MINUTES - Council - 19420504/ c··: r-.. '-'"--;~~~~,;, ·:·::.·. ·~---<-... '---~ " . .,,. _ ___, __ 1942. The EIGHTH. meeting of the Aurora Council was held on Momday Evening, ~111 If . ah 4th.,1942, at a.oo P.M. in the Council Cnambers. The Mayor occupied the Cha.i.r and all Members were present. SPARKs,LINTON. That the Motion re p~ent to Light Department for street Ligh.ting. be amended to read u that the seal of the Corporation be attached thereto•. With this correction the minutes were adopted as read. SPABKS,L!NTON'. Tb;at the orders on the Treasurer be-a.ttaohedhereto. following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue for the lilame, and that the seal of the Corporation CORPORATION. Bell Phone Co. II u II General store James, Praetor, J .E .:Buchanan Davis Garage C~Davies ()ugh & Son n It . Aurora Building V[.R.M:eQ.ua.de & Redfern Co. Phone #65 #135 #305 #314 Mrs .M .Dunham Serv.i,aes (].ravel Gasoline Glass & Labor Cleaner.&c. Batteries &c. Floor Oil &c. Sewer& Reps. Uniform lleps~ Fire Truck Reps .& :Lab or Giazing"&c. Gasoline n Offiee Supplies Coal & Coke Trips 6.51 3.90 2.50 2~50 41.25 50~00 32.20 25~99 25.60 1.80 1.50 4.15 665~95 69.75 9.10 24.15 8~13 1~65 5~87 2.25 0 .Delaha(y,;e FoOaulfield K•Forsyth P.:B.Milne J~C.Thomson B.G.Whitelaw Davis & Son F•Dunham J.Goulding Attridge· & Son County of York Use of Car Doors &c. Hospitalization 93~70 18~15 . 5.00 29.40 68.40 Carried~ " n COOK,GUNTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. · WATERWORKS • Bell Phone Co • Cah.Brass.co. n Town. of Aurora Phone #12 Bushings &c. Couplings Taxes 3.80 11.95 2.94 18.65 Ca.rried. FISHER,GUNTON. That the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. RELIEF. Medical Assn. Town of . Aurora Mrs.Traviss Estate B.F.Davis It Williamson Bras. Cousins D&iry Johns Grooeteria Dominion Stores F.D.Laoey G.F.Grinyer F.W.Teasdale 7 X el0 E.L. Rent n Coal " Milk Food n " " It 3~50 .81 7~50 4.00 4.80 9.60 .66 7.35 8e35 4.65 9.60 7.42 Carried. LINTON,SPARKs. Tha.t the following accounts be paid, that the Mayor issue orders on the Treasurer for the same, and that the seal of the Corporation be attached hereto. ELECTRIC LIGHT• Bell Phone Coe Ough & Son. Ferranti Electric It Phone #240 Sgiel.ds · &c. Rep.Meters Bushings &a. 2.50 .65 25.00 13.80 Carried. J l. r I a. Sl?ABKS,COOK. That the action of the ~or in issuing orders on the Treasurer :fli!~_,:l;J).e_p$YDLent of the following sums be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and. that the aeaJ. of the Corporation be atta.cihed thereto. · · April 4• L.Hodg:J,ns Corp. 17 ~50 Jl[.Robin<~on " 13~00 6.. 10. 11. 18. 2lo 24o 25. ,ot;H:iggina '! 2o~oo WoSlllllillers It 20 ~oo J~~eters ! 10~80 T~Qollett ~ 6oOO A~B.unn E.L. 24o00 ?o~ima.ster Waterworks, stamps 16 .oo __ -II Q_or:Po n 24~00 L.Rodgins n • 17~50 MoRObinson ~ 13.00 A~:Eriggins '! 20~00 w.;summers ~ 20•00 J~Peters ~ 13.20 A_j3unn E.L. 24.00 _il !1 -24.00 Loliodgins Corp. :1,7~50 AoHiggins 11 20•00 w•s~ers It 20•00 .t ~~eters .!' 13 .20 :Po;itma.ster '! stamps 5.00 ~dro Electric Power for March 2613.54 AoB.unn_ E•L• · 24.00 ::[:..Hodgins Corp. 17 •50 A.;Higgins 11 20~00 w.;summers ~ 20oOO .;J:-.;J;>eters '! 