MINUTES - Council - 19421102) ;r_ 19.'[2. The SIXT~~:c~HTH meeting of the CottnciJ Vl&S held_ in the Councj.l 0he"n1Jers on l,Ioncla.y, Hovember 2nds 1942~ at 8 }J .. JL~, vJj_th lTe.yor Underhill in tb.e Chair, 2.11d the follo\viD(3: J\IP..:c:ber~; r_}re~ent~-Heeve CQA .. T.'~-Zl.lloy, De:puty-Heeve Qoti:iQSJ.?a.rh:s~ Counci1J_ors L_inton,. Rov:rJ.and, & Cook<} Tl).e l'J:linutes gf the :?revious meet.~ng vrere read a.nd u.cl0}lted on ~motion of J(8.J }_oy /"!::. 3:Jc,rks a OorreslJOn(J.ence fE7om the .'3olj_ci tor; 1~ eO .,I1ee s re Tc:.nnery Creek a wa.s referred to the J?inance Connnittee fer ·t11eir considere.tion o.nd recomraenda.tione ~i.,r"e communica.tion frum the J..I:tnir-3ter of 1-fee.lth I.Vo.s order8d filed on ~' f (.< 1 --(•, "".f ., ] :tnO t,.LOn 0 upa_r.lC"S (>:.. l·.··-3.-'---0JTt.~ SPJ:.H .. T(~::;:;IjiHTON~ Tha,t_ .tl'!.e foJ .. 1ou:i.ns v.ccou:nts be ~~aiel, tha:t: the Hayor j_s,sue o~Cl.er~ on ttt.e; Treasurer for t11e sc.me;1 c.~d that the se01 of the Cor~oore. tion be atta~hed hereto~ · C 0HPOH!~~~I 0]\T ~ J3el1 Pl."}one Col} Ta:./lOE 8s Son tT., ;3 ,. :-3 t. eel __ Corp o -;} ..,}{ </j8}_)I'fl.f3:Z Ouch &. ~3on " " }~ O}c o~:Iing2.y }TcJ~thern ~Ji;lectrio D <~\'·/iJ1 i.o.ms 13 "J:!~ .. Davj_ s :--:; ~TI eare }).?.nr\ e.r ·]?res s J:L, .T .,I.~ov_ell P"; 0 o ('t Sundry J?rcisht 8·.: ,J .GouJ.d inz ] 1 ... DunheJn J?r.o:n e /,/:65 " i/1.35 :1~l:'7 ... nr:., i/ '---•V'--- //314: Ch2.2:·E:~e Be.t.tery l5e1ts ~J~ruck Brush Jl 1orks re1Ja.irs 8~c e. &c~ GJ .. £1.S :3 t';C il CJ 2 .. :c t 2/2: e f.~c »> \-Itre (J?j.:re De-ot"') J12.iirt.i:ng ~Cru-CJ:­ ~Joc:.l ( T <lE;::,J.l) ~81Jd sreaker use :PI·:i.ni:tn~: 8~.c e Pff ice Surir!) }~?=;Jress Use of ' \' C .....,~,-. I J ~~o.J. OF ts ide, ~Crips &cs 6.77 ~~ (> 3'7 3.08 2.50 1.70 1·1.64 16.60 ~.70 s. 35 2._94 :2 ... oo· 35. 9 J. 24.00 31,00 5.00 70 ey 2J\ .s~~ 4~0 9.86 6~00 11.00 C6unt;y of York :r.Tos:Qito.liz_ation 13"12 Ce.::crleds- SP .. t~:S.KSSJRO\';Tj!i.I{D!! Tll_2.t. the cr.cti.o?J of t:r"e }_;_~:::~.y·or j_n tssu.ing orders o:n t1J,e T -,....p~--'\J.r~J· for t 1"'0 ·n~-rr1e11"· o""'-"' i-l.,P x~ollorrl·J:JC? ~ur1~ "oe ~no" t 1"e ~~mel·~ _,'--?C-• .. 0_ .. ~---:. J.-i.'-· .:.-·c.,,_'_!!_-: .•. l> .• L -:-·-'--=-__,_ ..... ,"-·t.~ '·" ...•• l ""'"~c ... ~-'-" '---'6,....1 ;:;] herehy confirmed:; and that !~he se8.1 of the Cor~~Jor2.tion lJe> 2.~tahed t'hereto~ Oct. 3 L.Hodgins Corp~ 1?~50 5 7 10 1'7 ?~ -0 2!1, 31 SehlaMorriR 11 13&00 :"\),;.·Higgins 11 .?.0 <aoo '"\Io-Summers 11 20~00 J.Peters 11 15.40 J~ _,~L ~ A.-J3unn Postma.s ter, S ta.mps 11 It L .. Hodgins S 'l>}T. ~}'fo rrj __ s AO>Hizc;ins \Y ~Sunrrners J.Peters h ... I3unn I..~ *']1 leur:y I~ .. Hod~-~ ins S .J:I <1>1-,'Lo rr is ..'\ . .,H_i[;[jil1S \I <?-Slu-:nners J .. Peters ' ~, A~.DHl111 Hydro :i~Jectrj_c L$Tiodgins ::) ~T.-~:(ll:T.orri s A~Hiccins ~:l ~3wnrn.ers J r·P .. eters i\ ,I3unn Ij "'l:?leury L O}Hod.g.ins S ~lJ ,JXorri ~\ 11 Cor:p., II II II II 11 }~ .,I_, ~ 'J8,-'cerworks Corp$ II II II II l:il ~I.: "' Pouer for Se~t~ Corp~ II II II II :r; -:oi.