MINUTES - Council - 19420706( ---' "-.. .. 1942· The ELEVENTH: meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chambers on Monday Evening, July 6th. 1942, with Mayor Underhill in the Chair, and all Members present. The minutes of the tenth meeting were read and adopted on motion of Linton and Sparks. The following accounts were passed. SPARKS,ROWLAND. That the following accounts be orders on -the ·Treasurer for the same, and that be a.tta.ched hereto. paid, that the Mayor issue the seal of the Corporation CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #65 #135 #305 #314 7.27 ---·. II u II M.Graham Miner Rubber Co • Ough & Son II Scraping & Cutting Weeds Jl'iremens Coats Broom &c •. Paint &c. Aurora Building Co. Coville Transport Stou tts Garage Filling, Gravel &c. l!'reight Towing Can .B i tumals. Co. F.R.Delahaye w.K.Spragg " Hankin & co. Davis & Son Taylor &.Son II Zurich Ins.co. J.Goulding F.Dunham County of' York Bi tLUnals (Pa.tching) Repairs Truck repa~rs(new) Repairs(Disposal). Sewer Tools Tile & Cement Gas & Oil For Fire Truck Truck Ins. Use of·Ca.r Outsid.e. Trips Hospitalization 2.98 2.50 2.50 37.60 15.90 13.41 22.33 155.23 .70 2.00 26>92 28.30 28.25 5.25 126.50 4.80 34.75 2.60 . 22.51 3o00 10.00 29.55 Carri the SPARKS,LINTON. That the action of the Mayor in issuing orders on Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. June 5 Postmaster Stamps, E.L. 16.00 ----.. ·.;·~.·~. 6 L.Kodgins Corp. 17>50 13 20 s.M.Morris 11 13.00 AoHiggins 11 20>00 w.su.mmers J .Peters A.Bunn J.Rowe L.Hodgins S.M.Morris A.Higgins w.summers J.Peters A.Bunn J.Rowe s.Edwa.rds L.Hodgins s.M:.M:orris A.Higgins W.SLUlllllers J.Peters II II E.L. Waterworks Corp. " II It II E.L. Waterworks II Corp. II II II II 20.00 15.40 25.00 3.00 17•50 13.00 20.00 20.00 15.40 25o00 3•00 2.80 17 <50 13.00 20oOO 20.00 18.2o. ~~~----~--·~~~..;,~.,_~,.,;-'""-~···..;~2,:Jl~;,;.-'--~~ ' ,_ .. ,-.-·-.-.-· ·~~ I \ 2. (.Tul.y 6th) A.:Sunn E.L. 25.00 Hydro E~illc:tric Power for May 269~.53 27 A.:S.unn. E.L. 25 .oo L~Hodgins Cor:pe 17.50 S~M.Morris II ~3.00 A~H:i,ggins n 20.00 W ~s=ers u 20.00 .r.Peters II 15.40 Carrie<). • ROWLAND,LINTON. That the account for painting Library Ceiling be :paid, and t..'le .. seal of the Corporation be attached hereto (Amount $27.95) June 27. Hy.Mos~eY Painting 27.95 Carried COOK,ROWLAND. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orderf! o.n the Treasurer for the same, and that the seil.l of the Corporation be attached hereto. WATERWORKS• Be~l Phone Co. ... .. . Ough & Son Canadian Bra.ss Co • II tt Phone #~2 Hooks &c. · Coupling Cutter &n. Couplings &c. Can.Westinghouse Re-winding &c. 3.80 1.25 le47 ~5.39 ~2.72 127el0 T~-lor & Son Oil 4e20 Carried. FISHER,ROWLAND• That the following .. accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Mrs.Traviss Estate B.F.Davia Town of Aurora. F.D.Lacey Dominion Stores Johns Groceteria F.W.Teasdale Genera~ Store G.F.Grinyer Knowles & Son Cou::rins Dairy n Stiver Bros. 4 X o50 Rent II E.L.& Water Food " II It I! II Meat Milk (May) 11 (June) FUel 2.00 7o50 4•00 1·81 4.65 3.00 4<65 5.37 4.65 9.60 2el6 .66 o66 2.00 Carried. LINTON~Sl'ARKSe Tlo:at the following accounts be :paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Bell Phone Co. Phone #240 2.50 Ferranti Electric Jewels &c. 7.21 Carried. Correspondence was read and ordered filed, from the following;- Collis Leather Co.(Dr~Berry) re waste disposal. Aurora Engineering Co. re water coolers. GUNTON,ROWLAND. That the question of the roof of the Mechanics Hall be referred back to the Property Committee d'or recommendations and estimates. Carried. ~~LOY~COOK. That the request of the Aurora Engineering Co.Ltd. to place their direction signs on the following streets;- Corner of Yonge & Church, -3' X 9t1 tt " Wells & Metcalf -2' X 9 tt 11 11 Wells & Connaught -2' X 9'1 be granted if received from the Pre~dent & General 1!ranager, at no cost to the Town of Aurora, and to confir.m~~e the By-law effecting the same. The work to be done under the supervision of the Town F 0 reman. Ca.rriedo ( ';.;.:;; 3. (July 6th.) GUNTON,COOK. That the report of Prof .MacLean to the Waterworks Co=i ttee be incorporated into the minutes of thts Council so that the information may be ~.vailable at all times. Carried. GUNTON,lliiALLOY. That the question of the Tannery affluent and it's disposal be left. with .the Mayor and Solicitor to make :prelimina;vy negotiations and obtain estimates and re:port .. baclc to Councll at it's next meeting. Carried. A l.etter was read from the Fyr-Fyter.Com:pany in connection with a demonstra- tion in Orillle,, and corres.pondence reqy:ested to be filed. SPARKS,LINTON. That the agreement re Fire Protection with the Township of King be .. terminated in one month from .date unless satisfactory arrangement be made :prior to that date, and the Clerk be, e.nd is hereby instructed to \ notify the Clerk of the Township to this effec . .t. Carried.- / ROVlLAND,FISHER. That Town Foreman be instructed to repair the wire fence at the Ten!lJ.is. Court,McMahon Park; and to :purchase the necessary material. Carried. COOK ,ROWLANJ). That the Vfaterworks Committee be authorized to :purchase three water meeters, l-l/4 11 , l/2 11 , l/411 , and that the seal of the Cor:poraU.on be attached hereto. -Carried. l.LINTON,FISHER. That a By-law be introduced to :purche,se from the Bell Telephone Co., .a, :pole on the North aide of Wellington St.-at George. Carried. The By~l!'l:W was then given it's several readings and :passed. SPARKS ,ROWLANJ) • That leave ge given to intriduce a By-law to authorize a Tax Sale. of .lands in arrears of taxes, and that the same be now read a first time. Carried. The By-law was tb:engi ven it's three readings and passed. Adjourment was moved by Fisher & Sparks at 11.50 P.M. ·l ~ Mayor. ---"A