me is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Aug.s L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 15 20 22 S.M.Morris " 13.00 A.Higgins 11 20.00 w.summers J'.Peters L.FleUX"J Pos t:mas ter A.Bunn " L.Hodgins s.M.Morris A .F.J.ggins w.sunmers J'.Peters lPostma.s ter L.Hodgins S .M.I\[orris AoHiggins W .smu:mers J'.Peters tl II Wat.ervrorks Postage E .L. E.L. II Corp. It " " II Postage Corp. Corp. " " II II 20.00 12.60 8.05 16.00 25.00 25.00 17.50 13.00 20 .oo 20.00 16 .6_3 9.00 17.50 13.00 20.00 20.00 15.40 '!> I ~' ~"·--'---~·~-.:.......:.__,.;_.,.,.,;, ..... .,.:.:2i'----·---~---· · ·::;:: :.•· .~~;.,~..,.... -· ;~~---ls-d ·*-'-~;s:··· ~~.;;:-::_ :~.,~~-~""-+--'""'~"""" ' ····\__/· ( ... "'---. ··.-~ 25 22 29 2 (SeiJ.8/42) A.:Sunn Hydro Electric L.Fleur-y- L.Hodgins E "L. Power for July Waterworks· Corp. 25.00 2773.55 7.70 17.50 S .M.I1forris " 13 .oo A.H:ii.ggins n 20.00 W .sununers " 20 .oo J .Peters " 15. 40 A.:Sunn E.L. 25.00 Carried. COOK,ROWLAliiD. That the following accounts be paid, that the lfuyor issue ord.ers on the Treasurer for the same, e.nd that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS • Bell Phone Co. Aurora Building Co. Used Toilet Outfit Phone #12 3.80 Roof Coating &c. 10.02 8.00 Carried FISHER,R0\\1LAN.D. That the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Trea.surer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. 3 x .50 1.50 Jlrrs.Traviss Estate Rent 7.50 B.F.Davis " 4.00 F.D.Lacey Food 7.30 Johnts Groceteria " 4.65 Dominion Stores " 4.65 F.W.Teasdale " 5.69 F.Morris I\Ieat 2.48 W .J .Merchant " 1.92 Aurore. Dairy Milk 1.98 Cousins Dairy 11 .66 Ce.rried SP.i',RKS,Rowland. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, ana. that the s ee.l of the Corporation be attached'hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 2.50 Can.Laco Lamps Bulb.s 39.98 Carried. The account for expenses incurred by Capt.S.Patriclc, and Lie'lllt J.:Srowning, attending Fire Chiefts Comrention, was ordered paid on motion of Coole & Sparks. ]ilfr.H .D .McPherson, JPresident of the Aurora. Engineering Co., e.ttended Council, re~uesting that the sewer be extended to his factory. S:FARKS,ROWLAN.D. That the Clerk be instructed to have the Town's Engineer, Mr.Redfern, attend a meetine; of the Streets Committee, to look into the matter of furnishine; sewer connection for the Aurora. Ene;ineering Works, and report at next meeting of Council. Carried. GUNTON 0!0:.1\.LLOY. 'fhat the Fire Agreement with the Township of King be terminated, and that the Clerk of the Corporation of the TQ>vm of Aurora. notify the Corporation of the Tovmship of King e.ccordingly. That such termLnation become effective October 15th.l942. That the Clerk return the cheCJ.ue of the Township of King. TD..a t if the Township of King wish •' the Town of Aurora to continue Fire protection to the Township of King then a. new agreement must be ms.de prior to October l5th.l942. That the seal of the Corporation be a.tta.ched. hereto. Carried. I\li:eeting adjourned e.t 11.05 on motion of Gunton & Rowland. • Mayor.