\ & ~de~ t err1orl(s Cory>. " 85.00 17.00 8.00 17.50 l3.oe 20 ,OQ_ 20.00 l5,L10 25 .oo 9.65 17.50 13.00 20.00 20c00 15.40 ~?,:.s ~~oo 28,'32 a99 17.50 13.00 20.00 2?.0c00 15 ./!.0 25.00 10.65 17.50 13.00 ___,._~-~.o.;=·:-- ;-..:...--.----••........_·._.~-~~A.....,.~'ci-.&.,..,.,;~ ... o;,.:~_.,;~.•~o>.-.~.....-.... •• --:..~-· -···-·-· _:..:..:._,.•.;.,,..:,.:.<~~ .... ~~~;.;a.~;.;,..,.,.~"~·-•,;_,:~..:..!..i'-~-.....'.,__C;~-· ·._.•_• ___ . ---...-~--·~·:..-.;;,;;;.i..,~·,;.~~-< . .._:.-'..<.~...;_,.....__._;..:.....:.. __ , __ . ___ ~·. '"l r- \ / -.. .__,. ''• ( '\ .!\. ~lfic;sini:\ -~1 Et.Surm-~1ers .J ;J0 et ers ') (10d')J ..... \ ~ -'-'" c o:c·lJ e 11 II 20.00 20a00 16.40 A;f?nnn Jn,Ia 25 (}00 Cca·riedo RU::·.CL;'~l'fJJ,I.,I~N1".1 0~T; rrhs.t the ?-ccount of ",_h:.l t.er Dunning, for t1~e S}'lj_ns1i:l)g of t,l~.-~ ... J:.fecho.nic;;; .Hall C::?4199c72) be p2.id_, 'tb_e.,t the E:::-:.~,..-or i~l:::ue P.:n ord.e:r on. tb.e _1~reasurer .for the s2.me~ :;,ncl th.?,t the se<?.l o~ the Cor2_)oration be c .. tte.cl!.ecl thereto~ CaJ:·riedt< CQO~C:>HO;._:/T.:\}T:D~ 1Ih::.t the fo1lo1_;:rj_n: o.cco-;_.rnts be fl~,i.d, Q~r,clers_. 0.11 __ the 1.'l!rec.su:"e::e· fo~r: the ssme, e.n~ t1'2.2.·~ t~he be attached hereto. \f..:\.TE:R.1HOPJ\5" BelJ. Phone Co e ~t?ho:ne ;(·':12 }I:I~::~JC T.F~I C LIGHrrw J3 .. F-.. D~.:-.:vj_s T.Irs .. T~ra.v~s s J!i~3 tate R 0F <I Davis Ylood !.], :;.:: &50 Hent 11 l~oo d. " " th8.t the 02." j:ssue seal of the Corporation 3.80 3.50 1.50 Carried, 2.00 7.50 4.00 4.65 John~ r3Groc.eteJ:'i8, G ~Jf ~Grinyer Domirri..on f.-3tores F ~~() ~I.J2.cey 11 " (2 mos.) 4.,80 4 .. 65 0"65 5.69 1.65 '·· i l]' ( 0 )'no~) J.\·'l--~· \. • •··' . Ll. i:l 11 1!199 Ct:u·ried. Ji1 <(. ·J .. S~ee,s d8.le .A.1.lr.O:ca D2.j.ry Co us ins ,D8,iry ~:>P;'~-.3K3 ,J'.:J:J:.T7LCY" r_Ph8,t the E\ccount of J..~c~rn~?. ~~J~1).8.lf of .. the CorJ.Joratj_on, l).e J.:)aid;" ti:l2.-'c the 1.1 ~ceas.urer fc r the 82XD.e, e.ncl th2, t the e.. ttachecl hereto l< C~Lee$ ~or disbursesent$ on the 1-:f~\fOJ::' is sue eJ1 o:;_ .. der on sea.J.. of the Cor}JOl~e.ti.on be Carried,) ':'·.T'!ired "l)v P T.int,..··n <::o11il secn·Jilt::~d 1>"~r !• '~ ('!r-.nl'", t]'l:.:'l+ the Ch"~ft "'~· l''P.f'.."ld t0 ·'·•"-' '-·" •· v --'-"''"-'·" -'V" ... --•-~...-.l -~-v .• ',)' -'·""··~'"'.....,vc..·.-..7 J ----~"' .-.• ., __ , .~ c;:. ..... , -·-~.. _, OounctJ fer. Jf:i.re 1Jrotectton for the Tr;1,msh::i.2_"HJOf Ktns 2-nd ·rm_i tcl·2.nrch 9 •.7i. th a fevJ m5.nor co~.c'rections e..s s1.:.s-:~ested:1 be submi ttecl to the To-rrnshilJS foi' thej_r 2.l.JlJroveJ_" Carried., SJ?/:.2:U(S ,110\.'/LAlfl)~ T~1a t the J\.ss essment HoJ..l })res en ted. to CounctJ hy Assessor "•;"l ... H.,':PayJ..or, be recei Yed~ rhe.t the Court of B.evtsion to constd.er 8"lli)eals De b.eld :Novem.ber 9th{'e,t At)OO }J"J.L.snncl comllosed of the follov.rin.s~- JTo.:~or, Ree'"'ve, Depl.Tt~)"-Reeve:) Counc:i.llorB I.dnton & Cookg CC'.l':riecl~ C:!COl:,~~\.'L:\TI)OY~Tha.t the \'!?.te!:'V!orJ·:s c.mnt:littee be autr..orized to obtain ease- rnents for addition8,l 12.11d for d.ri.1ling wells"' Cz·.rrieda- J'·.·TSctins ·8.dj OlE"'Dec'l.. ~·\t JJ. elO on motion of Hc\V12J"Jd r.r::.~ Cool_~~ ' Tf~c).yor., I