13.20 Carried. GUNTON,.FISHER. That the request of' lli!r.Bunn be referred to the Light Committee. __ , _ _ __, _ _ _ · _ Garr ied. llilr.Langma.n, the Water Engineer, attended the meeting to discuss the water situation. LINTON,Fisher. That the water Committee be authorized to employ the services of P~ofeasor MacLean of ~oronto University to consult with the Committee and l\ilr.Langman in _an. endea.vour to obtain additional sources _of wate~. Carried. ~~,GUNTON• Whereas the Clerk received petitions signed by 75% of the p~operty owners. _on Connaugh'!; Ave,and Ma.*k.Street, requesting that dust layer be applied.. Be it therefore re~olved that their request be granted, and that the . Clerk be instructed to aharge the property owners two cents per foot frontage to cover cost of same.. Carried • . GU:BTON,FISHER. That the letter of Mr.Armitage be referred to the Chief Magistrate for investigation, and that a report be made to Council at the earliest convenience. Carried. GUNTON,FISHER. That a Police Committee of Council be appointed to aid the ~or. Carried• Property Committee report. Repairs to Park Property. To repair Outbuilding and roof some lumber and ::rhingles are required, the cost to be around $30 .oo as requested by Mr.Goulding who will do the work. Signed, Rowland.,Fisher,Linton. LINTON,SPARKS. That the report of the Property Committee be adopted, and the seal of the. Corp,oration attached. Carried. GUNTON.SP.ARKS. Tlli!at the Property Committee be authorized to and arrange remuneration for same, and that the seal of the a.tt.a.ched hereto. engage a dog catcher Corporatiol:l be Carried. MALLOY.COOK. Whereas all Members of Council know that since the last regular meeting of Council, ~ employee of the Town, llfr.Melvin Robinson, has met with a very serious aaa:-iden.t, and is noV!' coilfined in, York County Hospital, N':ElW!lJa.rket. Therefore be it resolved that this Council extend to Melvin Robinson its sincere sympathy, and that he may have a. speedy and permanent .. recovery. That a copy of r------~---""-· .. ---~~~""-.. ~~~~;,:=-~"'-~~~-~·--.:..;~~~~~-j~Si.., --~# ... ·"-.""~~ -: ::.;·=:-:-: .. :__...,..:....:.~--~- ( ! l .. 3. this resolution be forward to Melvine MALLOY,GUNTON. That May litho be the date set on which also the Cl-l!lrk and Town Foreman, make an inspection of at the Town Hall at lo30 P.M. Carried. the Mayor amd Council, the Town, to meet , Carried. SPARKS ~LINTON. Tb.at leave be-given to introduce a By-law to strike the· rates - in_ the Town of Aurora for the year 1942, and that the same be read a firat t~e. · -Carried. Sl'A.RKS~GUNTON. That the By-law now before Council be read a second time, and t.ll?--t-~heCo1,1ncil be resolved into a Committee of the whole for that purpose. _ _ Ca.rried, LINTONr,SPARKS. That the By-law now before the Council be read a_ third time this day and that Rule 22. of By-law No .862 be s:uspended for that purpose l\ICALIDY,GUNTON. That the Town Foreman keep a record of rt;~ga.rding the work re sewer connections, and that the charged to sewage. _ Carried• time and material cost of the sa.me be Carried. GUNTON,LINTONo moved that the Council adjournat llo30 P.M. -~ ... J . -r? ·~ ~ -~-·_ ~-~---·--._-.---~-., ... - Mayor.