MINUTES - Council - 19420804'• J / 1942 SPARKS,I,D,TTON. That the orders on the Treasurer be attached hereto. CORJ?ORATION. Bell Phone Co. " ,, " J .E .Bucll:anan M.Graham Attridge & Ough & Son Son " B.F.Davis Vf .H .Spragg A • .J .Annan Collis Leather Fyr-:E'JtEir Co. .J .F .Willis R.L.Boag Star Office Specialty Municipal World " Phone 1t65 " #135 #305 #314 Gravel &c. Weed Cutting Lumber &c • Glass &c. &c. Belt dressing Cement &c. Barrow & repairs Repairing fence Cinders Fetch coat First aid List of sales Sta:ples: 6.63 2.60 2.50 2.50 85.63 1.6 .oo 46.64 2.94 .65 120.40 26.40 6.60 1.oo 11.50 2.95 2.10 1.50 Assessment sup:p:i-'.•:30.10 Statutes 2•00 Casual_ty Co. Bond, W.Large 20.00 Sundry Freight & Express 6.00 .J.Goulding Use of car s.oo F.Dunham Trips 11.60 County of York Hospitalization 75.25 Stoutts Garage Gas.&c. 25.78 (23.78) P.M.Thompson Anibulance(Brown) s.oo Carried. SPAPJ(S,ROWLAND. That the action of' the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the pa;yment of' t.he following sttms be,. and the same is hereby conf'irmwd, and that t.he seal of' the Corporation be attached thereto • .July 4 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 A.Higgins " 20 .oo W .Summers '' 20.00 s .M.Ivrorris 11 13 .oo .J .Peters 11 15 .4.0 A.Bunn E.L. 25.00 6 Postmaster Stamps, Waterworksl6.00 9 " 11 corp. 16 .oo 11 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 18 S.M.]l[orris " 13.00 A.Higgins 11 20 .oo W .summers 11 20 .oo J .Peters 1 A.Bunn L.Fleucy A.Bunn Hydro Elec.tric L.Hodgim: S.M.Mcrris AoHiggins w .summers: .r.Peters: II E.L. Wa,tervmrks E.L. Power for June Corp. " 11 " " 16.10 25.00 4.20 25.00 2712.99 17.50 13.00 20.00 20.00 16.45 '! ·-:':·~ 2. 25 L.Hodgins Corp. 17 e50 S .Ivi.lliiorris tl 13•00 A.Higgins IJ 20.00 W .swmners ll 20<00 l!'.JPeters II 16<10 A.Bunn E.L. 25 .oo L.Fleury Waterworks 8·40 3:1. A.Bunn E.L •. 25.00 L~Hodgins Corp. 17 •50 S .Jlii.Morris " 13•00 ! .It I - ~ ) A.Higgins 20.00 W .Sulll!llers It. 20 .oo J .:Peters II 15.40 Carried. COOKtROWLAl'ID· That the· following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and t:h.at the seal of the Corpore.tion be attached hereto. ! I ' WATERWORKS. Bell Phone Co. Hankin & Co. Sundry Express Grand & Toy Phone ~Ll2 Iill:eters & Freight Cash Boo}c 3.80 . 64.00 3. 25 7 .oo Carried. I,INTOl'f,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, tha. t the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corpori;l;."tion be attached hereto. RELIEF, Medical Assn. Wtrs.Traviss Estate B.F.Davis Town of Aurora General Store Dominion Stores Johns Groceteria G .F .Gri nyer F.W.Teasdale 4 X o50 Rent 11 Electric Light Food It " " ,, 2.00 7.50 4.00 .81 4.65 3.65 4.;65 4.80 5.69 Carried. LHTTOJ!T,SPARKS. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue· orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHTo Bell Phone Co. Phone //240 2.50 T.K.Fioe Repairs 5.40 7 Sumdry Express & Freight .75 BelJ. Phone Co. Use of Poles 9.90 Carried. Correspondence was read from Miss Eva!!! Lemon, and Mrs.H.E.Prootor, complaining of the flooding of the.ir cellars from the Sewage System. Correspondence was referred to the Streets Colll!llittee on motion of Gunton & Linton. ]!IALLOY ,SPs.rks. That the correspondence from the County Office re aj!lpeal of the Town of New Toronto against the eq_us.lj_zation of assessment by the County of York, be filed. Carried. 1 1 ]Jfr,Hugh Bowman appea.red before Council protesting against the sign placed in ~~€/4ft~.[ ~tli/EA-front of hj_s home directilimg traffic to the Aurora Engineering Co. · I .....-p._ recorded vote was s.sked for by Dr .Gun ton, the vote as recorded was;- 1\lfayor l!Tay, Reeve Malloy Yea, Deputy Reeve Sp3.rks Nay, R.Linton 1\fay, Dr.Gunton Nay, F.Rowland Nay, A.A.Cook Yea. The Clerk announced the result and declared the motion defeated. The Council resolved into a Committee of the iVhole for further discussion on the matter of the Aurora Engineering Co.Signs, Dr.Gunton j_n the Chair. The Committee arose and reported no progress. GUNTON,H.OY/LAND. That the lot referred to i'n the letter from Frank !.James, be offered t,o Mr.Jam.es for t.he sum of $125.00, payable ~f25.00 on acceptance, and the balance payable in three months from this date, on condition that a residence be erected on the property, valued at $3000 .oo to ~~5000 .oo within one year from fuis date. On failure to comply with these terras s.ll monies paicl shall be forfeited to the Town. Carried. 3. ~:l_i; MALLOY,COOK. Be it resolved that, in view of IvJ:r.Hugh Bowman having ~ / unlawlltullyo removed a direction sign of the Aurore, Engineering Co. Ltd. 0 from the Sou:f:Jh.-West corner of Metcalf and Vl13lls Streets, although said sign had been authorized by this Council too be placed there, every :;;: " '0 ,':': \ co-operation be given the Aurora Engineering Co.Ltd. in any proper ~ \action that Company may see fit to lodge against the said Hugh Bowman to have the said sign replaced from where it was removed. GUNTON,LDTTON. That the Town Solicit&r be instructed to draw up a tentative agreement for fire protection. That the Clerk be instructed to make an appointment with King Council to present such an agreement. Carried. ]IIeeting adjourned at 12 .oo P.M. , ~·· ~ .,..Lc't/ ; .. . . ll!Iayor.