MINUTES - Council - 19420601,----'1. . . . .__--'--·""""' ,, __ ,~ I , ~942. The TENTH: meeting of the arounoil was he~d in the Council Chambers on Monday,. Jwre ~st.,l942, at a.oo P.M., with Mayor Underhill in the Chair ~d all Members .present. The minutes of the eight and ninth meetings adopted on motion of Sparks & Cook. A request was read from A.La.ngman aakingl1that a young man be obtained who ~;:ould be trained to take __ oha.rge of the V[aterwo:eka Plant at any time when MroLangman was absent. . MALLOY,GUNTON. That the request of MroLangman be referred to the w.w.& E. LoCo:mmittE!ea, giving them power t.o make temporary arrangements,and report / at _the next m.E!eting of Council. _ _ C!!.I'ried. Malloy-Gunton. That Jas ,Peters be paid 40~-per hour.That the seal of tl:e ,Corporation be attached hereto, Amendment to above motion, Linton-Sparks, That g~~tF~t~~sthe rate of wages be set at 35~ per hour for Jas,Peters,and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. _ _ .--·· .... ... _ _ .. . _ _ Carried. Mrs.Erastus Harman attended the meeting and requested that the Baptist Cliriroh be allowed to use the Towl'l Park for their Sulillday School Picnia on June SOtho Moved by Deputy Reeve Sparks, seconded by Councillor Rowland, that the request be granted. Ce.rriedo SPARKS,LINTONo That the orders on the Treasurer be attaohed hereto. following accounts be paid, that the Ma¥or issue for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. Phone #32(P.l.ebescite) It #55 It #135 II #305 II #314 O.D.Hess First aid Taylor & Son F1ash.Batteries T.K.Fice Fuses &c. Gutta Perch& & Rubber,Hose Stiver Bros. ·-Fwe~ (Bal.5 meso) United Steel Corp. Belts Attridge & Son Eumber(Parks) O.:Srett Sharpen Saws_ Jupp Construation Co. Oiling Streets Steutts Garage · Start truck J .E.Buohanan Use of truck 11 Gravel - J.M.Walton Willis(Bond) J.Goulding Use of oar FoDullham Outside trips Coun~ of York Hospitalization Dept.of HeaJLth Insulin B.G.Whitelaw Office supplies M.Gruam Scraping Ougn & Son Shears &c. Banner Press . Tax Bills &co 4o95, l0o56 2.50 2.50 2~50 .89 o75 9.35 254.80 87.70 14.64 27.48 .. 2•15 546.88 hOO 7.49 56.65 20.00 5o00 25o60 39.50 lo2l 3.35 4.20 lo20 55.83 Carried. SPABKS,ROWLAND •. That the a.ction of the Mayor in issuing orders on the Treasurer for the payment of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. I l j ,j j ; :j 1 I i I May 2 L.Hodgins · Corp. 17.50 j' S.MoMorris n 13.00 , A.mJiggins n 20 .oo w .summera •• 20 .oo J .Peters II 13 o20 A.Bunn E oL • 24.00 9 It It 24.00 L.Hodgins Corp. 17.50 S.M.Morris n l3e00 A..Higgins " 20.00 w.summers ao II -oOO ''"' ,,_~.,..,...-.~-~,~.-----· -;,:-."':":·"," ·· ---,-,-~-.--,x-:·:·oc.-"'-"----:--.•-7,c;=·--.-.-_-,-,., --. · ( .• 5 6 16 23 2. J.l'eters Postmas:ter .. A..Bunn ~.Hodgins S~M.Morris A~Higgins W~Summers .T.Peters L :.:Eiodgins S d.Morris A;Higgins W~Stimnters JJ'eters A..Bunn Corp. 14.10 " stamps 12~00 E.L. II 16~00 It 24~00 Corp. 17~50 " 13~00 It 20~00 11 20~00 It 13;20 II l7 ~50 It 13~00 " 2o;oo ll 20;oo It 13eao E.L. 25.00 27 30 lfydro Elec:f:ric Power for April 2524e29 A..Bunn E ~:t.;. . ~.Hodgins Corpo' SJ!.Morris It A•Higgins It W •stil:nnliers It .T;.Peters ~ Postmaster It !ltamps COOK,ROWLAND. That the following accounts be paid, orders on the Treaaurer for the same, and that the be attached hereto.. · WATERWORKS. Bell F.hone Coo Shell 011. Co • E.C ;.ll[ingay Township of King B.anner Press Phone #12 Gas. Cartage. Taxes Cards &c. 25~00 l7eoo :t3•oo 20.00 2q;oo 10o80 12.00 Carried •. that the Mayor issue seal of the Corporation 3o80 15 eOO 2o20 7o84 47.41 Carried FrmrER,GUNTON'o That the following accounts be pa:iid, that the Mey'or issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. · · RELIEF. Medical Assn. 4 x .50 Mrs.Traviss Estate Rent B•F·Davis " Town of Aurora E.L. Aurara Dairy Milk F.W.Teasda.JLe Food Stiver Bros. Fuel General Store Food F.D.Lacey n Johns Groceteria.. " Dominion Stores " G.F.Grinyer " W.J.Merchant Meat F.Morris " / 2.00 7.50 4o00 o81 .99 2.37 9.60 10.99 7.30 3.00 3.65 12.00 le44 lo44 Carried LINTON',FISHER. That the following accounts be !PJiid, that the Mey'or issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT~ Bell Phone Co • Banner Press JEhone #240 F@rms &c. 2.50 105.48 Carried. Mr.Gordon French and RevoR.K.Perdue attended the meeting, and requested that the oJ.d Town Tru.ck be pla.-ed at the disposal of the Seout Committee for the co1lectisg of salvage. SPABKS,LINTON'o That the account rendered re the "~ebescite Office Expensestt be paid and that the seal of the Corporation be· attached thereto. Carried. Miss M.Andrews 3 ~s @ $3o00 9.00 Miss B .Charles· 2 days @ $3.00 6 .oo Rental of Office · 5.00 Gunton-Fiaher,That the account of Dr.Devina be referred to the Board of Health for consideration and investigation. -----~-;_··-· --------------- '"" "-:· .. ·:,,:·:r····:·, i ) ! I J ) -~\___j _,---. ! I _;}\__ / ~--/ "'~~~~:-. ·.".-';;:·:-::: --------::!· Amendment to above motion. Linton-Sparks, That the account of Dr.Devins,~e.Mrs.Dunham,for Medical services be referred back to the Doctor,.as this Council does not accept responsibility for same, Carried. The request of the Horticul.tural Society for use of the Court Room for an Irish SD.ow on June 6th. was granted on motion of Gunton & Linton. Rep~rt of Streets Committee. The annual inspection was made Ma;y". 13th, M.elilbers pr:esent Mayor, Reeye, Deputy Reeve, CouncillorJi{ A.N.Fisher, al.so Clerk and Town Foreman, and recommend as follo~;-.. 1. That. a new sidewa1k 150 1 x 5' be laid on North side of Wellington st. b•et1zeeri Larmont & .. Wells. New sidewalk 300 1 x 5 1 South side of Wellington st. between Larmont aiild Wells St. _ _ _ . . 2. That the following sidewalks be re-surfaced, 150 1 :x: 5'68 West side of Yo:oge St.opposite Stoutt's Garage. 136' :x: 4 1 West side of Yc:mge St.Bridge South to Frank Allenhr ._70 1 :x: 4' East side Yonge St. North of Maple Sto 27' :x: 3'9,.6n MaJ:k st •• 80 1 i: fit onYorige st.West side Frankcom.1 s to Bridge. z.."Raise and level several blocks of walk on East side of Victoria st. New crossing at J.T.Wilson's on Temperance St •• The St:eeet Committee . recommend 90 1 :x: 3!-' new walk be laid on the West side of EQ.ward st. North from Connaugh.t Ave._ _ 4. Your Committee further recommend that J.E.Buchanan be paid $1.25 per yard for gravel and sand to be delivered where and when needed, Signed, C •A~M.aJ.loy, R.LiDton, A.A.Cooko M:AIJ[.OY,COOK. That the report of the Streets Committee be adopted, and the seal of the Coorpora:tl.ion be attached hereto. Carried. Report of Property Committee. That the request of the Library Board be gran ted to have the 'iJalls of the Library repainted. The. work to be done br :Mr.Hodgins, at a cost of a.ppro:x:imatelj; for paint pf $10.00. Signed F.A.RowJiand, R.Limton, A.N.Fisher. LINTON,SPARKS• That the report of the Property Committee be adopted as read, and that t;he seal of the Corporation be attached thereto. Carried. SPARKS,FISHER. That the Clerk and Treasurer, on the Solicitor's advice, take al.l necessary action to prepare for a Tax SaJ.e of all properties, both improved and un-improved, against which there are any arrears of taxes for the year 1937, and or prior thereto, and report to next regular meeting of Council. Carried. GID.TTON,FISHER. Tlmat Council transfer the ol.d Town Truck to the Ss.l vage Committee for tb.:eir use, and that the National. Salvage assume responsibility for repais and upkeep. National Committee Carried. The Council resolwed i~to a Committee of the whole to discuss the Tannery Creek situation, and the disposal of the effluent. C.E.Sparks in the Chair. ~·r-re~er~ea·e~·semmi••ee-a~~e!ft•ea The Committee rose and reported as follows;-Moved by A.N.Fisher, seconded by Dr.Gunton, That the Town Solicitor procure an option on properties for Tannery ellfuent, and easeme~ts pertaining thereto, and report to the Committee in charge. Carried. On motion of R.Linton & c.E.Sparks,Ccmncil adjour~ed at. 12.20 A.M.. 4 ,.{dd·L.J./ ~Mayor.